
Unwanted Saiyan (Naruto x DBZ)

Saiyan baby has landed in Elements nation, Uchiha found the Saiyan baby and raised him as his own child... Disclaimer: I don't own DB, Z, Super Naruto, or Shippuden but I do own My Original characters.

AkiraIP · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 7 (Ambush)


•One Month Later And The Day Before Uchiha Massacre•

In Uchiha Residences, On a blind morning, Kyo wakes up and gets ready to go training even though his Mother didn't allow it. However, he didn't care at all. He was still going to train. So he wears the usual outfit and is ready to go. 

But suddenly, the door opened slowly and revealed Naruko in front of the door. "Umm... Kyo, did you bring Hinata with you?" Naruko asks sheepishly.

"Yeah, why?" Kyo tilted his head in confusion, and he didn't know what Naruko wanted.

"Well... Can I-I go training with you?" Naruko is kind of afraid if Kyo declines her wish.

Kyo asks, "You sure?"

 Naruko nodded, "Yeah, but it's not only me but also Satsuki who wants to join too!" She said out loud. 

That makes Kyo rush toward her and close her mouth. "Shh, you gonna wake them up." 

Naruko mumbled under Kyo's hands, "B-But..."

Kyo sighs as he lets go of Naruko's mouth, "Alright-alright, you and Sasuki can join me."

"Really?" Naruko asks with a huge smile on her face.

Kyo smile as he replies, "Yup!"

Naruko hugs him while smiling. "Then I will meet you at the training field."

"Wait! Naruko, Is that okay if you go there alone? Should you come with me instead? But I have to get Hinata first." Kyo said in a worried tone.

Naruko giggled as she said, "Don't worry about me, Kyo. I'm not alone because I am gonna go tell Sasuki to get ready for training too."

Kyo sighed, "Well if you say so well, I gonna pickups Hinata. See ya at the training field, and don't do anything stupid." He said happily and went to his room window, jumping out. 

Ryo is just beside the corridor with Yuri watching their children. The mother sighs in defeat while the father giggles. 

"You just can't stop Kyo from going to the train, aren't you?"

Yuri sighs as she replies, "Well, I hope they are fine." She doesn't know why, but In her mind told her that today would be the worst day for her family.


Naruko, ready to go out. She spots her adoptive Mother standing at the main door with the frying pan in her hand; Naruko sweet drops and scares. 

Yuri saw Naruko as she walked toward Naruko. The girls take steps back in scares, but something happens to Naruko when Yuri hugs her. All her scare is gone. Yuri hugs her thigh like there's no tomorrow Naruko start to blush in embarrassment.

Naruko blushes from affection, "K-Kaa-San, w-what are you doing."

Yuri ignores what Naruko says and just hugs her tightly. She knows that something horrible will happen today. Yuri's tears fell from her eyes, which made Naruko panic when she saw it. In the blonde girl's mind, she thought she had hurt her mother.

Naruko tears welling in her eyes as she said, "D-Don't cry Kaasan, if you didn't want me and Kyo train, I will go tell him to stop..." She also has tears coming from her eyes. She didn't want her Mother to be sad.

Yuri shook her head as she looked at her daughter in anything but blood, "No is okay, Naruko." She wipes Naruko's tears. "I just gonna miss you very much." She said with a sad smile and let Naruko free from her hugs.

Naruko also wiped Yuri's tears away as she said, "Muh, Kaasan, why did you say that? We are only gonna train in a couple of hours, and we will be back soon." She kisses her mom on the cheek, and her mom kisses her on the forehead.

Naruko giggled as she said, "Hehe, well, Kaa-San, I got to go Sasuki's house. See ya." Naruko goes to her front door and looks back at her mom.

Yuri gave a smile as she said, "See ya, take care, and NARUKO TOLD KYO I ALWAYS LOVE YOU BOTH! REMEMBER THAT!" She shouts to Naruko when her girls get far away from her.



Satsuki is outside her house, lying on the wall waiting for Naruko to arrive. Then she heard someone calls her name.


Satsuki tilts her head to see who it is. Then she sees a person starts running under the light street, and it reveals Naruko herself walking toward her as she asks, "So how isn't Kyo let us go training with him?"

Naruko giggles when she arrives, "Hehe, yeah, even better, my Kaasan allows me and Kyo to go train."

Satsuki smiled, "Well, that's good news, so what were we waiting for? Let's go to the training field."

Naruko nodded as she said, "Yeah, let's go! Wait-wait, is Isachi-nee back home yet?"

Satsuki sighed as she shook her head, "No, she didn't come home from the last mission... damn what, it takes so long it's almost four days already."

"Well, I'm sure we meet her soon, so let's go.", Naruko replied as she and Satsuki ran to the training field.


