
Unwilling Marriage.

Summary of the story: Until now, Athirst had never dreamed of anything far away, she only wished for a peaceful life, a small warm family. But her life could not be controlled but changed completely, there are people with bad stomachs, only thinking of ways to harm others. She was forced by them to marry an ugly person who also had a serious illness. Athirst was still trying, trying to adapt, trying to find a way out of her misery, but the young master she was forced to marry did not let her leave, the two kept entangled, and then got caught up in a series of events. Conspiracy and struggle.

BilyMoonMoon_07 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

Anna hearing that, burst into laughter, took Jack's hand and Nanie, and left.

The party quickly ended, around quickly there were only a few waiters left to pack up and clean up…

The whole hall was finally left with only the figure of Athirst standing alone, a few staff members even looked at her with pitying eyes, at that time, the housekeeper Mind, who was in charge of picking up her earlier, was cold. When she told her to get in the car, Athirst no longer resisted as at first, calmly stepped into the car.

The wheel rolled, carrying the heart of the person who was already cold, the so-called family, which she had no longer thought about, and the so-called marriage, she didn't even care... !

Athirst she did not remember how she was brought into the room, in the dark room, she did not bother to turn on the light, depending on the moonlight outside, she plopped down on the bed.


A strange groan suddenly came out in the dark, Athirst was startled and scared, she quickly turned on the power switch, but in a panic, she didn't know where to go.

"A little further to the right."

That sound, neither heavy nor light, just sounded, and Athirst froze.

Moments later, the yellow light shone from above, clearly illuminating the face of the man sitting on the bed.

"Ah ah..."

Athirst shouted, then, without thinking, grabbed the table lamp and threw it at him.

Brene Brian frowning, he reached out, pulled her hand, Athirst lost momentum, so he fell into that strong and sturdy chest.

"What are you calling for, I'm deaf in my ears." Brene Brian pushed her hijab and made it fall to the ground, his warm, low breath seemed to circle her cheeks, momentarily the distance between their faces was very close.

Athirst froze, was about to push him away when she saw the groom's white suit on Brene Brian.

Her body momentarily felt like acupressure points, she raised her head, stared at Brene Brian's handsome face, the next moment, her face seemed to have encountered a ghost.

"You… you're…?"

Athirst stammered three times, words reached her mouth but couldn't speak, and Brene Brian was very calm and calm, her deep black pupils contained Athirst's beautiful face, the corners of her lips were still slightly curved. up laugh.

One of his hands involuntarily stroked her small waist from time to time.

Athirst then regained her senses, pushed Brene Brian to the side, stood up, and kept a safe distance from him.

"Why are you here?"

Brene Brian laughed at her question.

When he smiled, his appearance was less cold than usual, and his face was more handsome.

"If you already know, why ask? I'm the groom, your husband."

Although Athirst was mentally prepared, when she heard his answer, she still couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Isn't the person who married me, Young Master Brian, who is extremely ugly, has a serious illness and is about to die, has a bad temper?"

There are countless rumors about him outside, Brene Brian basically doesn't care.

If it wasn't for Athirst who met him on the train this morning, and witnessed the appearance of him knocking down a few tall thugs, I'm afraid I would have thought that the person sitting in front of him was two different people.

If he was sick, how could he fight so well and still be injured?

Athirst thought for a moment, Brene Brian's eyes did not leave her at that time...!

"Could it be that you set off a blinding fire, tricking outsiders into thinking you're sick and ugly?"

"That's stupid, now you know?"

Brene Brian smiled mockingly, Athirst was so embarrassed that she became angry, saying:

"I'm not stupid!"

"If you're not stupid, why didn't you protest at the wedding?"

Athirst stiffened, are you talking about her being mocked by Anna?

"This Brene Brian's wife, can it be so insulted by outsiders?"

"Who...who is your wife?!"

Athirst couldn't understand this man anymore, didn't he not come to the wedding, abandon her, let her be despised by others, now he still pretends to care?

Brene Brian suddenly stood up, his tall body seemed to envelop her, his figure under the yellow light was even more handsome and handsome, especially those black eyes, as if he had absorbed the soul of a person. opposite.

Athirst stepped back, her back touching the cold wall, she suddenly shivered.

The second time she was pressed against the wall by Brene Brian, this man's powerful aura made her wary.

In contrast, Brene Brian felt in his heart a feeling that had never appeared before, he didn't know what to call it.

Athirst's chin was suddenly raised, the next second, his eyes met, he said:

"Having stepped foot in the door of the Xiao family, this life must be my woman!"

Athirst's eyes widened in disbelief, Brene Brian continued:

"That I pretend to be a cripple, don't tell anyone, or I will definitely throw you to the wolves!"

Brene Brian's eyes turned cold and icy.

Athirst was about to refute, when Brene Brian suddenly held his head, his eyebrows were tight together, his face seemed to be very painful.

"What's wrong with you?"

Brene Brian jerked her hand away, then stepped back, as if rejected.

His eyes suddenly changed, streaked with scary blood...!

"Do not come near me!" He let out a growl.

Athirst did not understand why his attitude suddenly became so harsh, when she should have been the one to show it because of being abandoned and humiliated at the wedding?

The tip of Athirst's nose suddenly smelled a faint medicinal smell, she remembered that in the afternoon, Brene Brian was still injured… Athirst had a weak point that no matter who was injured, she would treat it, even if it was a minor injury. they used to say bad things about her...!

"May I have a look?"

