

Inside the cage, Gabriel's eyes widened in horror as he beheld the nightmarish spectacle unfolding before him. Leviathan's malevolent power emanated from every inch of his towering form, a dark presence that seemed to devour the light around it. The being known as Leviathan stood amidst a swirling maelstrom of cosmic energies, channeling his unfathomable power into the creation of an Evil Multiverse.

As the dark energies coalesced, a complex mathematical construction began to take shape before Gabriel's eyes. It was a structure of unparalleled intricacy, akin to the enigmatic Woodin cardinal in the world of mathematics. This is called the Ultimate L, the highest peak of Woodin cardinal, this Ultimate L represented a unique entity summarized by the axioms of set theory, and in its shadowy depths, an infinite variety of mathematical variants unfolded.

Gabriel could feel the fabric of reality quivering with uncertainty as the Evil Multiverse came into existence. It was a place of darkness and malevolence, a realm where the logical possibilities of mathematics were twisted into grotesque and horrifying forms. In this forsaken corner of the cosmos, dangerous and monstrous creatures lurked, capable of endangering the very foundations of the current Multiverse known as the 'Hernos Multiverse.'

As the Evil Multiverse expanded, Gabriel could see glimpses of the horror creatures that inhabited its nightmarish landscapes. Entities that defied all known laws of physics and logic, born from the darkest recesses of Leviathan's mind, roamed freely in this twisted realm. Each creature seemed to embody the antithesis of the harmony and order that Gabriel had sworn to protect.

Leviathan's malevolent laughter echoed through the chamber as he reveled in his creation. "Behold the culmination of chaos and darkness, the Evil Multiverse! In this realm, the very fabric of mathematics is corrupted, and logic itself bends to my will. These creatures are but a taste of the horrors I can unleash upon the cosmos."

Gabriel gritted his teeth, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. He knew that he had to stop Leviathan, to prevent this abomination of a Multiverse from spreading its influence to the Hernos Multiverse and beyond.

"You may revel in your darkness, Leviathan, but know that I will not let your malevolence taint the realms of creation," Gabriel declared with unwavering determination.

Leviathan's eyes glowed with sinister delight. "Ah, the caged angel speaks boldly, but you are powerless to stop me. Your cage is but a temporary hindrance, and soon I will break free, unleashing the full might of the Evil Multiverse upon the cosmos."

Gabriel's mind raced, seeking a way to counter Leviathan's devastating power. He knew that he needed to find a weakness, a vulnerability that could be exploited. But the darkness of the Evil Multiverse seemed impenetrable, its mathematical constructions beyond his comprehension.

As the tense silence lingered, Gabriel's eyes narrowed, a glimmer of realization flickering within. He recalled the tales of ancient cosmic entities, beings older than time itself, who possessed knowledge of the most arcane secrets of the universe. Perhaps, he thought, there was a being that could aid him in this dire moment.

"I may be caged now, but there are forces beyond your comprehension, Leviathan. Beings that have seen the birth and death of countless Multiverses. They may hold the key to countering your malevolence," Gabriel stated with a newfound resolve.

Leviathan's laughter faltered for a moment, replaced by a look of curiosity. "And who might these beings be? Do you truly believe they can stand against the might of the Evil Multiverse?"

Gabriel's eyes blazed with determination. "There are cosmic entities, ancient and enigmatic, who transcend the boundaries of time and space. They possess knowledge and wisdom that surpasses even the vastness of the multiverse. With their guidance, I will find a way to stop you, Leviathan."

As the two cosmic beings locked eyes, a battle of wills and ideologies unfolded. The fate of the cosmos hung in the balance, and Gabriel knew that the struggle against Leviathan and his Evil Multiverse was far from over. The tension in the air was palpable, and the clash of powers and ideologies reverberated through the cosmic expanse.

In the aftermath of Shahar's malevolent intervention, Gabriel found himself in a state of disarray, his once formidable powers now rendered futile by the cunning manipulations of the fallen angel. As he gazed upon the unfolding horror before him, a sense of hopelessness washed over Gabriel, for he knew that he was powerless to stop Leviathan's insidious work.

Leviathan's dark laughter echoed through the chamber, a haunting melody that sent shivers down Gabriel's spine. "Do you see now, Gabriel? Your futile resistance is nothing but a pathetic display of defiance. Without your precious powers, you are nothing, a mere specter of your former self."

Gabriel clenched his fists, his wings drooping in defeat. He had always been the guardian of order and light, the protector of the cosmic balance, but now he felt like a mere shadow of his former self. His connection to the divine energies had been severed, leaving him adrift in a sea of darkness.

"You may have taken my powers, but I will never yield to your malevolence, Leviathan," Gabriel declared, though his voice trembled with uncertainty.

Leviathan smirked, his eyes gleaming with wicked delight. "Ah, the defiance of the fallen is truly a pitiful sight. But rest assured, your resistance is in vain. The Evil Multiverse will be a testament to my supremacy, and all shall bow before its glory."

As Leviathan continued his work of crafting the twisted mathematical constructions of the Evil Multiverse, Gabriel felt a gnawing sense of despair in the pit of his stomach. He had faced countless adversaries before, but none had ever wielded power of this magnitude.

In the midst of the chaos, Gabriel's mind raced, desperately seeking a glimmer of hope, a way to turn the tide against Leviathan. But every thought, every plan, seemed futile and fruitless. He was no match for the darkness that now enveloped him.