Kyo walks toward the gate and knocks and waits; when 5min has passed, The boy knocks on the gate again and waits again. 

Another 5 minutes have passed, and he is about to knock again.

Finally, the door opens and reveals that Hinata and her Maid, just standing beside her, have dark green short hair with the same eyes as Hinata.

Hinata bow of her head while saying, "S-Sorry for the wait, Kyo-kun!" 

Kyo gave her a smile as he blushed when Hinata bowed to him as he said, "H-Hey raise your head, it's okay, no need to bow your head to me."

Hinata raises her head as she blushes, "Sorry, Kyo-kun, Natsu-san(The maid), we take our leave now."

The maid how standing behind Hinata, named Natsu, said, "Pease be careful, Hinata-sama." The maid waved her hand to Hinata and Kyo. 

Kyo and Hinata took their leave toward the training field. 

Natsu had just walked back inside the mansion when she spotted a little girl watching Kyo and Hinata behind the door. "Hanabi-sama? Is everything okay?"

A small girl name Hanabi replied, "Yeah, just Kyo-san. He looks cute."

Natsu giggles as she replies, "Yes, he is. Hehe."

Hanabi look at the main as she asks, "Can I have him?"

Natsu shook and sweet drop and replied, "Sadly, I don't think we can't buy a person, Hanabi-sama."

"So? How do I get him," Hanabi asks.

Natsu smiles, "Well, you can friend him, Hanabi-sama."

Hanabi tilts her head in confusion and asks again, "But how?"

Natsu's smile never left her face. "You can ask Hinata-sama to Introduce him to you."

Hanabi growled, "But I want him now!" 

"Ah, no, you gonna wait for Hanabi-Sama, hehe." The maid giggles as Hanabi pouts. She doesn't get what she wants.


Naruko and Satsuki already arrive at the training field, and they are waiting for Kyo and Hinata to arrive. "Uh, where is Kyo? We wait too long, like 5 hours now!"

Satsuki sighed as she replied, "Well, don't be such a liar, Naruko, we just 5 min here."

Naruko gives a sheepish smile as she responds, "Hehe, my bad..."

Satsuki suddenly hears something as she warns her friend, "Shhh... Naruko... There someone in the bushed."

Naruko smiled as she said, "Oh, it must be Kyo and Hinata." 

The blonde said cheerily and walked toward the bushes while ignoring Satsuki's warning. When She gets closer, the stranger stands up and steps outside the bush and reveals more of them until Naruko realises it is an assassin group.

Naruko got scared as she backed away from them slowly, "W-What, you are not Kyo. Who the hell are you guys..."

"NARUKO GET BACK!" Satsuki yelled, but it was too late when one of them stomped Naruto on the ground, making the ground crack and dust everywhere. When the dust clears and reveals Naruko unconscious, bleeding from her head.

"NARUKOO!!! Why, you son of a bitch... I will make you pay," Satsuki awakened her Sharingan from anger.

"HAA!!" Satsuki is rushing to attack, but they are stronger than her. One of them is already toward her and punched in the stomach, which sends her to nearby trees, knocking her out.

Soma looks at the leader as he asks, "What are we going to do with them? Taros"

Taros Lower his hoody to reveal his appearance: blue undercut hair, green eyes, light skin tone, muscular body type.

Taros look the girls as he said, "Well, these two, as I know, are Kyo brat friends... Just kill them."

The group nodded when Tora was just about to grab Naruko, and someone stood between Tora and Naruko.

"Wait! You said you want Kyo, and why do you want to kill them?!" Akira standing in their way, trying to stop them from killing his new friends

Tora growl, "Get out of the way, Brat!"

Akira shook his head, "NO! They are also my friends!"

Taros glare at the light blue hair boy, "Hm, it seems like you make friends with them, huh? A week ago, I gave you a task, find Kyo, where he trains, where his house is! Not make friends with them. Now move! Or I will kill Asuka in front of your eyes!"

Someone appears behind them; Taros smile at his teammate's arrival with someone. That makes Akira's eyes wide open went he sees Asuka's limp body on Jiro's shoulders. 

"What you do to her! you bastard!" Akira yell in anger,

Taros smirked, "Now move before she's dead."

Akira saw Jiro was about to snap Asuka's neck, and the worst is Asuka was just awake. She was shocked that she felt Jiro wrap his arm around her neck and face to snap. 

Then she saw Akira defending someone, and he defended a blonde hair girl. Finally, she remembers Akira telling her that he had found friends and that someday he would introduce them to her and get out of that hell.

Akira begged, "Let her go!"

Taros gave a grin as he said, "Now it's your choice, them or her."

Akira grips his hand tight, which almost draws blood from his fist. Asuka looks at Akira with a teary sad face.

Akira looks at his two new friends as he mumble, "Sorry... Naruko... Satsuki..." He steps aside from Naruko. "Now! Let her go!"

