
Unveiling calamity.

To be a Mystery is to go against the heavens. To go against the heavens is to die. But being a Mystery is to live and exceed the heavens, what a contradiction. To be a Mystery is to be a secret, to be a secret is to hide. Therefore, to hide is to live, and to live is to hide. What are we hiding? Chris a young man with an unknown past who just wants to be left alone, has found himself haunted by danger and trouble alike. With an attribute such as ‘Kismet’, trouble followed in his wake. Blood, gore, death and betrayal had soon become a normal for our young Mystery: a mythical group of people with powers untold, ungraspable by mere mortal minds. In a world threatened by a darkness that has corrupted countless worlds and realms, distorting their very essence; looming over them. Chris found himself pitted against abominable monsters, the subverted beings, and other Mysteries alike – in a bid for survival… and truth. Why does fate keep lying and tormenting me? Maybe fate should be eradicated.

Tragic_tales · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Prison world

Chris followed Delphi of the order high fates as she strode from the end of the hallway that held the room they just left, moving forward they went through a lot of doors and he was pretty sure returning would be a nightmare level puzzle.

They walked silently and with a purpose, at least she walked with a purpose . . . he just followed.

Coming to the end of another hallway stepping through the door in front of them, Chris felt the sharp contrast between the two settings and it was very incongruent.

The original place they had been was of an ample lit ambience with the color white everywhere the eyes could meet, whereas here was the reverse, it felt depressive and moldy and stank heavily… he could not place a finger on the smell, but the only thing that came to mind was strangely death?

It felt like the whole place was death, if death had a scent then this must be it.

Chris felt the pressure of being underground, owing to his instincts he had always been able to take note of every minute details brought about by even the slightest of changes to his surroundings. Knowing that they had not gone through any stairs nor descended via a lift, Chris chucked it up to Mysterious runes.

Looking around him the passage way was long on both sides, and diagonally behind them too. He could tell based on what he was seeing the base of the towering building he was in was wider than the buildings width by a long stretch.

"The whole city Centre is a prison" Delphi of the high fates said to Chris while they took one of the turns behind them, Chris watched and listened attentively while walking very close to her because he felt it would not bode well to get lost I a place like this. They passed by a lot of thick metal doors with dark glowing runes in odd spots on the doors, some having more runes than others and some runes on some of the doors were inactive.

"The prison city is separated into sections and each sections divided by levels" she continued while Chris maintained his silence while wondering what reason she had divulging all these secret information to him, he knew fully that not just anybody had access to this sort of information… though he could be wrong.

Looking at Chris as she could see the cogs in his head whirling she decided to put him out of his misery

"Yes, not everyone has access to this information"

"But… " With that same smile that had always been on her face, looking very creepy now owing to its incongruence with their environment she continued after a slight purse of her lips

"Every spirit Mystery knows these things . . ."

Eyeing Chris and seeing a question about formulating she finished her statement "and some special martial Mysterys or those with a certain level of status, so there's nothing to be concerned about"

Feeling another abrupt change in his surrounding Chris spoke out for the first time since leaving the confined room with Delphi of the order high fates

"How do we keep descending?"

"haha… "

"I thought you were on a no speaking policy" she asked while chuckling a little

"I know we were at the top of the building and we descended floors, so far since stepping into this prison city we've gone down two levels"

"The more levels we descend the less obvious the ceiling ground becomes" Chris inquired see as she was an approachable person.

"Now those are secrets that only a select few have access to"

"You can only find out if you acquire a certain status"

Their environment changed abruptly one more time, but this time it wasn't a subtle change, it was an obvious one. Chris could see no cells, no passages, he could see nothing. Though he could feel four different gazes on him that were accessing him, but they held no malice.

The whole place was just one massive open space.

"We are here" she announced as though it was public knowledge where 'here' was.

'I really should have kept to myself, it's not as if everyone else is incompetent. Someone would probably have found out eventually'

Feeling her move away behind him, Chris hurriedly turned to chase after her but stopped suddenly after turning. He could see a middle aged man suspended tightly in the air, his hands and feet were chained stretched out in an X pose.

Only two feet around him was lit dimly, the light coming from a circle of runes two feet around him. The rusted old chains that held him in place could only be seen within the glow of these two feet of light, the chains on his legs were a little lax so when his legs moved ever so slightly it looked as though the chains were attached nowhere.

They stood outside the circle silently watching the chained man, who had a rune blind fold over his eyes for some reason.

"Delphi… and a stranger, hmmm"

"A weak one I see, he must be important" the bound man mused in a cooing tone

"I am not important, definitely not important at all… "

"In fact they picked me off the street. Please don't misunderstand." Chris hurriedly corrected the man's assumption which he felt could cause him unwarranted trouble down the line.

"HAHAHA . . ."

"An interesting one you got there Delphi." He said while laughing out loud

She turned to Chris while asking him "Do you spot any difference between the coat on him and that on the Mysterious man?"

The laughing stopped immediately, making Chris truly observe the bound man in detail. Noticing his coat and the light of curiosity masking the seriousness in his gaze, Chris inspected his coat contrasting it to the one he saw on the mysterious invisible man.

"The only difference I see are that he isn't wearing a hat? . . ." Chris looks at Delphi of the order high fates and she shook her head, almost in disappointment.

" and his buttons from bottom to top in muted colors went from red to cyan-green."

"From the color spectrum?" she asked in an anticipatory tone.

"Yeah… red, orange, yellow, green." Chris said thoughtfully.

"The fourth button is where there's slight difference between them, it has hints of cyan in it."

"You?" the bound man asked in incredulity

"You saw the leader in his incognito state?"

"That's awesome, hahaha… " the man rambled on to himself in a loud voice at first it sounded like his world view was broken, then like he was ecstatic making Chris wonder as to how long he had been down there.

"The leader mustn't harm you, you should try not be a casualty in what is to come"

The man spoke as the edges of the blindfold over his eyes started withering in unseen flames as his veins bulged and blackened in strain.

Before the blinds could be burnt off and his eyes opened, four silhouettes appeared at four edges of the light while Delphi of the order high fates put a hand on Chris shoulder and they appeared in front of the building he had entered which he assumed was the building of the order high fates.


"Enroll him in the academy as soon as possible" Delphi said looking behind Chris.

"Yes ma'am" came an immediate reply from Adrienne who was behind Chris. He looked back not feeling as startled as he should have been because of the slight disorientation he was feeling from that abrupt change of scenery. What he had experienced in this short while was more grueling than anything he was prepared for.

"Everything you have seen today should be kept to yourself, you understand that right?" Delphi of the order high fates and her soft voice with her ever present smile spoke to Chris while he watched her fade away slowly like mist.

"Stop looking she's gone" Adrienne said when she saw Chris still focused on the spot Delphi of the order high fates vanished from.

"Was that teleportation?" he asked.

"No, that was just a projection"

"Let's go" Adrienne said as she walked away making Chris run after her.