
014 Beautiful Results_1

Translator: 549690339

The next day, the monthly exam results came out.

For senior high school students, every single exam was crucially important.

When the school-wide rankings were posted on the bulletin board, crowds of students immediately gathered around it.

They were all curious to find out how they did on the questions set by Hadrick, the most renowned professor.

"Qingyi, do you want to check it out?"

Jiang Yumeng stared at the bulletin board in a daze, her face full of worry.

Most students from other classes had already rushed to the bulletin board, but the students from Class 20 remained seated in their classroom—no one budged.

The scores often made many of them feel inferior.

With a quick glance at the bulletin board, Lu Qingyi shook her head and calmly sat at her desk, unconcerned.

She didn't need to check; she already knew her score.

"Wow, Jiang Yumeng, you've made it to the second-tier standard with a score of 350."

A female student who had just returned from the bathroom rushed excitedly towards Jiang Yumeng.

She was sparkling with excitement.

When had anyone from Class 20 ever reached the second-tier standard?


She had only stepped out of the room for a second and the news had spread like wildfire. She curiously went to the bulletin board to check.

Indeed, Jiang Yumeng had made it to the second-tier standard. Although she was at the bottom, it was still a joyous surprise.

"Yingying, you have got to be joking, right?"

Jiang Yumeng widened her eyes, asking in disbelief.

The girl who had spoken was Lin Yingying.

Usually, her score hovered around 300. How could she have made a sudden leap of 50 points this time?

Moreover, the questions this time were set by Hadrick, the most renowned professor. Even though these questions seemed simple, they were fraught with pitfalls.

"Brother Xuan, you lost."

Some boys went to the bulletin board out of their shared curiosity about Lu Qingyi's score due to a bet.

They were totally shocked when they saw the score.

600 points, a full 600 points, neither more nor less.


Ye Chenxuan stood up in disbelief, his eyes wide open.

"Sister Qingyi, you're amazing."

Xun Hanyu couldn't help but praise.

"Most importantly, Lu Qingyi ranked first in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry."

Another boy announced excitedly.

The way he looked at Lu Qingyi had completely changed – it was a wildly passionate look.

Despite all this, Lu Qingyi was flipping through her novel with a nonchalant expression, as if their compliments were no surprise to her.

"Sister Qingyi, do you know how many points you got?"

Jiang Yumeng swallowed hard, looking at Lu Qingyi's composed face, wondering if she hadn't heard because she was so engrossed.

Lu Qingyi glanced up: "600 points."

Jiang Yumeng:"..."

Xun Hanyu:"..."

Ye Chenxuan:"..."

Lin Yingying:"..."

All the students:"..."

Could she be any more nonchalant?

That was 600 points, not 6! A score they could only dream of.

Jiang Yumeng asked weakly, "Aren't you happy?"

"I don't feel anything."

The exam questions were all set by her, posing no challenge. She'd remembered all the answers in preparation, as if she'd known them in advance.

"Sister Qingyi, what do you want me to do?"

Ye Chenxuan approached Lu Qingyi rather reluctantly.

Though he didn't want to admit it, he had no choice.

He had made a loud and clear promise. If he didn't keep it, where would he put his face?

Despite his domineering and unreasonable attitude, he was a man of his word.

"Just stay out of my sight."

Lu Qingyi glanced at Ye Chenxuan and answered slowly.

Yang Liu entered Class 20 with the test scores, her worried face softened with a hint of a smile.


Yang Liu's gaze landed on Lu Qingyi, her tone somewhat tender.

She had assumed Qingyi was just a rich, idling spendthrift, but she turned out to be a dark horse.

"Do you know how many points you scored?"

Yang Liu knew well – the students of Class 20 didn't like to check their scores on the bulletin board.

Lu Qingyi affirmed confidently, without a hint of hesitation, "600 points."

Yang Liu paused for a moment, "Do you know your scores for each subject?"

Did Lu Qingyi go check her scores?

Lu Qingyi answered calmly, "100 points for each of the six subjects."

100 points for all six subjects?


The students in Class 20 exploded.

"Are you kidding?"

"100 points for all six subjects?"

"My god, those scores are too uniform, aren't they?"

"I've never seen such perfect scores before."

"Does she really know this, or is she guessing?"

"I'm a little impressed, and also a little envious."

"Did you check your scores?" Yang Liu asked, looking surprised at the cool and collected Lu Qingyi.

"No, just intuition."

Lu Qingyi was absolute calm and composed.

"Lu Qingyi, with such high scores, why did the principal put you in Class 20?"

Yang Liu took a deep breath.

No principal would place a high-achieving student in Class 20. Even if the principal were to contemplate such a move, the teachers of the other classes wouldn't allow it.

Which class teacher didn't covet high-achieving students?

Lu Qingyi tilted her head, "Didn't the principal tell you?"

"I didn't attend high school before, I directly joined senior year."

She paused before slowly speaking.

Hearing it from Lu Jiayue was one thing, but hearing Lu Qingyi confirm it was another.

The room exploded again with whispers.


Yang Liu asked in disbelief.

How could her scores be so high if she had never been to high school, unless she had home-schooled or hired a tutor?

"You can check out my records."

Lu Qingyi found Yang Liu, the teacher, rather kind-hearted and had no objections.

"I will. Qingyi, I feel your score could have been a lot higher than 600. You can still improve by many points."

She had reviewed Lu Qingyi's test paper. Her handwriting was beautiful, her answering techniques were clever, and some of her calculations were even more concise than the reference answers.

"I think 600 is enough."

Lu Qingyi looked very serious when she said this.

"Your essay had only the introductory paragraph. Because the topic was novel, and your introduction was beautifully written, the examiner gave you 10 points."

"The maths paper was incomplete. The English essay was not written. Multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, and error correction exercises were all left blank."

Yang Liu analyzed the reasons why Lu Qingyi could still improve her score. She looked baffled.

For the questions Lu Qingyi did answer, they were all correct, so the only reason why her score in the three core subjects ended up at 100 was because she didn't answer all the questions.

Although the students of Class 20 didn't perform well, they understood the implication of Yang Liu's analysis.


Everything Lu Qingyi wrote was correct, and all deductions were for the questions she didn't answer?

That was impressive.

Even the goddess of science, Lu Jiayue, didn't have such an accuracy rate, did she?

She wouldn't dare guarantee that all her answers were correct, and that not a single mark could be deducted.

Lu Qingyi was really impressive.

However, with such good scores, couldn't she have taken an on-the-spot test even if she hadn't attended high school?

Once her score was out, wouldn't every other teacher want to take her in their class?