
Unwanted Marriage: Honey, No More Divorce!

After three years of marriage, Wendy Stewart was used to Michael Lucas's sarcastic remarks, his frequent threats about getting divorced, and even his indulgence of a mistress. She thought that she could bear with this her entire life, until she accidentally got pregnant with a child that Michael did not want. Finally despondent, Wendy signed the divorce agreement and left. She thought they could have parted ways forever, but Michael refused to stop looking for her after the divorce. When they met again, she was the world's top designer. Smiling sweetly at her ex-husband, she said, "My dear, we're already divorced." Michael simply stared at her coldly, "Tell me, what will it take for us to reconcile?"

TheHana · Urban
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714 Chs

We Should Get Divorced

If this was like before, Wendy would have called Michael right after seeing the news to ask him what he was trying to achieve with this. No, however, she held onto her phone but did not call him.

In the past three years, Wendy had not told a single outsider about her relationship with Michael. Even though Michael and Yvonne went around together, the entertainment media would not dare expose his relationship with her in the tabloid news without his permission.

Even though the employees at his company knew about his relationship with Yvonne, Michael had not taken the liberty of announcing it to the public.

The existence of these news reports, therefore, meant that Michael had chosen to publicly acknowledge his relationship with Yvonne.

Wendy bowed her head, chuckling softly to mock herself for being so pathetic.

She had not gotten in touch with Michael over the past few days. The truth was that she was still afraid that the divorce between them would be mentioned once they got in touch.

Wendy's belly had not started swelling. Before that happened, she and her child would be safe.

She knew that her marriage to Michael existed only in name. Despite that, she still hoped that their marriage could persist a little longer. Even if for just one more day. She deliberately kept herself busy to avoid thinking about Michael and Yvonne. As long as the divorce proceedings were not finalized, she was still legally Michael's wife.

She knew that there was no meaning in lying to herself like that. Even so, she had loved him for three years.

She had devoted her entire self to him for the past three years, and the thought of having to cut ties immediately made her heart ache so badly that it became hard to breathe.

Bowing her head, Wendy reached out to touch her belly and whispered gently, "Baby, tell me, do you think mummy is silly?"

Her fetus was only one month old. Naturally, there was no response.

Her phone rang once again. Wendy looked at the screen and saw that it was from Mrs. Lucas.

The moment she answered, she heard Madam Lucas's voice through the phone. "Wendy, come back for dinner with Michael tonight.

She was reminded of Christian's words from earlier and guessed that Madam Lucas had probably found out about the news of Michael and Yvonne. She probably wanted to stand up for Wendy.

Their divorce proceedings had been put on hold due to Mrs. Lucas's birthday the week before. This time, Wendy thought that it was perhaps really time to let go of this marriage.

"Sure, Grandmother," replied Wendy in a gentle tone as she tried to suppress her emotions.

Madam Lucas sighed over the phone. When she spoke again, she sounded apologetic, "Wendy, don't worry, I'll make sure to punish Michael for you."

"Grandmother, the truth is..." Wendy really wanted to admit that they had planned on getting divorced. Yet, the words just could not leave her lips no matter how much she wanted them to. She thought, forget it, I'll talk to Grandmother about this at the mansion tonight.

Wendy was no longer in the mood to come up with new designs. At 6 P.M., Wendy packed up and got ready to return to the mansion. Mrs. Lucas had requested for them to return together, but it had been a few days since Wendy last saw Michael. Right now, it was not convenient for her to get in touch with him. Hence, she made her way to the mansion on her own.

When Madam Lucas saw Wendy arrive alone, the smile on her face faded. She said, "Where is Michael? Why isn't he back yet?"

Wendy smiled and explained on Michael's behalf, "He still has some work to finish up, so he sent me here to accompany you first."

"Wendy, stop speaking on his behalf. Did you and Michael even plan to come back together?" asked Ms. Lucas.

