
Unyielding Power: The Path to Dominio

I will be happy for support in any form, but I will be most pleased with a review, thank you to everyone who gave reviews, it motivates me a lot :))) I would like to be quite inspired by Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, I like the world but I don't like the characters and the MC at all

MorfusTv · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Bob was undecided so he asked Addak

"Can I choose later?"

[Blood Shadow is annoyed by your question]

[Ruby Ruler agrees with your question]

[Night Whisperer doesn't like your question]

[Mysterious Wanderer is sad about your question]

The demon looked at him like he was a fool, after all who would put off a quick reinforcement, he said

"Of course but I don't recommend it"

Then the viking said

"Since we'll be together for a while we should introduce ourselves, I'll start" then he paused and said

"My name is Eduard I'm 31 years old"

Then young Donald Trump started

"My name is David I'm 34 years old"

"My name is Bob I'm 21 years old" I said

"Nina, 18" said the teenager forced

[Blood Shadow is angry at Nina's attitude]

Then Addak smiled eerily, with a circle appearing under each of the survivors' feet again, and teleported to a bridge he had never seen, and the bridge led across the water, and then the demon disappeared

[You cross the bridge get and stup to Etqa station

Difficulty: E

Time Limit: 20 minutes

Reward: 150 coins

Penalty for failure: death]

Bob found it suspicious that he would just get 150 coins for crossing a safe bridge, so he started to be when he crossed the bridge.

It looked like Eduard wanted to start a conversation but had no idea what they were supposed to talk about

After about 5 minutes they crossed half the bridge

But suddenly Bob and the others heard the bridge collapsing behind them, and when they all quickly looked behind them they saw a giant water monster smashing the bridge and rushing after them at high speed.

That water monster looked like a 20m tall blue cobra

When everyone saw it, they immediately started running to the other side of the bridge.

Bob was first, followed by Eduard, followed by David and behind David was Nina who was the slowest and looked quite out of breath.

When they were about 5m from the finish line Addak appeared and looked at them and smiled smugly to himself and said

"I see this is too easy for you, let's give it a little taste"

[Quest difficulty changed]

[E -> D]

[Living corpses begin to crawl out of the ground]

When the survivors saw this, they began to run even faster to their destination

[You have reached the Etqa oil station]

[Quest completed: You cross the bridge get and stup to Etqa station]

[You got 150 coins]

After a while they reached their destination but it was too late, zombies started to crawl out of the ground around them. A large shadow began to form behind the survivors

The shadow was a snake that quickly opened its big mouth...

The fucking monster chewed through the bridge where the survivors were





Bob woke up as Eduard shook him

When he woke up he didn't see any zombies around him nor did he see that sea monster, but the bridge was divided by 2 halves: the first one where Nina and David were that half was their destination, the species where he and Eduard were

[Night Whisperer didn't want your story to end so he intervened]

[Mysterious Wanderer is grateful to Night Whisperer]

Suddenly a dark liquid appeared across the missing part of the bridge

[Night Whisperer decided to give you his bridge]

[but only 1 organism can cross the bridge]

Seeing that message Eduard frowned.

They were both silent, David and Nina were looking at them uncomprehendingly because the message hadn't come to them, but suddenly footsteps started behind them

When they turned around they saw about 11 zombies with dark green faces they walked slowly towards them When they both saw it Bob said

"Eduard go you, I need to test your strength anyway" he said and pointed his sword at the zombies, Bob didn't hesitate and opened his status

[Name: Bob

Level: 1

Class: None

Age: 21

Race: Human

Supporter: None

Titles: [Psycho] [First Blood]

HP: 110

MP: 9

Strength: 18 Agility: 20

Intelligence: 9 Vitality: 11

Bonus points: 0

Skills: [inventory lvl:1] [Eyes of God lvl:1]

XP: 210

Coins: 1020

Inventory slots enabled: 1/5]

Then he clicked on level

[You need 100 XP to upgrade your lvl, for each level purchased the price will increase by 50 XP]

