
Urban All-Powerful Immortal Doctor

A normal high school student saved a beautiful female CEO and, as a result, gained the memories of a transcendent being who crossed the tribulation. He became proficient in alchemy, refining, formations, and all kinds of knowledge. Wealth, treasures, and beautiful women came one after another! From then on, no one would ever despise him again, and no one would dare to bully him! [The cover does not belong to me credits to the owner]

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61 Chs

Chapter 12 How is your beauty worth half a hair of mine?

The crowd, was initially subdued by Liu Hui's confident appearance, and was taken aback upon hearing the words of the cold and stunning woman.

Among them, Qiu Yongwang, who was the most enthusiastic, disregarded the unconscious old man and proudly pointed at Liu Hui, saying, "Did you hear that? Did you hear that? I could tell at a glance that this guy is a despicable person, and he came for Weiwei!"

Except for Zhuang Lao, who listened to Liu Hui's explanation with contemplation, the others joined in berating him. Tang Weiwei, the intellectual beauty from Jinling University, did not speak, but her eyes showed disgust towards Liu Hui.

"I, Liu Hui, live my life with integrity, answering to heaven above, earth below, and my own conscience. If it weren't a matter of life and death, I wouldn't have bothered to speak up! Since you don't believe me, do as you please!" Liu Hui, faced with the angry insults from the crowd, became indignant. With righteousness, he continued, "As for Tang Weiwei, you are indeed beautiful. However, your beauty is not worth a single strand of my sweat!"

Having said that, he left Zhihe Hall, brushing his sleeves.


The people were stunned by Liu Hui's demeanor, remaining motionless for a while before gradually regaining their senses.

Qiu Yongwang, feeling overshadowed by Liu Hui, lost face and his face turned red. He exclaimed in a shrill voice, "This Liu Hui has no real skills, only empty words! Weiwei, don't mind his words. It's just his desperate act when backed into a corner."

Despite being infuriated, Qiu Yongwang didn't give up the opportunity to impress Tang Weiwei in front of him.

He took the chance to comfort her. However, Tang Weiwei remained silent, thinking to herself that Liu Hui's aura was extraordinary.

His future achievements would undoubtedly be remarkable. Tang Weiwei had always enjoyed reading books, including historical records, and at this moment, seeing Liu Hui, she felt that if he lived in ancient times, he would definitely be a remarkable figure, excelling in both military and politics.

The cold and stunning woman also had similar thoughts. Born into a prestigious military family, her grandfather, Chen Lao, was a general in the army. He returned to his hometown, Chushi City, to recover from his injuries.

The woman, having seen many outstanding individuals in the military, had never seen a young person with the aura and presence of Liu Hui. She had only seen a similar temperament in some generals around her grandfather's age.

"Oh! Where did that young man go just now? Why is he gone?" Zhuang Lao finally snapped out of his contemplation and immediately inquired about Liu Hui's whereabouts.

Tang Weiwei was already used to this. Whenever her grandfather encountered medical problems, he would immerse himself in them and remain oblivious to what was happening around him. Perhaps this was the key to his reputation as a divine physician!

"Zhuang Lao, that guy who humiliated himself was afraid of being exposed by you, so he made a hasty retreat," Qiu Yongwang once again sought attention in front of Tang Weiwei's grandfather, Zhuang Lao, while complimenting his medical skills.

Zhuang Lao furrowed his brow and asked, "And who are you?"

"I am Weiwei's friend from Jinling. I came with her specifically to accompany her back to Chushi City," Qiu Yongwang changed his arrogant attitude from before Liu Hui and said with a smiling face.

Zhuang Lao glanced at Tang Weiwei and surmised Qiu Yongwang's intentions, then asked, "Do you understand medical skills?"

Qiu Yongwang hesitated for a moment and said, "No!"

Zhuang Lao questioned Qiu Yongwang further, his tone becoming stern, "Do you understand the basis and difference between the diagnosis given by that young man and the diagnosis I made?"

Qiu Yongwang's face changed, and beads of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He stammered, "Not... not very clear."

With a serious expression, Zhuang Lao asked, "Then how did you determine that he was talking nonsense?"

Qiu Yongwang's forehead dripped with cold sweat, but he dared not wipe it away. He mumbled, "I... Zhuang Lao, I..."

"Alright! There's no need to say more, I understand. If everyone thinks like you, that the words spoken by an experienced doctor like Zhuang Lao are always right, then what hope is there for traditional Chinese medicine?" Zhuang Lao felt disappointed seeing Qiu Yongwang's expression and interrupted him directly.

At this moment, the cold and stunning woman asked, "Zhuang Lao, how is my grandfather's condition? Is he in any danger? Could it be that everything the high school student said is true?"

Hearing the woman's anxious inquiry, Zhuang Lao's expression softened, and he smiled, saying, "Miss, please rest assured, your grandfather is not seriously ill. The young man just now made a correct judgment, and I did make some mistakes in my diagnosis. It's truly amazing how a hero can emerge at a young age. I didn't expect him to have such profound knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine. It's humbling for an old man like me!"

While Zhuang Lao was questioning him, Qiu Yongwang already sensed that things were not going well. But upon hearing Zhuang Lao's words, he couldn't help but exclaim, "How is that possible?"

Zhuang Lao had always admired the state of being unruffled by praise or criticism, like Mount Tai standing firm and unchanged. Especially for those who studied medicine, as they were constantly dealing with people's lives, their mindset was of utmost importance.

Zhuang Lao looked down upon Qiu Yongwang's bewildered and unbalanced state of mind and said, "Young man, don't always act so surprised. In this world, there are geniuses indeed, and his medical skills are undoubtedly higher than mine. That is an undeniable fact."

Qiu Yongwang's face turned ashen. He didn't expect to leave such a poor impression on Zhuang Lao.

Meanwhile, upon hearing that her grandfather was not seriously ill, the cold and stunning woman breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but feel a strong curiosity about Liu Hui's identity.


Having already left Zhihe Hall, Liu Hui was completely unaware of what happened afterwards. Even if he knew, he would probably just dismiss it with a smile and not pay it much attention. After all, he had already offered his guidance, and the rest would depend on their own choices.

It was getting late, and Liu Hui planned to go straight home to prevent his family from worrying.

As Liu Hui passed through a dark alley, he heard a woman's cry for help.

"The renowned beauty of Chushi High School, truly beautiful. Our group of brothers is lucky today."

"Scar Brother, after you've had your fun, make sure to leave some for us to enjoy!"

"Don't worry, we won't disappoint you!"


The lascivious laughter of several men resounded in the alley, mixed with the desperate cries for help from the woman.

Initially, Liu Hui didn't intend to get involved, but upon hearing "the beauty of Chushi High School," his heart stirred, and a beautiful figure flashed in his mind.

Chushi High School only had two beauties, one was the daughter of the largest real estate developer in Chushi City, Song Qianxue, known as the "Wealthy Campus Belle." The other was the "Commoner Campus Belle," Tang Sufei. Tang Sufei and Liu Hui were classmates when they were young, and their families had a very good relationship, but they gradually lost contact after Liu Hui moved away. At this moment, the one being bullied was most likely Tang Sufei.

How could one ignore a friend in need?

"Young lady, let us gentlemen enjoy ourselves. You should know that this area belongs to Scar, and who the hell dares to meddle?"

Scar's domineering words filled the woman with even more despair. Just as the woman was about to fight back desperately, a heavenly voice rang in her ears.

"Stop! How dare you forcibly seize a girl in broad daylight!"