Athirst was just about to approach him, Brene Brian glared at her, then he grabbed the flower vase on the table, threw it on the ground, accidentally shards shot out, cutting Athirst's leg. .


"Damn it! Don't come near me!" Brene Brian was angry, shouting very scary.

Athirst taking a step back, looking at him like a fierce tiger, at this moment, butler Mind heard a loud sound, he did not knock on the door, but hurriedly went inside.

"Young master!"

He knew at first glance that he was having a seizure, butler Mind loudly called for a few tall bodyguards to come and restrain Brene Brian, but he was very strong, especially when he was very aggressive.

Brian Brene normally has more physical strength than people, just because he hides as a disabled person, now when he is sick, he has become a person who completely lost his mind, easily knocking down the surrounding guards.

"Young master!"

He knew at first glance that he was having a seizure, butler Mind loudly called for a few tall bodyguards to come and restrain Brene Brian, but he was very strong, especially when he was very aggressive.

Brene Brian normally has more physical strength than people, just because he hides as a disabled person, now when he is sick, he has become a person who completely lost his mind, easily knocking down the surrounding guards.

Athirst looked at the scene in front of her eyes, looked down at the cut on her leg, hesitated for a moment, she was afraid that when she approached Brene Brian, he would hurt her.

But just now, Athirst had smelled the medicine on him, according to her experience, Athirst had a sleep disorder...!

When this disease develops, it becomes a completely different person, very aggressive and scary.

Athirst saw that the bodyguards had been beaten to the ground by him, lying on the ground groaning, and the housekeeper Mind, his face was also pale, he was scared, trembling, and didn't know what to do.

Brene Brian scowled at him, slowly approaching each step, butler Wu jumped back in panic, his lips stammering:

"Young... young master..."

Athirst bit her lip, decided to rush forward, blocking in front of the housekeeper Mind.

"It's very dangerous..." He was afraid, trembling and said to Athirst.

Brene Brian stopped, his bloodshot eyes looked at her.

Athirst suddenly hugged his waist, then took silver needles and pricked a few points on his body.

Brene Brian was not able to adapt at first, both hands squeezed her shoulder blades.

Athirst felt that her shoulder was about to be crushed by him, but she persisted in acupuncture for him.

Her eyes looked straight at him, strangely when looking into those eyes, Brene Brian suddenly felt more calm...!

"Relax a little, just trust me..."

Athirst spoke softly, his eyes gradually became less aggressive, Brene Brian relaxed, from squeezing her shoulder blades, his arms now moved to hug Athirst's small and soft waist.

His face buried in her white neck, Brene Brian took a deep breath of this sweet scent, feeling very comfortable, he unconsciously opened his mouth, biting on the hollow of her neck.


Athirst was a little startled, fortunately he did not bite hard, Brene Brian felt the soft skin in his mouth, his mind gradually relaxed, and used his teeth to rub it back and forth as if enjoying the delicious taste.

She held back, because he was sick, so he let him bite at will, if it was normal, Athirst would have kicked him aside.

"Athirst ...by my side, I won't expose your identity as a substitute."

After a while, Brene Brian suddenly spoke up, he regained his sanity, quickly returned to being a cold, thorough person...!

This woman has a strange charm that makes him calmer, why didn't Brene Brian hold her back?

Athirst did not expect him to know her identity, she bit her lip and did not answer, Brene Brian stroked her small waist, a low voice sounded in Athirst's ear:

"Athirst, think about it carefully, as long as I wave my hand, I can do anything.

But if you agree to be by my side, to be my wife of Brene Brian, I will not let you suffer or be bullied by anyone."

She still didn't answer, Brene Brian didn't force it, but slowly closed her eyes, relaxed her body and fell asleep...!

Butler Wu stood as still as heaven, because this was the first time he had seen anyone overpower him.

As always, it took a lot of work to control his disease, but today he didn't need to take medicine, just hugging Athirst was fine.

He did not know that she secretly took silver acupuncture and acupuncture for him.

Brene Brian stood motionless, the whole body fell towards her, Athirst could not support it, so her body staggered...!

The housekeeper Miand rushed to catch him, but Brene Brian's whole body was like a squid, holding her tightly and never leaving.

"I can't believe it, young master is asleep..."

He exclaimed in surprise, looked at her and said:

"This is the first time young master can sleep without medication."

Athirst was hugged tightly by him, no longer in the mind to care whether he was asleep or awake.

"Young lady, please take care of the young master, I will ask permission to go out..."

He called for some people to pull out the bodyguards who were unconscious on the ground.

As for Athirst, she was dumbfounded, her brain had not "loaded" all of what he said.

Missing lady?

The room soon became only the two of them.

Butler Mind secretly glanced at her again and said:

Brene Brian hugged her so tightly, that Athirst could not move, hot breath, steady on the nape of her neck.

Athirst suddenly blushed, a bit unnatural, after all, she is a virgin, for the first time being so close to a man, it is difficult to avoid shyness…!

Athirst don't know what to face next? Brene Brian is still sick, every time she has an attack, it is very scary, next to him like this, she is equally scared.

Is that why the Mind family is in a hurry to prepare their son's wedding? A person like him, although normally very handsome, has aura and health, but when he has a seizure, who can guarantee that he will not harm those around him?

Athirst felt like she was in a tiger's den, she shivered a bit, all day tired, faced with many things, now lying in Brene Brian's arms, her eyelids are also gradually heavy. ..!

Moments later, Athirst followed him to sleep.

Outside, the moon was bright and full, in the quiet room, two bodies hugged each other, surrounded by red rose petals, like a couple in love….