
Urban All-Powerful Immortal Doctor

A normal high school student saved a beautiful female CEO and, as a result, gained the memories of a transcendent being who crossed the tribulation. He became proficient in alchemy, refining, formations, and all kinds of knowledge. Wealth, treasures, and beautiful women came one after another! From then on, no one would ever despise him again, and no one would dare to bully him! [The cover does not belong to me credits to the owner]

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61 Chs

Chapter 16 Suddenly Like a Spring Breeze Overnight

Liu Hui didn't really care about what these people were saying, but being mocked openly like that made him feel disgusted, as if he had stepped on something filthy.

However, fighting in school wouldn't be a good idea. Liu Hui could only sigh and say, "I'm curious, what would your parents think if they knew you were groveling like dogs in school?"

Without waiting for their response, Liu Hui grabbed Huang Qihua and bypassed them, heading straight to the cafeteria counter to get their food.

Recently, due to his cultivation, Liu Hui's appetite had increased. When he finished getting his food, he noticed that the cafeteria was already packed with people.

During mealtime, the cafeteria was always overcrowded. Some students who found it bothersome would choose to come to the cafeteria later, about ten to twenty minutes after the peak eating time.

Nevertheless, right after school was when the cafeteria was the most crowded. Liu Hui looked around the cafeteria and spotted a familiar figure—Tang Sufei. She was sitting at a seat near a small window, with two pink lunchboxes in front of her and an empty seat beside her.

Liu Hui couldn't help but smile and walked briskly towards Tang Sufei with his food.

"Hey! Another naive guy trying to get close to our school flower."

"Don't underestimate him. He's the one who saved the beautiful CEO."

"So what? Does that mean he can get close to our ordinary school flower?"

"Tang Sufei is the person I admire the most at Chu City First High School. Not only is she academically excellent and beautiful, but she also doesn't follow the crowd!"

The students at Tang Sufei's table all expressed their opinions, indicating how highly regarded Tang Sufei was among the students at Chu City First High School.

"That's right. Tang Sufei is nothing like our class flower, Li Fangxue. Every time she sees Hou Liangsheng, she looks at him with affectionate eyes, but she still tries to play coy, which is nauseating." A student from Class 8 joined the discussion, fully agreeing with the previous person's statement.

"Speaking of your classmate Hou Liangsheng, he seemed to think he was rich and confessed his love to Tang Sufei back then, but he was instantly rejected by the school flower!"

"Yeah, I was there at the time! Hou Liangsheng's expression was hilarious. I think Tang Sufei is like a white lotus flower, pure and beautiful. She is a rare beauty at Chu City First High School with such a pure heart."

Several students nearby all expressed their agreement, sparing no words in their praise of Tang Sufei, as if they wanted to shower her with all the compliments in their hearts.

On the second floor, inside a private room, Hou Liangsheng and his group were sitting.

At this moment, Cao Yuting suddenly pointed downstairs and said, "Hou Shao, Fangxue, look downstairs. Liu Hui, that wretched toad, is trying to provoke the school flower."

The design of the second-floor cafeteria at Chu City First High School was unique.

The People sitting inside the private rooms could see the situation downstairs, but those downstairs couldn't see what was happening inside the private rooms.

This unique design catered well to people's vanity, attracting many to go upstairs.

Many people enjoyed eating in the private rooms while pointing and whispering about the students downstairs.

Cao Yuting was just insulted by Liu Hui, harboring resentment in her heart. However, Liu Hui didn't give her a chance to retaliate.

So, after going upstairs, Cao Yuting had been searching for Liu Hui's whereabouts in the crowd.

When she saw Liu Hui heading towards Tang Sufei, she couldn't help but taunt him, inviting Li Fangxue and others to watch the scene.

Hou Liangsheng saw Liu Hui's actions and his eyes lit up as he said, "Liu Hui thinks that by getting close to Zhao Shijing, he can win over Tang Sufei. That's a big mistake!"

Li Fangxue was also aware of Hou Liangsheng's failed confession to Tang Sufei and had always been jealous of her.

However, upon hearing Hou Liangsheng's words, Li Fangxue simply smiled faintly without expressing any opinion.

"Haha... this time, Liu Hui, the loser, won't have such luck again, saving another beauty!" Cao Yuting couldn't help but burst into laughter at the thought of Liu Hui's pitiful appearance.

Hou Liangsheng's subordinates echoed one after another.

They relied on their relationship with Hou Liangsheng to come to the second floor every day and enjoy specific dishes without having to compete with others on the first floor.

Now that their benefactor, Hou Liangsheng, spoke, how could they not join in?

In another private room on the second floor, three or four burly men were also observing Liu Hui's every move.

The leading young man spoke, "I never thought that after being inactive for so long, someone would forget my name, Wu Bo, and even dare to touch the woman I have my eyes on!"

"Wu Shao, this kid is really asking for trouble. Tang Sufei probably won't pay any attention to him," one of the young men beside him said.

"Jiang Li! When we go back later, thoroughly investigate this kid's information and find someone to teach him a lesson, break his legs. Let's make an example out of him, so he knows that there are people he can't pursue," Wu Bo said with a cold and ruthless expression.

The young man who had spoken earlier was Jiang Li. He readily agreed, but deep down, he felt sorry for Liu Hui.

It was unfortunate that he had stirred up trouble with Wu Bo just by approaching Tang Sufei, and he would end up with his legs broken.

Unaware of the malicious intentions and mockery, Liu Hui walked towards Tang Sufei's seat.

"Sufei, why are you sitting here alone eating?" Liu Hui sat down next to Tang Sufei and smiled.

Tang Sufei's face lit up with joy as she softly said, "Liu Hui, you're here! How come?"

Liu Hui didn't know why, but every time he saw Tang Sufei, he wanted to make her happy. "I saw you sitting here all alone, so I came to accompany you. Don't want you to feel bored by yourself!"

"Liu Hui, you always like to tease me." Tang Sufei blushed slightly and shook her head.

"How am I teasing you? If you act like this, Sufei, I'll be very sad. Look at all the guys in the cafeteria who would love to kill me. I risked my life to sit next to you!" Liu Hui exaggeratedly clutched his heart, expressing his deep hurt.

Seeing Liu Hui's exaggerated performance, Tang Sufei couldn't help but smile, radiating charm.

Suddenly, as if an overnight spring breeze arrived, pear blossoms bloomed everywhere. At this moment, only this poem could barely describe Tang Sufei's beautiful and cheerful laughter.

"Ah! I don't want to live anymore. Is my goddess also being won over?"

"Can someone tell me what exactly happened? Is the end of the world approaching?"

"No, it should be said that spring has come, and everything is reviving. It's the mating season."

"Am I the only one here who appreciates the breathtaking smile of our school flower?"

"Of course not, the school flower's smile is truly healing. But! But! It's being directed at a guy, which makes me extremely unhappy!"

Tang Sufei's smile was like throwing a bomb into the crowd, causing a huge commotion.