
Unwanted Fantasia of a Transmigrator

What comes after death? The Afterlife? The Void? Heaven or Hell? What about a hellish cycle of rebirth? A cycle of rebirth through time and space! Join Yuriy Markov XV on an unfortunate and unwanted journey beyond death! Born on Earth which is plagued by death and uncertainty, Yuriy pursues the life of a VR fanatic. Sadly that all comes to an end when war breaks out. Just when people thought things couldn't get worse, an unnatural disaster wipes out all life. Now having his first taste of death, join our main character as he embarks on a path towards what lies after death, and possibly even further! Remember... Death is only the beginning!

Myst_Assist · Fantasy
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161 Chs

Chapter 14- Let the Training begin! Part 3

Later that evening, I decided tomorrow would be the day I would truly begin my training. Currently. I was walking around the settlement, enjoying the sights while I considered which direction my training would take.

Originally, I had intended on making my life in this world similar to the VR game I once played. But now that will no longer be enough. I found myself needed much more power and, a hell of a lot sooner than I originally planned.

The main reason being Uncle's quest in the system menu's quest list. The quest mentioned as a pre-requisite, I needed to either follow the two most common paths to power to the pre-divine limits. Or, develop my own with the same if not greater power and create either an organization or found a country. Once again, all before ascending to Godhood.

Next would be the things Uncle Yuriy taught me while in the inheritance realm. The meditation technique uncle taught me solely focuses on manipulating magoi. However, he made it a point I would be able to awaken aura at the same time. This technique is completely different from the techniques used in Ohmdorra. It's as if Uncle's methods are from another world.

For example, I am gonna use mom and dad. From what I've gathered from their lessons, the meditation techniques one typically learns focuses either on Aura development or magoi manipulation, not both! When I asked them, about controlling both energies, the laughed in my face. Apparently, Magoi and Aura are completely apposing energies and do not mix!

Moving on, the final piece to the puzzle is the knowledge I already have from my time as an Earth otaku. In all the years I've spent "researching", there is a common trend which may apply here. In every cultivation, superhuman, and D&D based novel, it's always the main characters who forged their own path to power. They achieve this feat through a perilous path to the greatest might. Of course... with the help of a few cheats here and there.

I can't really call it a cheat, but I have the system menu. Although it's a read-only utility, it retains all information I've received and will act as a tracker for my growth. Uncle even mentioned I need to exploit the system as much as possible! His teachings will help create my foundation. The system will act as my benchmarks or guidelines. Lastly, my "otaku research" will help me watch out for tropes, pitfalls and flags. All that's left is creating a perfect body eligible for godhood at an early stage.

For that, I will need a few components to begin the transformation. For starters, I will need uncle's sword, journal and crystal vessel of blood essence left behind in the shrine. Thanks to the system, I've obtained another crystal vessel which improves my odd! The only thing left now is a few herbs and minerals found in the forest and that's it.

During my time in the inheritance realm, I had consulted uncle about the fastest way to complete his quest. That wilily old man mentioned a ritual that would do the job, but involved the greatest amount of pain possible(bastard!)! If the ritual succeeds, all my pain will be worth it he said...

The long-forgotten ritual uncle taught me translated from the celestial language means "Race Restoration". It was a magic art devised by the celestial dragons in an attempt to save the races. However, only a small few got to learn the spell. I mean, it's very existence practically breached the divine covenant.

How uncle got a hold of its knowledge is beyond me. Anyway, this ritual will allow me to inherit an even more ancient bloodline. Using uncle's blood as a catalyst, I (in theory) can separate any tainted or diluted elven blood, creating a highly purified bloodline. Fingers crossed, I will get the purest and most ancient of bloodlines and not diluted old man elf blood when I am able to inherit a bloodline.

To perform the ritual however, I will need to meet a physical pre-requisite. My somewhat toned child body would explode if I attempted the ritual now. I first need to undergo rigorous training before attempting. Therefore, I'm gonna use an Uncle approved short cut!

First, I will open my mana palaces using some of the items mentioned earlier and an area with extremely dense magoi particles. The only place which meets this requirement and is very safe is the ancestral glade uncle's shrine is located. To be exact, the small lake in the middle of the glade.

Tomorrow I will set out and begin training there. The elder had already agreed to let me train there but doesn't know what I am planning which is good since he might try and stop me. No matter, I will do whatever it takes.

Night passed by swiftly, and when morning came, I set out. Before leaving, Elder Alamdarra stopped me saying,

"I understand you have a very heavy burden upon you… Therefore, I will not take up too much time. I want to first provide you with a bit of information and a few trinkets which may prove useful."

Elder Alamdarra said as he handed me a leather satchel as big as your average backpack. Glancing inside, I noticed a plethora of things inside, most of which were raw ore, refined ingots, herbs, clothes weapons, a map of the forest, and vials filled with what I believe are potions of some kind. Raising my head, I nodded in thanks to the Elder. Smiling, he continued speaking.