Wendy blinked and replied in a small voice, " I was the one who came back by myself without informing him."

Mrs. Lucas grabbed Wendy's hand and gave it a gentle pat. She said, "Wendy, the Lucas family has wronged you."

"Grandmother, please don't say that."

Wendy had not spent more than a few days with the Lucas family. The grievances she had against them were negligible, and she simply did not care.

Michael was the only person she was concerned about.

Unfortunately, she was about to lose him too.


Michael arrived at the mansion not too long after. He did not seem surprised at all to see Wendy there.

"Wendy Stewart, you came right here to complain to Grandmother the moment something happened. You're so clever," Michael told Wendy with a sour look on his face.

When Mrs. Lucas heard those words, she slammed her hand heavily against the table. She said, "Michael Lucas! You're getting out of hand! What did you promise me on my birthday last week?"

Mrs. Lucas was not a fool, she had always known that Michael and Wendy did not have a good relationship. She also knew that Michael only made that promise last week to make her happy, and because he did not want to air their dirty laundry in front of his relatives.

"Grandmother, aren't you aware of what kind of person Wendy is by now? She tricked me into marrying her three years ago-even though she knew I had a girlfriend, she drugged me and climbed into my bed. Grandmother, what exactly do you adore about a woman like her?"

In a state of fury, Michael did not care whether Mrs. Lucas wanted to hear these words.

"Even if you don't trust Wendy, I do!" Mrs. Lucas grabbed her cane, stood up, and used it to give Michael a good whacking. "I've told you many times, Yvonne Taylor is not a good person. You have a woman who genuinely loves you standing right beside you, why are you so blind to that? Do you think I do not know about the fact that you gave Yvonne a job in the company? Do you think I do not know that everyone in your company is gossiping about the two of you? Michael, keep this in mind-your father has been unfaithful in his marriage, but he will be the last person like that in the Lucas family. You will not follow in his footsteps."

Mrs. Lucas had always been unhappy about Anthony's extramarital affair. Back then, when she first learned about the existence of Lily and Christian, her illegitimate grandson was already five years of age. But now, she could still prevent Michael from taking the same path that his father did.

Michael did not dodge the blows. He held his ground and endured his grandmother's attacks. He did not even flinch.

Wendy could not feel any more useless than she did right now. Even with how things were today, she still could not bear to watch Michael get hit.

Stepping forward to stop Mrs. Lucas, Wendy persuaded her, "Grandmother, please don't hit him."

"If I don't hit him, this will remain as an injustice," said Mrs. Lucas in a disappointed tone. Her face flushed as she continued, "The Lucas family has always had a clean reputation. Ever since your grandfather's generation, we have never experienced situations of infidelity. Michael's father wandered off the right path and got involved with Lily, but I can no longer do something about that. Now, Michael is imitating his father's behavior. When your grandfather first learned about the affair between Anthony and Lily, he gave Anthony a good beating. Now that your grandfather isn't around to do so anymore, it has become my duty to take over. If I don't, I'm afraid that another illegitimate child will be brought into our family."

Mrs. Lucas grew increasingly agitated as she spoke. The rims of her eyes reddened. It was also precisely because of the Lucas family's spotless reputation that Mrs. Lucas made the decision for Michael to marry Wendy when they first slept together three years ago.

Michael tried to defend himself, "My situation is completely different from my father's. My dad is indeed scum-he married my mother in order to gain footing in his career and climb up the social ladder. Then, unable to forget his first love, he got involved with Lily again. On the other hand, I fell victim to Wendy's plot right from the start. I have never loved her, but you forced me to marry her. If not for her, I would have gotten married to Yvonne a long time ago."

"Michael." Perhaps she felt exhausted from hitting him, as Mrs. Lucas's voice had dipped in volume.

She said, "Listen to your grandmother, Yvonne is really not a good woman. I've lived to such a ripe old age; I've seen all kinds of people before. What she covets are your status and power. Once you lose everything, she will leave you without hesitation."

