
Upgraded hitter Conquest of the Issekayev (Konosuba)

What will happen to different stories if the place of the insecure OYAShs is taken by a person who has dreamed of power and a personal harem all his life? This is a story about a man who got a chance for a second life, and then for a third, fourth, fifth ... And he will stop only when there are no undefeated demon kings and girls forgotten by the OYAS in the multiverse. #By the way, if it's easy, look at my other fanfic The path to success is rebirth? and Immortal God of Chaos#

ZeNT3R · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


- Welcome to the afterlife, Sato Kazuma. Sorry, you died. Your life may have been short, but it's over.

"Konosuba means ... well, they promised me an easy start and didn't seem to lie," muttered the man whose name was now Sato Kazuma.

It was a well-lit room, the boundaries of which were hidden behind impenetrable black smoke. He sat on a chair opposite a kind of throne, on which, with his legs crossed, sat a pretty girl with medium-sized breasts.

She had long blue hair that looks smooth as silk. Her clothing consisted of a vest, two separate sleeves, a mini-skirt with a slightly longer transparent skirt underneath, a boot slightly above the knee, and stockings underneath. On her head, the girl wore a blue and yellow hairpin made in the form of a water molecule.

The girl tilted her head.

- Hmm, it's strange, but I don't see the events that led to your death ...

"To be honest, I don't remember the latest events very well either," Kazuma smiled innocently.

- Well, to hell with his!

The girl immediately waved her hand, getting up from the throne and coming closer.

- My name is Aqua. I am the goddess who guides young people who have died in Japan and you have two options. You can start life in a new world from scratch. Or go to heaven and live like all the old boys inhabiting it!

Of course Kazuma already knew the correct option, but he could not help but clarify.

- And what is it like there, well, in heaven?

Aqua glanced quickly around her, as if fearful of being overheard, and leaned even closer, speaking almost in a whisper.

"In truth, heaven is not as good as people imagine. For you there will be no need for any things, you will not even have a body! Sorry if I disappoint you, but there is nothing there! No TV, no manga, no games. You can only keep warm in the sun with your predecessors and chat. And so forever!

- Horrible! Kazuma was pretensely horrified. "Then I'll probably choose the rebirth option, beautiful goddess!

- Excellent! Aqua smiled, clearly appealing to her. - You like games, right?

"Yeah," Kazuma nodded, staring at the goddess's skirt and trying to solve the millennium riddle.

- Then listen carefully! - Aqua began to broadcast in a theatrical pose.

"There is a world that enjoyed a peaceful life until the Demon Lord's murderers began their tyranny there! Innocent people have become slaves to the creatures of Hell! The tyranny and cruelty of the Demon Lord has reached the limit and now .... In general, because of such a story, everyone refuses to be reborn and the ranks of mankind are thinning.

- And you decided to send me there? Kazuma asked, still playing his part, refreshing his knowledge at the same time.

- Wait! I will send you there, but I will preserve your body and memories! And also I will give you the exclusive right to take with you into the new world one thing that you like. It could be a powerful ability, an extraordinary talent, or a divine-grade weapon ... How about? do you agree??!

With a pensive face, Kazuma sat silently in his chair for a few seconds before getting up and nodding to the Goddess waiting for him.

- Yes! I agree!

- That's fine! Aqua smiled. - Hold and choose quickly!

The goddess handed him a stack of papers. Each sheet contained the name of the item and its brief description. Out of pure interest, Kazuma flipped through the papers, mostly just looking at the pictures and titles.

"Monstrous Power"

"Super magic"

"Sacred Sword Arondite"

"Demon Blade Murasame"

"Very interesting, but the gifts of the gods will be enough for me for now," Kazuma muttered quietly, leafing down to the last page.

- Come on quickly! I still have a bunch of people like you waiting in line! Aqua said impatiently, completely losing interest in him as soon as she threw in the idea of ​​reincarnation in a new world.

"Okay." Looking up from the list of things, Kazuma gestured to the goddess. - I choose you!

- Yeah. Please do not leave the center of the magic circle ...

Suddenly, Aqua fell silent.

...What? What did you just say?

With a bright flash of light, a winged woman appeared in the air.

- Request accepted. Aqua-sama, from now on I will replace you in your place!

Two glowing circles appeared under the astonished feet of Aqua and Kazuma. Blue translucent walls instantly shielded them from the rest of the room.

- Wait! What's happening? Aqua yelled, trying in vain to break out of the magic circle. - No, no, stop, this is too much! Is it fair to take a goddess with you ?! It doesn't count, does it? Such a choice should not be counted! Stop!

Completely ignoring the pleas of the Goddess, the angel girl smiled softly.

- Bon voyage, Mistress Aqua! We will immediately send messengers for you to celebrate your return when the Demon King is defeated. Until you return, I will take over all your responsibilities, so don't worry.

- Stop! Wait! I'm a goddess, of course, but I only have healing skills, not combat skills! It is simply impossible for me to defeat the Demon King!

Again ignoring Acqua's screams, the winged girl turned to Kazuma.

- Sato Kazuma. Now you will go to another world and become one of the heroes who claim to kill the Demon King. The moment you defeat the Demon King, you will receive a divine gift.

- Gift? Can I find out which one?

The girl smiled warmly.

- A gift worthy of the savior of the world ... You will be granted the fulfillment of your desire, which can be absolutely anything.

"Sounds good," Kazuma smiled as he felt the dirt slide out from under his feet.

"It's a pity that I hardly need him," he managed to add to himself, before a bright light filled the whole room.

Opening his eyes, he saw in front of him a covered wagon pulled by a pair of horses.

"This is it, the new world!" Kazuma grinned.

For today, if it can be considered one day, he has twice met someone who called himself God and both times he was offered an unusual option to continue his own life.

Unlike Acqua, the first God was much more impersonal and taciturn. His proposal was as follows. Kazuma, although he was not yet called that, had to alternately fall into different anime worlds, each of which already had its own student, hitman, or a similar developmental level. In each of the worlds, he had to fulfill one specific goal, which was provided to him by something called the "System of the Hacked"

This something was also supposed to help him adapt to the new world and be able to become stronger. However, since the world of Konosuba already had its own system, called "Profession" or "Class", there was almost no need for it.

The only thing that Kazuma saw in the system was his goal - to defeat the Demon King. He was not limited in time, and on his way he could do whatever he wanted, so he was in a state of anticipation.

"Strength, power, money and your own harem, what more could you ask for ?! Oh yes, you can still ... "

Without letting Kazuma finish her thought, Aqua lunged at his with wild screams.

- I can't go back! What should I do?! Where to go?! She yelled, grabbing Kazuma by the collar, causing strange looks from passers-by and frightening children.

"Yes, this path will not be very easy!" Kazuma chuckled, breathing in the air of the new world deeply.