"First, although the glade is a safe place, it is surrounded by three highly active monster cradles, be careful of a particular monster. It has the face of a human, but the body of a lion and inverted batwings. This beast will stop at nothing to catch its prey even if that means it has to cross other monster cradles to get it."

"I speak of an ancient manticore unlike the rest of its kind. It has been here since before our clan settled in this forest. We call it the Demon-faced Sire. If it notices you, use one of these vials and pour the contents onto the ground near your feet. The smell will ward of the creature causing it to pursue a different prey."

Saying this, the Elder gave me 3 vials containing a peach-colored fluid. Sniffing it, I smelled something sweet and alluring, but the Elder then chimed,

"Of all the plants manticores cannot stand, clover peach mandrakes are the ones that cause great annoyance. Depending on how old the mandrake is, fear will cause their kind to flee as this type of mandrake feeds on monster blood. It just so happens manticores are their favorite and they will uproot themselves the moment a manticore nest is found."

Clover peach mandrakes! This is a pseudo member of the fairyfolk clans. They are better known as lesser dryads. Its said after growing for a thousand sol, they have a chance of developing intelligence and even a humanoid form.

Its also common knowledge this type of mandrake only eats monsters and purposefully takes root in or near monster cradles. Once their roots locate a monster cradle, the mandrake will immediately uproot itself and dash to the nest. Once there, they will bind all within the nest and take root there.

Even weirder, the peaches that grow at the crown of the mandrake are filled with pure magoi. Clover peach mandrakes will even give them to members of the races freely. Of course the price is one either brings them monsters or takes them to a new monster nest. Now that I think about it, they are the only mandrakes that like elves and humans. Whereas other mandrakes either eat members of the races, or simply flee.

While thinking, I notice not that far from us an odd-looking humanoid being off to the left. When I looked closely at it, it began to wave and even attempt to blow kisses. (Forest thot detected!!) That must be the resident clover peach mandrake of the settlement. I waved back which made the mandrake seem to giggle(?) and continued with its morning.

"Oh, I see you caught the attention of the owner of the extract. This particular mandrake has been with us since we settled here. She even gained intelligence and a humanoid form. If you happen to come across any interesting monsters or monster nests, tear one of these scrolls and she will appear at that spot. Especially, if you meet the Sire, okay?"

"You have started the quest: OOOH… OOO… AAAH… MISTER GARDENER!!! (Repeatable)

-I love it when you touch me and give me my favorite treat… -Mysterious mandrake




Bring corpses of unique monsters to the settlement's Clover Peach Mandrake, Ivy.


Bring living unique monsters to the settlement's Clover Peach Mandrake, Ivy.


Provider the location of unique monster nests to the settlement's Clover Peach Mandrake, Ivy.


Moral affinity: good increase

Ivy's Token of affection

10x Golden Peaches

Arcane arts Tome: Nature's bounty (Only Once)

Seeing the quest name, I thought it was suspiciously dubious, but now I think it is worth it. Not to mention it is a repeatable quest, so I can grind my abilities and farm the quest rewards. Nodding, I said while taking the scrolls,

"Sure, it's the least I can do."

Saying a few additional things, I parted with the Elder and headed out. It's time I started putting into action all those plans. Remembering the path, the Elder and I took 2 days ago, I ran swiftly towards the glade.

After about 20 minutes, I arrived with no encounters. Looking around, I just noticed how big this area is and how peaceful it is despite being surrounded by some much death. Even monsters dare not enter this area. Thus only normal animals such as deer, rabbits, squirrels and the like come here.

After admiring the view, I walked to the shrine and stood before the altar. On it still lay the sword, journal, and crystal vessel. I immediately took the journal which seemed to resonate with my touch. In a matter of seconds the journal swiftly transformed from an old, almost disintegrated into dust book into a new and unblemished tome.

I quickly put the journal in my bag and moved to the sword. At first, I thought it might be heavy. Instead, it was really light and fit well in my hand. I didn't even see a system message saying I can't use the blade.

Strapping the blade's sheath onto my waist, I moved to the crystal vessel. Last time it sucked me into the inheritance realm, hopefully that doesn't happen again. With my hands shaking, I carefully placed the vessel in my bag. With everything here finished, I looked towards the mausoleum and knelt down.

The least I can do is honor my uncle as his body from this world lies here. Last time, it sucked me into the inheritance realm. Hopefully, that doesn't happen again. With my hands shaking, I carefully placed the vessel in my bag. With everything here finished, I looked towards the mausoleum and knelt down. The least I can do is honor my uncle as his body from this world lies here. Uncle was a fatherly figure to me. So I will naturally honor his grave here.

-End of Chapter

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