

Dearest reader. It has been said that competition is an opportunity for us to rise and stand ready before our greatest of challenges. Well, if what this author hears this morning is true, then a great challenge concerning this season's diamond has been set forth, indeed. Any suitor wishing to gain an audience with Miss Edwina Sharma must first tame the rather prickly spinster of a beast otherwise known as her sister. Of course, the only competition that compels my attention is the game of courtship. So best of luck to this year's players. Do try not to stumble on the starting line.

Benedict and I sit in the drawing room at Bridgerton house. I watch over his shoulder as he sketches a bowl of fruit. Penelope walks into the room. She leans over Eloise's shoulder, who is sat at the table.

"Is that a copy of Lady Whistledown?" Penelope asks. "It is," Eloise tells her.

"I thought we were done with her," Penelope says.

"Do not discourage her, Penelope," Lady Bridgerton says. "If she has taken an interest in Lady Whistledown again, perhaps she's interested in what she has to say about the season's available gentlemen too."

"I cannot think of any cleverer way to say this, but no," Eloise states.

I sit down next to Benedict. "I do think your drawing have improved."

"I have found a new passion for sketching." Benedict smiles. "Or rather a new muse."

I laugh lightly. "Apples can be quite inspirational."

"You are quite aware that is not what I meant," Benedict says.

I look at him innocently. "Is it not?"

"Yes, but she could do so much more. I know I could convince her of it. If I were to find her this time," Eloise says.

"What you must find, my dear, is happiness," Lady Bridgerton states. "Penelope, assist me here."

"Eloise could find that with someone else, could she not?" Penelope offers.

"I believe she could," Lady Bridgerton agrees.

"And not Lady Whistledown, but someone more like... Colin," Penelope says.

"My brother?" Eloise asks.

"No, not Coli... Colin!" Penelope says.

I turn and see Colin standing in the room.

"Glad to see things have not changed," Colin says.

"Brother!" Eloise says.

"Brother," Benedict says in surprise.

"Colin!" Lady Bridgerton gasps.

"Could you set aside the latest family squabble and embrace me?" Colin asks.

Eloise chuckles as she hugs him.

"I did not expect you to return so soon, dearest," Lady Bridgerton says as she hugs her son.

"Well, I missed you all. What can I say?" Colin tells her.

Benedict hugs Colin before I do the same.

"It has been rather dule with only three Bridgerton brothers instead of four," I tell him.

"Brother!" Gregory and Hyacinth shout as they rush into the room.

"I believe we must get you to the doctor post-haste. This strange, fuzzy growth on your chin is some kind of disease," Benedict teases.

I shake my head as I hit him lightly in the arm. Benedict simply smiles wider.

"And you seem to have taken to the sun too. How peculiar," Francesca teases.

"I think he looks distinguished," Penelope says.

"I'm now two inches taller than Gregory," Hyacinth tells her brother.

"You are not," Gregory argues.

"And where, may I ask, is our intrepid viscount?" Colin questions.

"He is..." Lady Bridgerton starts. Anthony walks into the room. "Back from courting already."

"Colin! You are returned," Anthony says as he claps his brother on the back. "Even better. Family, I should like you all to ready yourselves for the races today. We will be attending, united as one."

I walk with Penelope across the street. I wish to finally meet the new Lord Featherington. I find Aunt Featherington and Mrs Varley standing in front of a display to hold guns.

"What on earth is that?" I ask.

"Is that Cousin Jack's?" Featherington questions.

"Cousin? Is that what he asked you to call him?" Aunt Featherington asks.

"Are you bothered by him, Mama?" Penelope asks.

"Of course not," Aunt Featherington insists. "The new Lord Featherington has come to shower us with many riches indeed. If we must endure a few... dubious style choices in return, along with some rather questionable matters of breeding, then so be it."

"I also hear he wishes to convert the morning room into his own personal gaming hell," Mrs Varley says.

A nicely dressed rather tall man walks towards us. I am assuming he is the new Lord Featherington. "Ah. Now, that looks splendid. Livens up the place, yes?" He finally notices that I am standing here. "You must be Mrs. Bridgerton, formerly Miss Featherington."

I nod slightly. "I am and you must be the new Lord Featherington."

Lord Featherington smiles. "That I am."

"Have you shot them all, Cousin Jack?" Penelope asks.

"Every weapon here has a splendid history and is worthy of interest, Penelope. I shall have to fill you in on all of my adventures one day," Lord Featherington tells her. "Now, ladies, run along and get dressed. We head to the Royal Races today."

"Would you care to join us today Mrs Bridgerton?" Lord Featherington asks.

"I will be attending with my husband," I inform him.

Lord Featherington nods. "Of course."

I walk with Lady Bridgerton and Eloise through the stalls selling a multitude of different things.

"Just look at your brother. The social season frustrated him at first too, but now it seems this Miss Edwina has quickened his interest and pleasure in courtship," Lady Bridgerton tells Eloise.

"I think your Mama means to say, Eloise, that we must be willing to look to find the partner that will excite us."

"So, dance with a bevy of frogs, and one of them might turn out to be a prince?" Eloise asks.

"If that's what you must do," Lady Bridgerton tells her. "Your father, you know..." Eloise ignores her Mama as she looks at a pamphlet. "Are you listening to me? What do you have in your hand?"

"Nothing, Mama. It is only a pamphlet on new methods for the tidying of dogs, apparently," Eloise tells her. "Well, a lady is allowed her hobbies, is she not?" Eloise hands some coins over to the seller. "Thank you."

Lady Bridgerton sighs as Eloise walks away.

"She will come round to the idea of dancing," I tell Lady Bridgerton. "She is still young."

Lady Bridgerton nods. "I suppose you may have a point. Though I do think Eloise would enjoy dancing if she tried."

"You know Eloise just wants to be independent. I do not think she likes the idea of a man leading," I offer.

Lady Bridgerton laughs. "I suppose you are right on that."

I make my way towards the stands searching for Benedict. I cannot seem to find him.

"Might I help you find someone madam?"

I smile as Benedict walks towards me. "Maybe you can. He is a man." I hold my arm up. "About this high. He has beautiful blue eyes and brown hair. Some would say he is handsome."

Benedict laughs. "Some would say? I do hope you are among them my love."

I laugh. "Oh, I do say, dearest."

Benedict holds his arm out to me. "I think we should find a place to sit."

I wrap my arm in his. "Yes. I would like to have a good vantage point when I see Nectar beat High Flyer."

Benedict shakes his head. "You are capable of many things, Diana, but picking horses is not among them."

Benedict and I find our seats shortly before the race starts. As the horses start everyone begins to cheer.

"Yes! That's it, Nectar!" I shout.

"Come now, High Flyer! Yes! Steady! Steady!" Benedict yells.

"Come on!" I shout.

"Come on! Yes!" Benedict shouts.

"Oh! Yes! Yes!" I shout.

Nectar crosses the finish line not even a full length before High Flyer. I turn to Benedict.

"It is alright, Benedict, I shall not gloat," I assure him.

Benedict makes a face. "Yes, you will."

I smile widely. "Yes, I will. My horse won. I bested you."