Bob didn't hesitate and bought only 1 level because he couldn't afford more

[Level 1 -> Level 2]

[Strength increased by 1 agility increased by 1 vitality increased by 1]

[You have gained 1 bonus point]

[Vitality increased by 1] Bob put a bonus point in vitality because he didn't want to risk dying

[Name: Bob

Level: 2

Class: None

Age: 18

Race: Human

Supporter: None

Titles: [Psycho] [First Blood]

HP: 130

MP: 9

Strength: 19 Agility: 21

Intelligence: 9 Vitality: 13

Bonus points: 0

Skills: [inventory lvl:1] [Eyes of God lvl:1]

XP: 110

Coins: 1020

Inventory slots enabled: 1/5]

The zombies were only 3m of them and Eduard still hadn't left when he saw this Bob said

"Eduard go, you're only going to get in my way here anyway"

[Blood Shadow and Ruby Ruler like your words]

When Eduard heard that he snorted and ran across the fake bridge, when he arrived behind David and Nina the bridge behind him disappeared

When Bob saw it he stretched his arms and legs and ran towards the zombies

Bob swung his sword and cut off the zombies head with 10 to go


[+ 90 coins]

'not enough but better than nothing'

[Blood has gotten on your weapon, your weapon will be 10% stronger]

Bob backed up because 2 was lunging at him with his long clawed hands

Then Bob decapitated both of them with 1 blow. 8 to go.


[+ 90 coins]

[+ 20XP]

[+ 90 coins]

But one zombie was on the front and jumped on Bob and started biting him in the shoulder

[120 HP]

[110 HP]

[You got the effect [bleeding] every second you lose 1 HP]

'Fuck' shoulder started to hurt terribly and he kind of lost some of his speed, but Danzel taught him how to ignore the pain so it was less painful

Bob stabbed the zombie in the stomach and threw him off of himself onto the ground where the zombie died, there were 7 left


[+ 90 coins]

Bob didn't hesitate to decapitate 2 more zombies in front of him, 5 left

[+ 20XP]

[+ 90 coins]

[+ 20XP]

[+ 90 coins]

[107 HP]

Bob then backed up about 1m to rest for a moment

Since the zombies were slow, Bob was able to rest for 5 seconds before they got within striking distance.

[102 HP]

But that's when something Bob didn't expect happened, a zombie with grey eyes ran towards Bob at high speed and before Bob could react bit him in the neck

Bob fell to the ground in anger

'this is how I'm going to die?!'

'kill has some mindless zombie?!'


Bob lost consciousness

As Bob slowly woke up he felt a terrible pain all over his body and many messages


[+ 190 coins]

[+ 20XP]

[+ 90 coins]

[+ 20XP]

[+ 90 coins]

[+ 20XP]

[+ 90 coins]

[+ 20XP]

[+ 90 coins]

Then he opened his status

[Name: Bob

Level: 2

Class: None

Age: 21

Race: Human

Supporter: None

Titles: [Psycho] [First Blood]

HP: 14

MP: 9

Strength: 19 Agility: 21

Intelligence: 9 Vitality: 13

Bonus points: 0

Skills: [inventory lvl:1] [Eyes of God lvl:1]

XP: 390

Coins: 2010

Inventory slots enabled: 1/5]

[Blood Shadow admires you feat]

[Blood Shadow donates 50 coins]

[2060 Coins]

'Fuuu' Then he realized he was bleeding

[13 HP]

Bob quickly put down his backpack from which he pulled 1 t-shirt out of his 4 t-shirts he owned (now he only has 3 t-shirts)

[11 HP]

Bob tore the shirt into small pieces

[7 HP]

He quickly bandaged all the bloody wounds he found

[4 HP]

Bob stared at his remaining HP with his head and then fell asleep tiredly on a pile of dead zombies

Who do you think is the best candidate to become Bob's supporter?

MorfusTvcreators' thoughts