
Unveiling the moonlit mate

"You're mine!" he roared, possessive fury darkening his eyes. "If I have to brand you with my mark to keep every other wolf at bay, so be it!" Tears welled in Annie's eyes. "This marriage isn't love, it's a lie!" she screamed back. The room fell silent. "Maybe once," he conceded, a dangerous edge to his voice. "But things have changed. Now, you belong to me. You're mine, forever." Annie, the adopted daughter of a powerful pack, craves acceptance. Unlike other wolves, she lacks the full shift, a constant reminder of her difference. Then, a fated mate arrives, but instead of love's embrace, he brings a web of royal deceit that threatens to tear everything apart. Annie harbors a hidden secret, a burden that complicates everything. Can love blossom amidst manipulation and lies? Will she succumb to the alpha's possessive claim, or will she fight for a love built on truth and acceptance? In a world where loyalty is tested and alliances crumble, can Annie carve her path? Setting: it's a modern fantasy world with a focus on werewolf society and the political intrigue within it.

Daoist1Lwdjw · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter twenty five

The clang of metal echoed in my ears long after Damian and Luca had sheathed their swords. My victory, a sweet but unexpected one, hung heavy in the air. A thrill of satisfaction coursed through me, a counterpoint to the gnawing anxiety that had been twisting my insides for days.

"See, Luca?" I said, a triumphant smile playing on my lips. "I told you I could handle myself."

Luca, his usual stoic demeanor replaced by a hint of amusement, bowed his head in mock submission. "Indeed, Lady Annie. You've proven yourself a formidable opponent." His gaze flickered to Damian, who was still staring at me with a mixture of surprise and something else I couldn't quite decipher.

"So," I continued, my voice carefully neutral, "shall we get back to our… lessons?"

Damian cleared his throat, his eyes finally meeting mine. "Annie," he began, his voice laced with a hint of urgency, "there's something we need to discuss."