
Chapter 2

The next day — on her way to Jake's house, she stopped by a pharmaceutical store. She bought condoms, sex lubricant and contraceptive pills. She knew either condoms or contraceptives was required, not both. But inasmuch as she was eager to start her sexual journey, she was as scared of pregnancy.

"If I ever get pregnant some time around now, I will have to terminate it. I can't even fend for myself yet, talk more of a baby." She always enunciated amidst sexual discussions with her peers.

She got to Jake's house. Jake looked unusual— his face was sunken.

"You good?" Vera asked, worried.

"Indisposed but getting better". Jake whimpered.

"You sounded alright over the phone yesterday?"

"I know, right? It started some hours after the call. I would have even cancelled our linkup but I didn't want you to misunderstand."

"That's serious. Sorry, dear." Bluffing aside, Vera was really kindhearted.

"It's cool. What's in the bag?" Jake, with a puzzled look, pointed at the bag in Vera's hand.

"Oh…" Vera got nervous. "…Well, I want to have sex." She managed to piece the words together, staring at the floor blankly. She raised her face to glimpse at Jake. "However, you are ill. I guess we will postpone it". She was disappointed.

"Miss, "getting better", remember?" Jake sneered while using his index and middle fingers on both hands to illustrate quotation marks.

"So, you have enough strength for it?" Vera's face lit up with the biggest grin.

"Easy now, you are scaring me. I expect you are not trying to extract all my strength and kill me for my mama? Or why are you so excited?",Jake scoffed.

"How do you mean?"

"This is just really sudden. You said you were not ready."

"I never said that. I literally stalled when you asked me, in fact."

"Exactly. So what's with the new development?"

"What does it matter? Are you in or not?"

"I hope it's not that you will start asking me for a relationship subsequent to this? I don't want any form of attachment, I assure you." Jake started protesting.

"You know what? Forget it. I will find someone else to do the work". Vera was upset.

"Calm down. I was just putting factors in check so we don't have misunderstandings consequent to this". Jake recoiled apologetically.

"You have mentioned it one too many times that you do not want a relationship. I have never even pressured you for it. You make it look like I'm begging you or something. I'm too proud for such. You even know how much I'm wanted by others. You chased after me for months before getting me— a subtle reminder. But you be sounding like I forced you into this. When last did I even utter anything about a relationship? Acting like you the prize and shit." Vera was outrightly infuriated.

"Alright. I'm sorry. I really am."

She gave him side eyes and hissed.

"I'm sorry." He hugged her.

"Okay, fine. Let's get this over with."

"So, what's in the bag?"

She handed the bag to him.

"Condoms and contraceptive pills together? Pregnancy, be gone." Jake chuckled.

"Can't be out here taking risks, you get me?" Vera laughed.

"You didn't have to buy condoms though. If you informed me earlier, I would have defied. I have a whole box of it in my room. Come and see". He grabbed her wrist as he made for his room.

"What?! You have a whole box? Wait, you are not a virgin?" Vera was in awe.

"Virgin? Why would I be? Why would you even assume such?"

"Oh my goodness. Since when did you start?"

"Let's not forget that I'm a whole two years older than you. You are making it sound like I'm underage or something? Excuse me?" Jake defended.

"No, I don't mean that. Please, don't misconstrue. If you were sexually active before we even started our beneficial friendship, why didn't you ever ask me for sex?" Vera was still in awe.

"It was vivid that you weren't ready. I saw that and thought to let you be. Never any pressure. Plus, we are not on an exclusive deal. When I link with other girls that are sexually active, I have sex. But that doesn't denote that I don't enjoy the head you give me. I always cum from merely getting head from you, you know? You literally give me brain."

Even though Vera was a virgin, she was too exposed. She had experienced every possible foreplay, and with a number of guys. Although, she had been virtually exclusive with Jake of recent — because she was a nasty but decent girl. She couldn't fathom the idea of messing around with multiple guys at the same time, hence, she liked to keep in contact with one guy at a time. Jake had been her beneficial friend for the longest duration but there were some short-term friends with benefits before him. Sex aside, she was very adept. Even as a virgin, she knew much more about sex than some sex practicers. That's plausibly why several people didn't believe that she was still a virgin. Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Finger-fuck, whatever pre-sex act that could be considered— she had, had a taste.

"I really hoped you were a first timer like me too. I want my first time to be consensual. I want inexperience from both parties so the gentleness would be radical and genuine."

"That's heavyweight delusion". Jake scorned.

Jake was the most unromantic guy Vera had related with — in her list of guys. Howbeit, his consistency was impressive; that was why she put up with him.

