


Hye_jin · Horror
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A very bad day,full of rain,I was so bored and studying till my friend jina asked me to go out,like she was so bored and wanted to have a little walk before sleeping...I refused this request because I'm really tired and I have to cover my whole study,I have alot of lessons that I didn't read them yet.

Jina ,as a person ,she loves everything has to do with outside,If she stayed for along time at home or in a tiny room,she will lose her mind...

Me and Jina were friends for 3 years ,she was new at university ,shy and lonely...

To save your life and to stay healthy you should stay at home at this bad weather...

Now we are outside and her frequent request is the reason.I'm still thinking about my accumulative study,I'm not a lazy person but those lessons accumulated without noticing them.As usual,Jina is cutting my constant thinking to catch my attention about this weather...

I love this weather,but I don't know it was a little bit different,it is dark cloudy,it catches breaths,it is SCARY,it is really scary,you feel the black water will fall down on you,The sky is dark more than a dark night,you feel it closed its doors and you can't get any exit.You are as a prisoner.A light cold wind started to blow...

Jina:I'm sorry ,but I'm really not okay ,and walking will make me feel better,promise we will go back before night.

I was contemplating about this weather,we exited and forgot to bring the red umbrella...but fortunately,it seems it won't rain now,at least till we get home again.Maybe...

we walked on the platform slowly,till we reached a strange garden,the road was empty ,nothing can refer to life ,the streets are calm ,no life...no cats jumping here and there from this platform to the next side,no lights,no cars can powder us with water which is collective on the corners .

we stopped to look at this garden,and on the door there is a sign which is written on it "DON'T SHOUT LOUDLY ASKING FOR HELP,MAYBE YOU WILL LOSE YOUR LIFE"

and a stupid skull with two broken cigarettes instead of its ordinary bones and a very terrible writing,it is clear that these silly words are witten by teenagers,specially silly and close_minded ones,those who made this road their ordinary road to get the club which by their own proud thinking is the only way to be a strong man.

I was continuing my way and ignoring that stupid dark door,when I felt that Jina was just looking and as a stone I can't drag her over me.I tried to move her,but she was stubborn ,she wanted to go in,and to take some photos,I wonder who wants to take photos in a scary garden....and with my multiple ways to follow our road,she won and entered leaving me standing outside as a beggar,No way...Jina is always behave like a child...I can't leave her alone so I entered over her calling her to wait me...she was smiling the smile of victory...can you imagine?

The smell of this garden seems so strange ,it is heavy,it is a smell without a smell...she started to jump indicating to a little step ,it is high from the usual ground,then she run to there and I will follow her for sure...She made her first step on that step...."Come Vilma ,come on look to that beautiful water..."She is talking about the water that under this step ,it is like a waterfall or a river under this garden,what wait,how,river ?and we did not hear the sound of water from outside and if this one is a river so where is the end of it,it seems it is so long ,Oh my God ...where are we?I shaked my head many times,like my mind got blocked and I can't jump into a simple explaination....I was standing next to her,she was dancing ,trying to take some photos by her phone"Give me your hand"I held her hand warning her to not leave my hand or she is will fall down...

She was dancing,yeah dancing,and that step is so bright ,covered by water,Jina was singing"Monkeys are climbing the tree...Laughing ....laughing ...laughing...One of them is on the ground ...crying...crying...crying"

_Shut up...

Is this even a song,mokeys ,laughing and crying...These songs make my mood bad and they make me feel that I will vomit in a second....

I am not sure if what I am seeing is real or not,but this water seems so clingy,bright heavy and clingy...Even these small lakes which are spreading in the whole garden seem more heavy and clingy,seem dark ...this place is becoming so dreary,I do not know if I'm the only one who is noticing these changes ,but feeling of loneliness started to take its way to my heart....