
Unwanted Partner

Rodrick had been a detective for Hell for as long as he can remember. So when Hell decided that demons, angels and humans could live together all on one plane he was one off the first of his kind to become a detective for the Human world. He enjoyed his job of making sure demon crimes were solved. that's how it worked. demons took care of demon crime and humans took care of human crime. But now Lord Luicifer, God and the stupid leaders of Earth have decided a new task force needed to be formed. And much to Rodricks disdain...he's been assigned his first Human partner.

Acarson · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Rodricks Help with the Plan

While Rodrick had disappeared, he made sure to swing by his place for a change of clothes. Buttoning up his clean shirt, he stared at his broken bed. Last night events flashed through his mind. Rickeys lips on his, her hands pulling his hair and nails digging into his skin. The way her body felt so right while he fucked her. He shook his head pushing the memories away. "New day. New fuck." he looked at the picture of the teacher that could cause problems. After memorizing her face he once again disappeared in shadows, appearing in front of the school.

He made a few mental notes as he walked in. Zero security. No cameras at the entrance or the halls. "No wonder humans are getting their memories fucked with." he mumbled. It was early in the morning and only teachers or staff were at the school. He walked down the hallways till he found the class he needed. "Miss. Larie" he knocked on the door smiling at the woman grading papers at her desk.

Brown almond shape eyes met his red ones. The teaches hair was a dirty blonde and pulled up into a messy bun with a pencil sticking out of it. She was what humans refer to as anorexic in build. Rodrick could smell the self loathing emitting from her as he approached. "Oh umm....I didn't schedule any parent teacher meetings." she stammered unable to look him in the eye. Her voice was a nauseating high pitched one and he flinched a little but kept his smile. "Miss. Larie...Im Rod. I heard about you from a friends kid and I was intrigued." he turned her chair from her desk, to were he had a hand on either side of her. He loomed over her with his tall build. "I...I...Im engaged." she stammered out her cheeks a bright red through her fake tan.

"Such things mean nothing to my kind. plus he bores you...and doesn't touch you." He ran one hand up her leg to the inside of her thigh. She squeaked a little. "We...w...wanna wait till our wedding night!" she made no effort to push him away. Rodrick leaned in closer., his breath in her ear. "Now now..dont lie. I can smell it on you. You wanna be touched. You crave it." he lightly kissed her neck. "Yo...you're right." as she spoke he had her turned around onto her desk. He had her pants pulled down and his cock pressed up against her ass. Her eyes went wide. "No...not that hole!" "Now dear. This way you are still untouched like your boring fiance wants." he pinned her head down to the desk and rammed his cock into her ass. She let our a scream but moans of pleasure quickly followed.

Rodrick grabbed both her wrists and pulled them behind her back using her own body to slam on and off his cock. All he could think about was wanting this to be Rickey. He wanted to bend her over this same desk and make her scream his name as he fucked her. Thinking of this got him harder. Miss. Larie moaned louder. "I...I can't believe I...I make a demon so hard!" she said in between her moans. "Trust me bitch...you don't." he thrust harder feeling himself get close. As he did he pulled out cumming onto the teachers back. He looked down and saw that she wasn't moving. He checked for a pulse and nodded that she still had one. On the board her turned around and wrote. "Demon was here. Weak human will be down for the count for a long while. Emit to hospital. XOXO" he pulled up his own pants and adjusted his jacket. "Need to get that bitch out of my mind." he mumbled referring to Rickey. He smoothed out wrinkle in his jacket once more before heading back to the diner with the others.