
Unveiling the Unknown: Chronicles of Genesis Academy

Where magic runs rampant and rules are ignored, our young hero, Damien receives a letter inviting him to the prestigious Genesis Academy to carry on his uncle's legacy. Little does Damien know that Genesis Academy is brimming with secrets, dangers and moral dilemmas that will test his character and shape his future. With greed and desire consuming all who enter, Damien must tread carefully, or risk being consumed by the dark forces lurking within. Will he rise to greatness or fall victim to the academy's dark desires? Find out in this epic fantasy tale of love, lust, and vengeance.

Sloppyjake96 · Action
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34 Chs

Emmy and Ariel

Ariel and Damien go running through the park, "Where do you think she would go, Ariel?"

Ariel looks around all over the place, "I have an idea! Follow me!" Ariel takes off in a full sprint as Damien follows close behind her.

A covered bridge painted red and looks to be well kept appears into view within a few minutes of Ariel and Damien rushing over.

They go under the bridge and once there they see Emmy curled into a small ball sitting under the bridge.

"Hey, Damien, go up to her and talk." Damien was surprised by Ariel telling him to go "Why, me? Wouldn't you be the better choice?"

Ariel shakes her head, "No, you are the only one that can help her." She lightly pushes Damien toward Emmy; he eventually starts walking to her and takes a seat right next to her. It doesn't seem like Emmy realizes that he's right there.

"Hey, Emmy. We found you." Damien says with a big smile on his face.

Emmy turns beet red and just stares at him for a few seconds that feel like minutes. She eventually opens her mouth "H-Hey, Da-Damien. IamsosorryforwhatIdidthismorning." She said the last part so fast that Damien was shocked.

"Slowly down, Emmy. What did you say?" Emmy buries her face into her arms that are resting on her knees. She turns her head slightly to look at Damien goofy smiling face and she says "I am sorry for what I did this morning. And for making you have to hold me all last night. The girls told me what had happened. So, thank you."

Damien smiles, "It's alright. You wouldn't let go for nothing." He chuckles as Emmy face turns slightly redder and buries her face.

They sit for a moment in silence together. Damien finds a couple rocks and skips them across the running water.

"Ah, I love the nice water breeze, and the sounds. What about you Emmy, what do you think?"

Emmy looks over to him "Yeah, it's nice. One of the reasons I like coming here. It helps me think and clear my mind."

Damien looks toward Emmy, "What did you need to think about?"

Emmy blushes and squeaks out in a soft voice "You." Damien barely heard her, "What?" Emmy stands up and says, "Never mind that, it's all good now."

Damien stands up to and grabs her by the hand and pulls her into a hug.

Emmy turns the reddest she ever been, Ariel watching from a distance lets out a "Woah." And Damien says, "If you ever need a friend or someone to talk to that has an outside perspective let me know. I will always help no matter what."

He grabs her shoulders and pushes her back from the hug, "Now let's go get the others, we've been looking for you since class was over."

They head over to where Ariel is, and Ariel gives Emmy a sly smile and then goes over to give her a big hug. She whispers in her ear, "You lucky girl, getting a hug from him."

Emmy face turns red, and they start heading out. Ariel phones Jessica to let Jessica and Lauren know that they found Emmy and she's alright.

They all meet up at the girl's place. Once in the apartment is massive in size, modern style, with some lovely furniture spaced out to make it look like it'll be on a television show.

"I still can't believe you all share this apartment." Damien says as they enter, "I didn't quite get a good look at it, but it's a lovely place."

Ariel and Emmy both say thank you at the space time. Jessica and Lauren come running out and give Emmy a big hug.

Ariel directs Damien to the kitchen where she gets him a drink. "Beer, or water? We got nothing else." Damien chuckles, "Water, thank you."

The girls are chatting away as Damien and Ariel return to sit across from them, Ariel sits close to Damien.

He doesn't really mind but he can feel a few glares from the ladies across from him.

"Ahem, So, ladies-" Ariel places her hand on Damien's thigh. Damien hears a slight giggle from Ariel when the girls glare at him.

"Um-" Before Damien is able to finish Lauren stands up and brings the Emmy and Jessica to the kitchen.

Damien turns to Ariel, and to his surprise she kisses him on the lips.

Damien throws his head back and turns red, "Wh-wh-what are you doing?"

She smiles and gets closer to him, "You know, when I first met you at the arcade, I thought you were a total ass hole, but spending time with you there, the way you supported me and my friends and the way you handled my closest friend. I think you deserve a small reward." She gives him a wink.

Damien sits on the couch stunned for a few seconds before he realizes Ariel has left.

He heads to the kitchen to see if the girls are still in there, and he sees them all talking, exclude Ariel.

"Hey girls, I think I'm gonna head on back to my dorm for the night." The girls look at him and each one goes up and gives him a hug.

"Thanks Damien and can't wait to see you tomorrow." Lauren says with a big smile on her face.

"Thank you, Damien, hope to see you tomorrow!" Jessica says as she gives Damien a small kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for everything Damien, I hope to meet up tomorrow." Emmy says as she gives Damien a kiss on the other cheek.

Damien laughs and waves goodbye. "No problem girls and tell Ariel I'll see her tomorrow."

Damien returns to his dorm room.

"Man, what a day. The classes were interesting, especially the whole warping class, that was cool. And the girls have become even more attached as of late. Looking forward to that." Damien says with a big grin on his face.

Damien goes and takes a shower and brushes his teeth. "Well, it's later than I thought it was. I guess time for bed."

Ariel Laying down on her bed, and can't sleep. "Why'd I do that? Why did I leave right afterwards?!" She tosses and turns in her bed as she goes over the event of her kissing Damien on the lips.

"He was practically goo when I kissed him, he could barely form a sentence! That must mean something right?" She continues through out the entire night, going back and forth on if she did the right thing or not. Before she realizes it the sun rises, and she did not get a ounce of sleep.

She slaps her hands against the bed "Shit."