"Yvonne is not the kind of person you think she is," said Michael, "Grandmother, why are you willing to trust Wendy, but you refuse to give Yvonne a chance?"

Observing Michael's refusal to realize his mistakes, the furious Mrs. Lucas whacked him again. She said, "I don't care who you like or who you love, or if you can truly absorb my advice. In any case, I've said my piece. Wendy is your wife right now, so don't let me see any scandalous news between you and Yvonne again. Otherwise, you can forget about being part of the Lucas family!"

"In that case, we'll get divorced," said Michael without any hesitation, "The truth is, we were already planning to do that before your birthday. We only put it on hold so that we could give you a good celebration."

"What did you just say?" asked Madam Lucas incredulously, "You were already planning to get divorced?"

She turned her head to look at Wendy, whose head was bowed. Grabbing her hand, Madam Lucas asked, "Did Michael force you into it? Tell me, I'll make the decision on your behalf."

When Wendy lifted her head, her eyes were slightly damp. She knew that Mrs. Lucas genuinely wanted the best for her. Over the past three years, Mrs. Lucas had been the only person who truly trusted her. She was also the only person who did not wish for them to get divorced. But now that things had come to this, there was really no other way the couple could persist in their marriage.

Wendy's voice sounded slightly choked as she cried, "Grandmother, it really is time that Michael and I get divorced."

"Are you hurt because of those scandalous articles?" Mrs. Lucas continued whacking Michael while talking to Wendy. She said, "Don't be afraid, Wendy, I will stand by your side."

"Grandmother, stop hitting him," replied Wendy as she grabbed Madam Lucas's hand to stop her, "I was the one who initiated the divorce."

Mrs. Lucas was shocked at first, but all she could do was sigh. She said, "I know just how deeply Michael has hurt you. But I can't bear to let go of such an amazing daughter-in-law like you. I've seen for myself everything that you've done for Michael over the years. Can you please promise me not to rush into this divorce? I will make sure that Michael stops associating with Yvonne."

"Grandmother, why do you keep insisting on keeping the two of us together?" Michael found it difficult to understand. He said, "Why can't you just support my decision to be with the person that I like? No happiness can come out of forced decisions, don't you understand that logic?"

Perhaps Mrs. Lucas did not understand, but Wendy had learned the hard way over the last three years. She was no longer the same person that she was three years ago, so self-confident that she had been sure Michael would fall in love with her. Wendy finally admitted defeat, and thoroughly so.

"Grandmother, this is a decision that Michael and I made together," Wendy tried persuading Mrs. Lucas, "I've failed to make Michael fall in love with me over the last three years. Instead, his hatred for me has only grown. If we go on like this, he will only end up detesting me more. Rather than allow that to happen, I would rather we just go our separate ways. I've used marriage to keep Michael with me over the last three years, and now that I think about it, I was just being selfish."

With that, Wendy gave Michael a slight bow. She said, "I'm sorry."

Michael snorted coldly, unable to accept her apology. from his perspective, this was merely Wendy's way of acting pitifully in front of his grandmother.

"There's no need to apologize to me. Since you've agreed to get divorced, let's finalize the proceedings next Monday. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly. There's no need for you to leave empty-handed. I'll give you five million dollars so that you don't have to worry about your living expenses," said Michael, "as long as you are genuine about getting divorced."

Seeing Wendy and Michael settle on the terms of their divorce before her very eyes, Mrs. Lucas felt enraged. She said, "Michael, if you really proceed with this divorce, you will certainly regret it."

"I've regretted enough over the last three years," said Michael. He felt nothing but the same disgust in his heart when he looked at Wendy with her head bowed.

He was really sick of her careful and pitiful demeanor. In the past, Wendy always enjoyed the protection of his grandmother, forcing Michael to agree to the marriage. But today, since they had already agreed on getting divorced, there was nothing else Mrs. Lucas could say.