
Urban All-Powerful Immortal Doctor

A normal high school student saved a beautiful female CEO and, as a result, gained the memories of a transcendent being who crossed the tribulation. He became proficient in alchemy, refining, formations, and all kinds of knowledge. Wealth, treasures, and beautiful women came one after another! From then on, no one would ever despise him again, and no one would dare to bully him! [The cover does not belong to me credits to the owner]

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61 Chs

Chapter 14 Tang Sufei's Family Affairs

Tang Sufei's face froze when she heard Liu Hui's question, and she began to speak sorrowfully.

It turned out that Tang Sufei had never seen her father since she was a child.

She had always lived with her single mother, with her mother being her only relative.

When she was younger, her mother raised her alone. However, not long ago, her mother fell ill and was bedridden, unable to work.

Due to her mother's need for treatment and the need to sustain their lives, Tang Sufei had no choice but to take on part-time jobs during the night, shouldering the responsibility for the entire family.

She studied during the day, worked at night, and had to go home to cook for her mother, leading to a tight schedule.

"Sally, the bar owner on the pedestrian street, has been very kind to me. She pays a relatively high wage and doesn't mind that I can only work at night. So, I started working at Sally's bar. I came back late today and encountered those thugs with scars on the way!" After pouring out her feelings, Tang Sufei felt some relief, and her emotions stabilized.

Liu Hui couldn't believe that the school's beloved beauty had such a difficult life but still managed to maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

Liu Hui couldn't help but admire Tang Sufei, but he felt more heartache. While other people their age could play and be carefree, Tang Sufei had already taken on the responsibility of supporting the family.

Liu Hui made a decision in his heart and firmly said, "Sufei, what time do you usually finish work at the bar? From now on, I'll personally come to pick you up, so no one can bully you anymore!"

Tang Sufei stopped in her tracks, her eyes reddened, and she looked at Liu Hui. Finally, she threw herself into his arms and cried loudly.

Liu Hui, smelling the fragrance emanating from the girl in his arms, didn't have any impure thoughts in his heart. He patted Tang Sufei's shoulder with his right hand and comforted her softly.

"Liu Hui, big brother, I've only had my mother as a relative since I was little. She's the only one who loves me. I was really worried and scared when my mother fell seriously ill and couldn't get out of bed. I was afraid she would leave me alone in this world!"

"All I could do was comfort myself and believe that my mother would recover. Right now, I need to earn money to support her treatment. But the doctors at the hospital say my mother is not seriously ill; it's just her mood that's affected, she has a broken heart!"

"My mother never told me who my father is or if I have any other relatives. Whenever I ask her, she secretly sheds tears. I don't know how to persuade her, and I really don't know what to do! I can only watch my mother grow thinner day by day, and I don't know what to do!"

All the suppressed feelings and fears accumulated in Tang Sufei's heart exploded at this moment. She poured out all the bitterness in her heart to Liu Hui, opening the door to her innermost thoughts.

Liu Hui looked at the crying girl in his arms with affection and said, "Sufei, don't cry anymore! From now on, I will be your family! I promise you, I will cure your mother's illness, and you won't be alone."

Tang Sufei gradually stopped crying, raised her head, looked at Liu Hui with swollen eyes, and said, "Liu Hui, why are you so good to me?"

Liu Hui smiled gently and said, "Silly girl, I just want to be good to you. There doesn't have to be a specific reason. If there must be one, it's because girls like you deserve all the love in the world, and I'm just giving you what this world owes you."

Tang Sufei blushed, sneakily glanced at Liu Hui, and shyly said, "You're exaggerating, I'm not that great."

Liu Hui looked at the shy Tang Sufei and couldn't help teasing, "Our Miss Tang Sufei is the recognized school belle of Chu City First High. Only the princess of Chu City's Zhaofeng Garden can compare. She's the dream girl of all the boys in the school. How could she not be good?"

Tang Sufei blushed a little at Liu Hui's words. She lightly patted his chest with her small hand and said, "Liu Hui, you're so naughty, always teasing me!"

"Only Liu Hui is genuinely good to me from the bottom of his heart. The others don't truly care about me. If I could, I just want to be the dream girl of only Liu Hui." Tang Sufei murmured in a barely audible voice.

"What are you saying, Sufei? I didn't catch that," even with Liu Hui's hearing, he couldn't make out what Tang Sufei was saying.

"It's... nothing!" Tang Sufei quickly shook her head in denial. Her face, which had returned to normal, blushed once again, looking very charming.

This girl, why does she blush so easily? Liu Hui sighed inwardly.

The atmosphere became quiet again as Liu Hui and Tang Sufei continued walking on the road without speaking.

After a while, Liu Hui finally brought Tang Sufei to her doorstep.

"Sufei, you had a scare today. Remember to rest well! See you tomorrow!" Liu Hui stood at the door bidding farewell to Tang Sufei.

"Liu Hui, thank you!" Tang Sufei waved at Liu Hui and suddenly leaned in, giving him a kiss on the face. Then, like a startled rabbit, she ran into the house and disappeared without a trace.

Liu Hui was stunned by Tang Sufei's sudden attack, standing frozen in place. He savored the feeling of Tang Sufei's soft lips on his face, momentarily intoxicated by it.

After a while, Liu Hui snapped out of it and looked up, realizing that Tang Sufei had already vanished.

Liu Hui couldn't help but smile and sighed inwardly. Tang Sufei was truly someone who deserved to be cherished.

After sending Tang Sufei home, it was already late in the evening, and Liu Hui headed straight home.

"Xiaohui, why did you come back so late tonight? Is there something you're keeping from Mom?" Fang Xueyun, sitting on the sofa, noticed that Liu Hui's recent behavior was a bit strange and asked.

Liu Hui was momentarily startled. Indeed, a mother knows her child best. He explained, "Mom, I ran into our former neighbor, Tang Sufei, today. Her mother is bedridden due to illness, and she took on part-time jobs. She was harassed by a few hooligans late at night. I saw it and helped her, then escorted her home, which is why I came back late!"

"Xiaohui, you didn't get hurt, did you?" Fang Xueyun asked anxiously.

"No, Mom, look how strong I am now. How can a few hooligans harm me? You can rest assured!" Liu Hui said, waving his arms a few times.

Fang Xueyun looked at Liu Hui with concern and saw no signs of injury. She sighed with relief and said, "I remember that girl you mentioned. She and her mother have it tough. It's only right for us to help."

"Mom, have you ever seen Tang Sufei's father?" Liu Hui took the opportunity to ask. Tang Sufei's father had always been a sore point for her and a crucial factor in her mother's illness. Liu Hui hoped to get some clues from Fang Xueyun.

Speaking of Tang Sufei's father, Fang Xueyun's expression changed, seemingly burdened by some thoughts, wearing a troubled look.