Jiro looks at Taros. 

The leader makes a nod that shocks Taros's team. Why didn't he want to kill her? This is the best opportunity to kill her, and yet Taros spare her life one more. Asuka is of no use to them. 

She always gets sick the past couple of weeks. Asuka pretty much lay in her bed because of her sickness. Jiro bit his lips and let Asuka go, and pushed her to the ground. 

Akira runs toward Asuka and checks if she is alright.

Asuka is shivering while asking, "Why you chose me?"

Akira ignores her question as he holds her forehead, and he realises she has a fever again. 

"I'm sorry," Akira mumbled as he held her close to her chest and closed his eyes in guilty.

Taros smirked, "Good choice, Akira, Soma! Go ahead, kill them."

Soma giggles evilly. "Hehe, with pleasure!"

Akira didn't move, and he held Asuka like he didn't want to let go. 

Soma pulls his sword when he is about to swing his weapon at Naruko. Then he felt a strong punch on his face.


Kyo suddenly appears and punches Soma in the face and takes Naruko and Satsuki far away from them as he asks, "Naruko and Satsuki are two. You alright!" 

The raven hair boy didn't get any response from the girls.

Kyo cruse to himself as he thought, 'Damn, theirs in worse condition. I need to take them home now, but I can't if this freak still around them won't allow me to think fast! Why Akira with them!?' He saw Akira hug someone.



Kyo and Hinata walk toward the training field. Then they hear something screaming in the forest.


Kyo looks at Hinata as he asks, "Hinata, did you hear that?"

Hinata nodded, "Y-Yeah, it came from the training field." She points her arm to the location. 

Kyo is shocked and realizes who's in that's field. "Hinata-Chan, stay here. I will be right back." He said in a severe tone. 

Hinata was shocked and nodded, and without a single word, Kyo started rushing to the field.

'Be careful, Kyo-Kun...'


Kyo starts to see the scene where Naruko is just about to be grabbed. He wants to rush in and save Naruko, but Kyo sees Akira step between the Hoody Man and Naruko. 

Somehow new Mysterious man appears with a little girl on his shoulder. The leader wants Akira to choose over Naruko or the little girls. But surprisingly for Kyo when Akira step away from Naruko and goes toward his other friend. 

Then he saw Naruko's life in danger. So he, out from his hiding spot, rushes to the man about to kill Naruko while yelling, "GET YOUR FILTHY HAND AWAY FROM HER BAKAYARO!"


•Flashback End•

'Damn, it can't take them to Hinata now... If I do, she will get hurt. Hmm 1,2,3,4,5,6. Maybe If I take 2 or 3 of them, I can run for it. Just why Akira with them?' Kyo, look at the guys that he has to fight if he wants to run and save his friends.

Kyo walks to the front of unconscious Naruko and Sasuki as he yells to his new friends, "Akira! What are you doing? Why are you with them?!"

Akira just stays silent.

Jiro girn as he literally saw money on Kyo, "So you, Kyo, huh? Hehe, didn't you know? Akira is a spy for us to get information about you."

Kyo look at Akira in disbelief, "What? Are you serious? Not it can't be?"

Mota smiles while holding tight Akira's head, "Tell him, brat."

Akira let Asuka go, stood up and said. "Y-Yeah, it's true."

Kyo is shocked that his new friend is a spy.

Akira could look at Kyo's face as he said, "I am being told to get info where you train or get time alone."

Taros chuckles as he continues, "And thanks to him, we finally get a chance to kill you."

Akira stays silent and looks away as Kyo sees the bleeding-tight fists.

Kyo looks at his friendly face, and he knows that he has someone he wants to protect. 

So Kyo makes a fighting pose and runs toward them to attack, and the enemies also do the same. The men attack Kyo with Taijutsu, but it seems Kyo dodges every punch and kicks with ease.

Kyo dodged the first punch by ducking and countering with a sidekick as Kyo dodged a second attack, he dodged to the side and gave a strong punch to Soma's abdomen.

Soma disbelieves when he receives the hit, "What the?!"

Tora growled in frustration, "I can't hit him!"

Kyo smiled as he said, "My turn." Superman punches Soma in the face, and then he makes a turn jump kick to Tora.

While still in the middle of the air Kyo makes a spinning kick to Mota. When he reaches the ground, he gets surprised when Hasuto kicks Kyo in his guts, which causes him to crash into nearby trees.

"Gah!" Kyo yelled in pain as he slowly stood up, blood dripping from his mouth. That makes Kyo excited to fight again. Soma, Mota, and Hasuto are barely standing.

"Who the hell is this brat leader!" Jiro wiped his mouth as he while asking.

Taros smiled as he said, "Well, if I'm correct, his power is about the same as Akira's."

