
Unwanted Hearts

Hazen is a rich spoiled boy who falls for Lia, who doesn’t give him the attention he wants.

Taigress · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 3: Rude

While I was looking at his earring he looked at me.

"What?" he said.

"Oh nothing i was just looking at your earing that's all." I said giving him a slight smile.

"You want my earing?" He tilted his head.

"What am I gonna do with your earring I don't even have my ears pierced." I said.

"You're a girl and your ears are not pierced?" He taunted.

"Who said I'm a girl?" I joked.


"Ahem, the teacher is gonna scold ME if I don't help you." I cleared my throat

"That's not my problem." He looked back at his phone.

"I am trying to help you and you keep ignoring me? the teacher told me to talk to you it's not like I'm free I have work to do." I complained.

"Did I ask for your help?" He sighed.

"HUH?! Such a jerk who does he think he is some kind of prince?" I said in Spanish so he couldn't understand, as I was talking to myself he looked at me.

He didn't say anything, he's back at using his phone.

Bell Rings

Second period ended the teacher left suddenly all the girls in my class started talking to Hazen he didn't even look at them, one of my class fellow Laila walked towards me.

"Hey can you swap seats with me? I wanna sit with him." She said not in a very polite way. She was obviously fake smiling at me.

"No its my seat I don't want to change it." I refused politely.

She looked visible annoyed and left she had personal problems with me I wish I knew what problems, she badmouths about me to other people even though we don't talk.

Girls in my class were trying really hard to talk to Hazen in English but they can't speak very well.

"Everyone take out your books go on page 56 we will start from there." Said Ms. Amelia entering the classroom, she's our history teacher. Everybody went back to their seats Ms. Amelia looked at Hazen and smiled.

"You must be the new student right?" She asked in Spanish.

He didn't answer he was using his phone, Ms. Amelia started looking for his name on her list, one of the girls in class shouted his name to tell the teacher.

"Ok… Hazen you can't use your phone in class." She said in Spanish.

He didn't even look at teacher. Ms Amelia was confused why was he not paying attention as I raised my hand.

"Yes Lia?"

"Teacher he doesn't understand Spanish." I said.

"That's ok but tell him that he can't use his phone in class." She said sitting on her chair.

"Ok class let's start were we lef-" she was interrupted by a ringtone.

A phone was ringing, where is the voice coming from? I looked besides me it was Hazen's phone. How many times do I have to tell him to put his phone on silent? He picked up the phone and left the classroom. Everyone was shocked even the teacher.