
Unwanted Hearts

Hazen is a rich spoiled boy who falls for Lia, who doesn’t give him the attention he wants.

Taigress · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 24: Partner

*Unknown POV*

"I got the information you wanted about that girl, Sir."

"Great, go on."

"Her name is Lia Kay, she's 17 y/o and is in the final year of her high school. Hazen and Alex are also in the same high school."

"For what?"

"I don't know, Sir. All I could find is about her because their bodyguards are always around."

"What the hell are they doing there?"

"Hazen's older brother is here to fund and help build a school for kids."

"Why here?"

"I don't know about that, Sir, can I ask a question?"


"Why don't you talk to them? Won't it be easier?"

"No, talking to them would waste my time."

"Sir, anything else?"

"Send her some flowers."


"I couldn't thank her for helping me, so send her 99 black roses and 1 red rose."

"That's specific."

"It is, it should be unique, If I ever meet her I'll thank her personally, those idiots are there if not I would go and I don't want to go somewhere they are."

"Alright, Sir— Uh… Sir?"


"May ask for what reason do you want to thank her?"

"Remember the day my car broke down and you didn't send a new one on time so I was standing outside in the rain she ran over to the road and gave me an umbrella."


"Yeah, it wouldn't happen if you did your work correctly."


"What for now? Go, I have things to do."

"Ok, Si—"

"And tell me what she says."

"Alright, I'll be going then."

*Lia's POV*

"What in the hell are they doing this early morning?" I look around in the class where a group of guys are planning a prank. "How do they have so much energy?"

"Riiight?" Marina agrees.

"Oh oh! she's here, turn the lights off!" A classmate runs in the class.

They turn the lights off.

Ughh, I want to go home. It's literally the first period and it has been just 5 or less minutes that we entered class.

Turn the lights on or else i'll go to sleep, I already feel sleepy my eyes are closing, when I try to sleep at home it feels impossible and here I feel like I could just take a good nap—

"Don't sleep here, Honey."

I gasp lightly and sit straight and slowly look at my right side.

"Were you awake the whole night thinking about me?" Alex smug smiles.

"Does it look like that?" I wipe my eyes as I yawn.

"Well what other reason would it be? If not me."

"You look scarier in the dark move back."

"Do I—"

"Wait, are they gonna jumpscare the teacher?"

"I think they—"

"You should go and help them, just stand in front of the door."

"What if she hugs me out of fear, you'll get jealous."


"Plus there's too many girls there, what if they touch me?" Alex tone changes to dramatic.


"You're in my way." Hazen says from behind Alex.

"Oh?" Alex turns back and gives him a nonchalant look.

"Move." Hazen walks over to his seat his shoulder hitting Alex's.

"I can smell it." Alex scoffs.

"You should go to the bathroom." I make an 'ew' face.

"Pfft— I was talking about the jealousy, I can smell it from far away." Alex glances over Hazen.

"AGHH!!!" Suddenly a girl screams making the other girls scream in the class.

I cover my ears.

"Hahaha— you're such a scaredey cat Laila." A classmate laughs.

"You're so evil, you know how delicate I am." Laila fixes her hair, her gaze on Hazen.

"Why is she such a pick me?" Marina asks.

"I also want to know that."

She walks closer to us.

"Hazen?" She places her hands on his table that is beside me. "I heard you do boxing."

He looks at her with no expressions.

"Why don't you punch them for scaring me." She says almost in a dramatic tone with a pout on her face.

"He should punch you instead for talking like this." Marina whispers.

"Did you say something?" Laila asks in a almost rude way.

"What's wrong?" Brian asks as he puts his school bag down.

Oh when did he enter the class?

"Nothing, she got scared." Marina smiles as she says this in a taunting way.

"Oh was it them?" Brian points at the group of boys that are always plotting something.

"Yeah." Laila pouts again.

I slightly furrow my brows wondering why is he caring so much.

"Hey! don't scare her like this again." Brian shouts to the boys standing next to the door.

Laila smug smiles.

"If they do that again just tell me." Brian smiles at her.

"Oh Brian you're such a gentleman, by the way have you done the art project?"

"The portrait one?"


"I need a partner for that—"

"I'll be your partner." She smiles widely.

I will burn this school down.

Brian glances at me no expression on his face as he looks back at her and smiles.

"Great, then we should sit together."

"I'll bring my stuff." Laila excitingly walks to her seat to grab her school bag.

"Oh Lia will you be par—"

"I need a partner, so be mine." Hazen cuts off Marina.

I look at him.

"If you partner with someone else you'll have to change seats." Hazen shruggs.

He's right, I don't want to move, i'm way too comfortable here.


"What about me?!" Marina says.

"Ooh yeah, I can't leave her alone I should partn—"

"I'll be your partner." Edward says.

He has a crush on Marina. Does she know? No.

How do I know? well it's obvious.

Marina looks at him and thinks before answering.

"Alright." She sighs.

Where did Alex go? he always disappears.

Looking around I glance at Brian who looks too comfortable with Laila.

Why didn't he ask me to be his partner?

Or… I could've— no, what if he refused?

"Can you draw?" I snap back as Hazen speaks.


"What does that mean?"

"the definition of the word 'slightly' means to a small degree; not considerably or—"

"That's not what I meant." He shakes his head side to side. "Well, what position would you like to draw me in?"

"You hanging upside down from a tree."


"What? I like nature."

"Fine, then I want to draw you crawling on the ceiling."


"What? I like superhumans."

Ring Ring

Oh? The class is already over. I see Brian going outside the class, I should talk to him. I get up.

"Where are you going?" Hazen asks.

"I need to bottle my water." I say quickly as I walk ahead.

I go out and follow Brian, I feel like a stalker.

"Brian?" I call him.

He doesn't look back. Well now i'm gonna go and cry until I fill a few buckets.

He definitely heard me.