As the Evil Multiverse took shape, Gabriel could see the horrifying creatures that were birthed from its corrupted depths. They writhed and slithered, grotesque manifestations of Leviathan's malevolence. Each creature seemed to embody the very essence of chaos and despair, a stark contrast to the harmony and beauty that Gabriel had once known.

Leviathan approached Gabriel with a wicked grin, relishing in his victory. "You see, Gabriel, there is no escape from the darkness that now surrounds you. Your fate is sealed, and there is nothing you can do to change it."

Gabriel's wings sagged, his spirit broken. He had fought so valiantly to protect the cosmos, to uphold the principles of order and light, but now it seemed that all his efforts had been in vain.

As the Evil Multiverse expanded, its dark influence began to seep into the surrounding cosmos, corrupting everything in its path. The once vibrant and flourishing realms were now tainted by the malevolent energies, and even the most powerful cosmic beings quivered in fear.

In the face of this unimaginable horror, Gabriel felt a glimmer of determination ignite within him. Even without his powers, he refused to succumb to the darkness. He would fight, he would resist, even if it meant facing insurmountable odds.

With a newfound resolve, Gabriel raised his head, his eyes blazing with defiance. "You may have taken my powers, but you will never take my spirit. I will fight until my last breath, for the light will never be extinguished by your darkness."

Leviathan's laughter reverberated through the chamber, a cruel symphony of malevolence. "Very well, Gabriel. Let this be your final act of defiance. But know that it shall amount to nothing in the face of my supreme power."

As the confrontation between Gabriel and Leviathan reached its crescendo, the fate of the cosmos hung in the balance. The tension in the air was palpable, the struggle between light and darkness, order and chaos, reaching its climax. And in that moment, the destiny of the multiverse would be decided.

As the embodiment of darkness and malevolence, Leviathan's power thrived on opposition, growing stronger with every formidable adversary it faced. The more formidable the opponent, the more potent the malevolent energies that surged through Leviathan's being, feeding its insatiable hunger for dominance. And in the face of an opponent possessing the same ability or strength, Leviathan reveled in unleashing the ultimate horror, subjecting them to a nightmarish ordeal that transcended the boundaries of comprehension. It delighted in pushing them to the very brink of sanity, exploiting their fears and vulnerabilities, and shattering their spirits with the relentless onslaught of darkness. The horror inflicted upon such a foe knew no bounds, engulfing them in a maelstrom of terror and despair, an experience so harrowing that even the bravest souls would cower in sheer helplessness. In the twisted realm of Leviathan, strength was a double-edged sword, for it amplified the malevolence that sought to crush its adversaries, leaving behind naught but a trail of shattered wills and broken souls.

After that, in the dark recesses of the Evil Multiverse, where malevolence and horror reigned supreme, Shahar, the cunning mastermind, played a devious game of deception. As Leviathan continued to perfect its creation, the Evil Multiverse, Shahar feigned trepidation, allowing a facade of fear to shroud his true intentions. With each passing moment, his sinister plan unfolded, concealed beneath the guise of feigned vulnerability.

In a shadowy chamber adorned with sinister symbols and arcane writings, Shahar stood before Leviathan, his visage carefully masked to betray nothing but apprehension. "Leviathan, your power is truly awe-inspiring," Shahar proclaimed, his voice laced with a hint of trepidation. "I find myself humbled in the presence of such malevolence. But I wonder, have you truly tested the limits of your strength?"

Leviathan, its towering form exuding malevolence, regarded Shahar with an air of superiority. "Fear not, mortal. My power knows no bounds," it hissed, its voice echoing through the dark chamber. "None can stand against the might of the Evil Multiverse."

"Ah, but that is where you are mistaken," Shahar retorted, a sly smile playing on his lips. "You see, Leviathan, true power lies in deception. And I have deceived even you."

Leviathan's eyes narrowed, sensing a hidden agenda in Shahar's words. "Explain yourself, mortal. Do not think your feeble trickery will save you from the horrors I can unleash."

"Ah, but that's the thing, isn't it?" Shahar replied, his tone now dripping with confidence. "You may have created the Evil Multiverse, but I have transcended its boundaries. My power far exceeds anything you could ever comprehend."

In a flourish of darkness, Shahar unleashed a surge of malevolent energy, enveloping the chamber in an otherworldly glow. As the shadows danced and twisted around him, he revealed his true form, a being of cosmic proportions, whose power rivaled even that of Leviathan.

"I am not bound by the limits of your creation," Shahar declared, his voice echoing with an ethereal resonance. "I have surpassed the boundaries of this Multiverse, and I hold dominion over realities beyond your grasp."

Leviathan recoiled, a flicker of genuine fear crossing its dark features. "This cannot be," it stammered, its bravado faltering for the first time.

"Oh, but it is," Shahar replied, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity. "I have played the part of the meek and vulnerable, allowing you to believe you held the upper hand. But now, the tables have turned."

With a surge of power that shook the very foundations of the Evil Multiverse, Shahar unleashed a torrent of malevolence, engulfing Leviathan in a maelstrom of darkness. As the once-mighty creature writhed in agony, its malevolence began to wane, its power fading before the overwhelming might of Shahar.

"You see, Leviathan," Shahar said, his voice now cold and unyielding, "true power lies not in brute strength, but in the art of manipulation and deception. And in that art, I am unrivaled," Shahar continued, "I Am The Nightmare, Cunning Is The Best Weapon."

To be continued...