
A painfull begining

It was during summer, when i was deep in my sleep, when i heard a voice talking to me, in my dreams, i thought it was my Father it said, ''there is something i want you to do for me, then i will give you my blessings'', i started asking myself what could be thing that the voice in the form of my father wanted me to do? I spent most of my days thinking then i told myself that i would do anything that my father will request me to do for him as long as it is positive...i did his first desire and thought the blessings would come to no avail...i started having wiered dreams and the voice kept on talking to me.....i started becoming worried because i was attending church but no help i was getting with regard to the revelation of what could the voice meant and it belonged to who....i started living a miserable life.....most of my life began to go sour.....i cried myself to sleep everyday.....nothing i touched progressed, the voice always told me lies after lies...it told me everything about anyone near me, it told me the reason why i am still alife....,i began living according to the direction of this voice...when all this was happening i was in my first emoloyment and things started going sour when the voice told me, it will take everything from me if i did not obey its commands...i started being traumatised and angry, i spent most of the times alone.....