
The Revelation Part - 8

And this truth which they all heard really shocked all of them to their core.

All the people who are present at the party are already talking bad about Gu Hong after knowing that he has kept the fact that Li Weixiao was in a coma for five years from all others hidden.

With that they also got to know how Gu Hong ordered a permanent contraption operation of Li Weixiao without her consent and that too he has ordered to perform this operation while she was in coma.

But now the most terrifying and cruel reality of Gu Hong has unveiled before all of the guests and including Wang Long, Li Weixiao, Ling Xue and all other guests of the party which really shocked them all.

Few seconds earlier Liu Xiu took the stage to reveal the final piece of truth about Gu Hong. And the thing which she revealed was.