Has to look shocked, "W-What? This Kid? Well, I'm not surprised..."

Taros give them a detail, "As you know, he is Kyo Uchiha. He is also known as none Ninjutsu Uchiha."

Soma spits some blood as he says, "W-Well, he must fuck with the clients as he fucks with us... I will gladly kill him not for the clients... but for my own personal goal,"

The raven's hair wipes the blood from his mouth. Kyo, in anger, as he yells, "A-Akira gets that so much info, huh? I just want you to answer me who the hell you are and send you!"

Taros grinned, "Well, if that is your final request, well, my name is Taros. I'm the leader of this group. We will kill anybody, including a little child like you, as long we get well paid and the one who paid us is the child you beat one month ago. He said he wants revenge."

Kyo got angry, "If I'm your target, why do you attack the girls!"

Mota smiles as he responds, "The blonde girl is about to scream, so I knock her out."

Jiro continues, "And the raven one is attacking us, so I show her where her place is."

Akira whispered, "Asuka, hold tight." Akira holds her and disappears from the gang, and reappears on the side of Naruko and Sasuki. Asuka is surprised by Akira's speed and also by others.

Akira looked at his friend as he said, "Asuka, Stay with them. I might do something stupid. They will keep you safe."

For the first time, Akira kisses Asuka, even on her forehead, but still, the first time he shows her that he cares about her, Asuka wants to protest, but she is too late. 

Akira is gone in front of her and stands beside Kyo. "I'm sorry, Kyo. If I don't give them info about you, Asuka will be dead."

Kyo chuckled while smiling, "Bakayaro, you should give us a warning,"

"Stand back and take them away. This is not your fight, and It's my fight." Akira said as he got into a fighting pose.

Soma grinned evilly, "I know this day will arrive."

Taros glared as he said to his group, "Step aside. I finish this traitor." He told his team to move away.

"Taros, you might scar my body, but... I'm not that easy to kill. HeeaaAAA!!!!" Akira let out a roar when he raised his power.

Taros smirk. "Is that so? Then come here!" He makes a finger motion calling Akira to fight him.

Akira disappears again and reappears in front of Taros. He went to punch but blocked the punch with ease by leaving a huge shock wave.

"You getting stronger, brat." Before Taros can say another word Akira disappears behind him and attack him with super fast speed.

The light blue hair kick, and punches, everywhere he can, but Taros stand strong with no problem from that attack; he whips the dust away from his cloth. 

Akira just stands there and is shocked that his attack didn't work, but he didn't give up. He must kill Taros, or his friends will die. 

Akira jumps toward Taros and throws a punch that Taros catch with ease.

Taros growled, "You annoying, you know. Now die! Death Punch"

Taros counter Akira's attack; Taros make a Ki punch attack on Akira. 

Sadly Akira, he cants move, dodge, or do anything he can is brace against the attack. 

'Sorry, Everyone...' Then he received the attack, his left arm got destroyed, and a six-hole on his body. Akira being sends toward Asuka and drops to the ground like a rag doll.

Asuka and Kyo are very shocked. "A-A-Akira... Akira.... no... no. NOOO!!!"

Asuka holds Akira's body tight, cries so hard, and calls his name countlessly.

Kyo's eyes widened as he was getting angry, "KORA, I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!" He rushes straight towards Taros.


Satsuki was barely conscious, and she saw Kyo rush toward them as she mumbled, "K-Kyo..... d-don't..." But no one can hear a word from her.


Taros made the finger motion again while saying, "Come here, boy!"

"ORAAA!" Kyo is right in front of Taros as Kyo makes a flying kick, and Taros dodges it with no effort.

Kyo is shocked, "What?!"

Taros smirked, "You got more to learn, brat! Super Punch!" He punches the five years old boy on the abdomens that make a huge shock wave.

Kyo opened in mouth, but no voice came from his mouth as the punch sent him 100 meters away from Taros. 

Kyo crashes tree by tree and finally stops far away from the group.

Soma sighed, "Leader, why did you do that?!"

Jiro nodded, "Yeah, I want to kill him, too!"

Satsuki tried to support her up while shaking her head in disbelief, "N-No!"


•To Be Continue•


(Cliffhanger No Jutsu! It works! It's finally working! And... That is a warp for chapter 7. I hope you guys like this chapter yeah, I just made the story more complicated, Hehe. If you want an answer, don't forget to follow the story, I will explain or make a new riddle for you hehe.)

(Vote if you Like it! Share if you Love it! And a Follow will be Epic! See you guys next time!)

(See ya stay safe😊)

(Cliffhanger No Jutsu! It works! It's finally working! Anddd... That is a warp for chapter 7. I hope you guys like this chapter yeah, I just make the story more complicated Hehe. if you want an answer, don't forget to follow the story, I will explain or make a new riddle for you hehe.)

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