Vera was still perturbed but she started undressing, anyway. She had come this far — she couldn't annihilate all her anticipation.

"You won't strip down?"

"I don't have to" Jake shrugged.

"I feel it will be more intense if we are both naked. Don't you agree?"

"Not necessarily". Jake maintained his stance.

"Regardless, be gentle with me. I don't want any pain. Please."

"Yessirrr". Jake teased.

Vera lied on the bed. Jake knelt on the bed — at the separation of her thighs. He lifted her legs and thrusted his fingers into her vagina.

At first, he inserted a finger. Few seconds later, he inserted two fingers and increased his velocity. A little while longer, he forced in three fingers.

Vera groaned in pain. She moved up the bed; away from his fingers. He continued but the pain didn't dissipate.

"That hurts". She uttered in pain.


Jake withdrew his fingers. He grabbed a sachet of condom and tore it open. He turned away from Vera to wear the condom. He turned his back to her completely, so, she couldn't even see anything that he was doing. Vera was so nervous that she didn't even care what Jake was doing. She knew this would end in liberation for her but she was fretful of the painful process.

Jake knelt back on the bed and penetrated his penis in her vagina. But it couldn't go through. The pain was immense for Vera. She sat up instantly.

"I can't go on. It hurts too bad". Vera declared.

"Sorry. Just endure. I'm sure it will be over in a jiffy". Jake spoke convincingly.

"Maybe I should drink some alcohol. I'll be tipsy and less conscious of the pain, in that state."

"I don't think that's a good idea. Moreover, I don't have alcohol at home and we're too far gone to step out to buy some". Jake was becoming grumpy.

"But it hurts so much. I want pleasure, not pain". Vera stated, melancholic.

"I am sure you are being overdramatic now. Simply endure. It will over pronto!"

This was that part of Jake that always made Vera question her own sanity for still holding up with him.

"Why are you like this? Have you disvirgined any girl before?" Vera was dejected.

The least she needed at that point was a compassionate man that'd reassure her that the pain would subside soonest.

"No, I haven't but…"

"But you can't know if I'm being dramatic or it actually hurts me that much — you have never been anyone's first time". Vera interrupted Jake.

"Take it easy. I must have been somewhat inconsiderate there, my bad. I'm sorry. Let's give it another shot?"

Vera laid on her back again. This time — more worried. She anticipated feeling his penis through the pain.

"Wait, you are bleeding!" Jake exclaimed.

"Oh shit. Kinda expected. Give me one of your bright-coloured dirty vests, please."

She noticed Jake stood in a spot, daunted.

"Don't fret. It's not that deep… For real". Now, it was Vera's turn to convince Jake.

"Alright, bet". Jake scrambled through his laundry basket and handed an orange-coloured shirt to Vera.

Vera deflected the shirt into two folds and laid it on the bed.

"My pelvic area will be directly on top of the shirt now, so, any blood that spills will be onto the shirt — not your bedspread. When we are done, we will soak the shirt in soap water instantaneously". Vera sat on the shirt and laid on her back again. She adjusted herself so that her pelvis was balanced over the shirt.

"I'm still scared". Jake, still standing in dismay, spluttered.

Vera grinned. "You said I was overreacting. Clearly, you will agree with me now that it is some work."

"I just don't like seeing blood."

"The blood has stopped."

"You are sure?" Jake was extremely reluctant.

"Dip your fingers in my vagina to ascertain it."

"I can't insert my fingers in a bloody vagina. You; do that yourself".

"I, absolutely, would not be fingering myself. This isn't some masturbation scene."

"But you want me to? Selfish".

"You've always done that, innit?"

"Not when there's blood, missy". Jake nodded his neck in disagreement and made a dramatic face prior to giggling.

Vera also giggled.

"Guy, just run me some dick. I'm not finna spend the night here. Let's use some lubricant to ease the work."

"I used some beforehand."

"I didn't know. You are wearing a condom that's integrally lubricated plus you rubbed some lubricant on top of that… That ought to be surplus moisture enabling easy passage. What could the problem be?"

"I'm as confused."

"Let us pour some lubricant inside my pussy to make a difference?"

"Okay. Okay."

Jake knelt on the bed again. The same precedent posture. He pressed the tube — filled with oil-based lubricant — directly into Vera's coochie. He gushed the tube filling into her vagina until he could feel the greasiness on her labia.

"Woah. It feels like I'm excreting some stirring smear."

"Perfect. I suppose it will be easy peasy, consequent to this extraneous lubrication."

