
Unveiling Strength

in a world filled with bad people… a young girl has to use her special ability to protect and make sure things are right… living through the ups and downs of life and finding love along the way

isahbellars0 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Wang Family

Many many many years ago, There was a well known family in Guangdong province in China…. This family is called the Wang family and they were very known and respected because all the females in the family has an abnormal strength which can be lost when abused…. This was caused by a meteorite effect that happened during an eclipse.

Their powers brought huge recognition to the Wang family and this placed them on the top chart in Guandong, China. They were dedicated to using their special ability to help individuals and citizens within the neighborhood like fighting off thugs, saving little kids from being hit by a moving bus or helping old people lift up heavy things….

If any of them kill or hurt anybody intentionally their powers will disappear overnight

They were seen as superhero's of the village and would receive gifts from villagers especially during festivals and would always be given special,gifts recognition and service from the community/village heads and chiefs.

In the Wang family, female offsprings were given more recognition and opportunities more than the male offsprings and so female children were needed or preferable more than the male children. They were allowed to do anything they want and make decisions on their own. This was because every female child born into the Wang family possess a special ability… the male children were in charge of the house chores and helping out around the house and many other little things…. and this went on for many years.

Now because of this situation, the head of the Wang family are always females and it has been that way ever since the meteorite incident. But during a particular time in the family, the next head of the Wang family suddenly eloped with a man who the family didn't approve for her to marry. And because of this, the family are now in a jeopardy.