
Unwanted Hearts

Hazen is a rich spoiled boy who falls for Lia, who doesn’t give him the attention he wants.

Taigress · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 16: Decorations

"Put me down."

"I saved you from falling and this is how you thank me?"

"Thank you."

He smiles almost a smirk.

"Can you put me down now?"

Hazen puts me down. I fix my clothes and sigh looking up at that heavy box that almost fell on me, it would definitely give me a concussion.

"Are you sure that is the box we are supposed to take?" Hazen asks.

"I think so." I scratch my head.

I look at him.

"Can you get it?" I smile politely than ever.

"I though somebody didn't need any help." He raises his eyebrows.

"Well that 'somebody' clearly needs help now." I say.

He looks up as if he's thinking.

"You won't help your classmate?" I pout hoping he would agree.

He looks at me his eyebrows still raised.

"Wasn't I an unknown?"

I almost sigh but stop halfway with a smile.

"I- who said that?" I say, acting like I didn't say that.

He looks at me silently.

My eyes wander around as I stand their awkwardly.

"You want me to beg or something?" I say giving up.

"That could work."

"You will make me beg?" I put on a dramatic expression. "You will make your friend beg?" I say keeping the dramatic tone.

"Oh so now you're my friend?"

"Am I not?" I say acting hurt.

"That is not going to work."


"You acting this sad and dramatic."

"Fine." I say changing my expression to normal as I slightly pout looking away.

"Say please and I will think."

Think? Then what's the point?

"Now I won't."


I want to leave from here. Should I just- ugh.




"Huh?" He puts his hand on his ear acting like he didn't hear me. "I didn't hear that."

I fold my lips inward controlling my anger and the urge to yell as loud as I can in his ear so he goes deaf.

I sigh closing my eyes.

"Please?" I say calmly almost in a passive aggressive way a smile still on my face.

"Please what?"

I bite my lower lip hoping that I don't explode. I turn around and start walking, i'm not talking to him again.

"You're not gonna take the box?"

I don't answer as I walk towards the door.


I look back with angry expression.

He points at a small box that was on the table on the other side of the library.

"You can definitely carry that."

I look at the box, it had our class name on it.

I walk to it. Peeking inside I see decorations supplies. Why didn't I see that? Because you're dumb and apparently blind.

He knew that this was the box, why didn't he tell me?

Of course he had to make fun of me, if not how would be able to sleep peacefully?

I walk upstairs the small box in my hand.

"What took you guys so long?" Marina asked.

"I couldn't find the box." I answer.

"Is that the reason?" Alex said butting in.

I put the box down and start taking the things out.

"What else could it be?" Marina said almost in a defending tone.

"I don't know, maybe-"

"Shut up." Hazen cuts off Alex.

Brian walks in my way and squats helping me take the stuff out from the box.

"Uh, Lia?"

"Hm?" I look up at Brian.

"Will you help me paint that mural?"

"Yes." I smile.

"No, she has to help me put the banners on." Hazen interrupts.

"I will help you Brian." I ignore Hazen.

Brian looks up at him then me.

"Thanks." He smiles.

I smile back taking the paints out.

"Hazen can you help me put this garland on? I can't reach up there." Laila says pouting.

What a pick me.

Hazen stands there with a neutral expression.

"Which side do you wanna paint?" Brian asks me.

"I don't mind, which one do you want to paint?" I ask.

"Brian which one you want to paint? No no Lia, which one do you want to paint?" Alex mocks us imitating our voices. "Damn decide already stop acting like a newly married couple."

I side eye him, Brian chuckles.

"I'll paint the right side." I say getting up and walking to the wall.

Brian stands beside me painting the other side.

15 minutes later

"Oh look at these juniors, they're so cute." A group of seniors walk towards us, a basketball in their hands, they are definitely going to the schoolyard.

"Are they mocking us?" Marina whispers to me.

"Most definitely." I whisper back.

As they walk past us a guy from their group kicks a paint bucket that was besides me and Marina.

"My shoes!" Marina gasps looking down.

I look down, the paint spilled on my shoes as well.

"Oops, didn't see it there." The guy says, he doesn't look apologetic at all, more like he was still mocking us.

"Need glasses?" Brian steps in.

"No, he needs a beating." Alex says.

"Beating?" The guy starts laughing his companions as well.

"I'll punch that attitude out of you and then we'll see who laughs." Alex says scoffing as he steps close to them.

"Leave it Alex, it's not worth fighting with people like them." Brian says putting his arm out to stop him.

Things would escalate if Mr. Sam wouldn't have come out from the class.

"What's going on?"

"We were just wishing them good luck." The senior guy said.

What a liar.

Mr. Sam looked dow, the paint all over the floor.

"Go to your class, i'll talk with your teacher later." Mr. Sam said to the senior guys.

On the other side Marina was looking at her shoes, she did look devastated.

"They were just months old." Marina sniffed.

"I saw you with these shoes since we met."

"Come on they are not that old just 22 months old."

"Almost 2 years?" I say.

"Yeah, they were my good luck."

"Even my shoes are ruined." I say pursing my lips.

"Well, good for me i'll have new shoes." Marina smirked.

"Clever." I smirk back.

"I know."

"Girls you can go to the washroom." Mr. Sam looked at our shoes.

"Marina you go i'll l just wipe mine off with a tissue." I say.

"Ok." She walks away.

"Let me help." Brian says seeing me go in the class.

"No it's ok-"

"Please." He says going in the class to bring some tissues.

I turn around and lean back on the wall, looking up I see Alex with a smirk.



"Do you like him?" Alex asks.

"No." I say clearing my throat.

"He clearly likes you."

Does he?

"So?" I act nonchalant.

"I'm better than him." Alex says a creepy smirk still on his face.

I scoff.

"What? I am."

I look away shaking my head. Hazen looked concentrated helping Laila or is he? He looks like he's mad or annoyed, I can't tell.

"Here." Brian comes back with tissues in his hand.

"Oh tha-" I put my hand forward so he can pass me the tissues instead he crouches.

"Brian, I can do it myself."

"It's ok, put your foot here." He says signaling his knee.

"No, Brian please, let me do it."

"Lia I will-"

"Please." I insist.

"Alright." He chuckles lightly getting up.

"Thanks." I take the tissues and sit on the floor cleaning my shoes that took a minute.

I can feel someone staring at my soul. I look at that direction. Hazen was staring.

Why is he looking at me like that?

1 hour later

"Ok guys let's stop for today, put everything were it was and get ready for your next period." Mr. Sam said.

"I'll go and take these to the teacher's room." Marina said taking a box in her hands.

Everyone took something and went to where we took it from.

I took the paints and went to the storage room. Brian went with Mr. Sam and Alex went straight to class without helping.

I reached the storeroom and placed the paints on their spot.

The day ended and I went back home.

I do my usual routine and go to bed.

I think about what Alex said. Does Brian actually like me?

Tomorrow i'll pay extra attention to him.