Jake closed the tube lid. He stretched, away from Vera, towards a table and dropped the tube on the table. He stretched back towards Vera. He repositioned, furthermore, reattempted to penetrate his erect penis through Vera's constricted vagina. It felt like a task. The penis would not pass through. Vera was groaning. Despite Vera's saturated genitalia defying the entrance of Jake's turgid manhood — the process was, nevertheless., magnanimously hurtful for Vera.

"I can't go through with this, Jake!". Vera proclaimed. She sat up, and moved a little away from Jake. "It's too excruciating. I really can't. I knew there would be some pain. However, I can not withstand this extent of pain". Vera's voice was sounding shaky. She was as frustrated as she was afflicted. Frustrated because she didn't expect to return home a virgin. Even worse, she felt deceived. She had assumed that she would experience tolerable pain for a short interval, prior to the penetration. Here she was — with extended pain in her genitals and a futile penetration.

"Again, I'd say you're being dramatic. However, I agree that we should stop at this juncture. This "deflowering a lady" concept is too much work. I never want to engage in such anymore."

"How about if you end up in love with a virgin?"

Jake sighed; "I hope not".

Vera felt some liquid moving down her inner thighs. She bent her neck, tilted her head towards her thighs and swiftly smeared her fingers through her thighs to confirm what was streaming through her vulva. Jake, whom noticed Vera's disarray, moved closer to Vera to help her decipher the situation.

"Damn! You. Are. Bleeding. Profusely!" Jake spread out the words in disdain.

"Fuck!". Vera got off the bed and dashed into the bathroom.

The distance Vera covered from Jake's bed to his proximal bathroom was negligible, howbeit, there were droplets of blood on the floor, dripping off Vera, within that nonexistent distance.

In the bathroom, Vera washed herself from her waist down to her toes. For every splash of water, there was a spill of blood. Splash! came the water and Splish! went the blood. It was a splish-splash scenario.

Vera lifted her chin in frustration. In a glimpse, she saw Jake bending to the ground but she couldn't comprehend what was happening. She looked closer and realized Jake was wiping the droplets of her blood, off the stained ground, with tissue paper. He is cleaning up after me. There it was again — that sensational part of Jake. She wished he could be like that all the time. Quite bothersome how he is episodically kind but frequently displeasing.

"Thank you, Jake". Vera subconsciously smiled.

"Don't mention. I can't leave you to this mess. Are you still bleeding?"

"Yes. I think it's even getting severe. It won't stop. I keep on rinsing but it keeps on coming. I don't even know what to do."

"I'm so glad I didn't allow you consume alcohol. I would have thought this had to do with it. How will you get home?"

"Can I get a sanitary pad? It should hold up blood till I get home. Then, I will clean up nice when I get home."

"Yeah, right. Let me check my mum's room for some." Jake walked out of the room.

He walked back into his room the next minute. "I couldn't find any."

"Wow. This is becoming threatening. Let me just fold some tissue."

Vera gurgled another bowl of water down her lower abdomen and stepped out of the bathroom. In the room — blood ran through her thighs, down her legs and trailed onto the floor. She took the roll of toilet paper and starting folding it out like a fluffy towel.

"That's too much blood". Jake was still in dismay.

"I'm telling you". Vera chunked the wrap of tissue paper in her hand, over her genitalia. She wore her pant beneath it.

"I hope the tissue helps". Vera sighed, a bit relieved. She grabbed her dress and tossed it over her body.

"Me too". Jake solicited.

Indeed, their hopes soon submerged. Vera stepped out of Jake's room into the sitting room to pick her belongings and head for home.

"I even forgot I brought a jacket. It's unlikely of me to use a jacket."

"Why is blood leaking again?!" Jake hollered.

"Wait, what?!" Vera lowered her neck to look at the monstrosity protruding from her body.

"Why?!" She yelped.

"Hold still." Jake ordered as he trotted into his room to grab the roll of leftover tissue paper. He ran back to meet Vera.

Vera stretched out her hand to receive the roll but to her surprise, Jake bent to clean her up by himself. Whoa. Didn't see that coming.

"Are you positive you placed the tissue properly in your pant?" Jake questioned.

"I thought I did. Let me check."

Vera lifted her gown, therefore, pulled down her underwear. To their astonishment, the tissue paper was vastly soaked with blood that it had disintegrated.

"It is as worse as it gets." Vera folded another roll of tissue paper and carefully placed it in her pant.

"I can't let this blood issue continue holding me hostage here. Thank gracious I brought a black jacket. I will tie it around my waist. It'll absorb excess blood and keep it ambiguous. Thank you so much for everything, Jake. I genuinely appreciate the kindness you have enunciated towards me today. Bless you. Bye." Vera tied the jacket round her waist and bid Jake farewell.

"Please, be sure to take care. I will call you to follow up."