
October 15th, 2020

I will be taking down all of my current novels and begin reworking them. I have realized that a lot of plot holes and mistakes have been made in them. Not to mention the fact that I haven't necessarily finished working on them yet. After I take them down, I will work on finishing volume one of the following:

-Fire & Ice

-The Equinox


After these volumes are completely finished, I will post them weekly by chapters so that I have time to work on volume two of those that will have a second volume, which I have plans for regarding "Fire & Ice," since that story will likely be the shortest out of the three. The time gap for myself after finishing the first volumes of the stories will also give me time to start working on new releases. Though some of them will take a lot of time and are probably better suited for a comic, which I am unable to make at the time. The certain additions include:

-Bloodied Fangs

-The Unnamed

-Cabin Boy

I will eventually provide little teasers here and there and provide more information as to what these novels will be about, but for now I can shed little light on them as I am still very shallow into the planning phase for each of them. I can tell you that "Bloodied Fangs" and "Cabin Boy" both contain supernatural drama aspects. Granted, the two are very different. "The Unnamed" is a story I have been plotting out for a very long time, yet I have very little done in comparison to what I have left to do. It is about a world of fantasy and magic, much like "Fire & Ice," yet also very different in terms of character variety.

Anyways, before I start rambling, I thank you for taking the time to read my update. Until the next one.