
006 Meets Xu Boyan Again_1

Translator: 549690339

"I have the same feeling."

"Is our aura too weak?"

"Yeah, I almost thought the dean came for a routine check."

"I got so scared."

When one person started to speak, a second one would follow.

"So, Qingyi, you really didn't attend high school?"

Jiang Yumeng blinks her eyes, asking incredulously.

She had a good first impression of Lu Qingyi and wanted to befriend her, so she asked rather casually.


Lu Qingyi didn't get upset, instead she replied candidly.

Indeed, she didn't attend high school, she went straight to college.

"Really? Did you start working right after middle school then?"

Jiang Yumeng asked in surprise with no ill intention, purely out of curiosity.

The Lu Group is the second largest corporation in Jin City, synonymous with immense wealth.

As the heiress of the Lu Group, even if Lu Qingyi failed to get into high school, she could have just bought one to attend. The idea of her working was completely implausible.

"I indeed didn't go to high school, and I didn't start working after middle school either."

The girl sitting in front was pretty cute, and her personality was fine, Lu Qingyi didn't find her annoying.

"Then what did you do after graduating from middle school?" Jiang Yumeng blinked her eyes curiously, looking at Lu Qingyi.

Lu Qingyi smirked slightly, "I took the college entrance exam directly and was admitted to college unconditionally."

Her eyes harbored a playful smile.

"Humph, it's fine, even if you didn't go to school, I wouldn't look down on you."

Jiang Yumeng didn't take Lu Qingyi's words seriously. She thought Lu Qingyi was joking and quickly waved her hand saying this.

"Hey, what, no way? You and Jiayue are sisters, can your genes be that bad?"

Xun Hanyu tilted his chin, his doubtful gaze lingering on Lu Qingyi.

When Xun Hanyu talked about the bad genes, he naturally meant intelligence. After all, Lu Qingyi's appearance was even more splendid than Lu Jiayue's.

Lu Qingyi did not respond, she lowered her head and continued to read her book fervently.

"What business is it of yours?"

Jiang Yumeng glared at Xun Hanyu fiercely.

"You and your short legs, I didn't even talk to you."

Xun Hanyu dismissively looked at Jiang Yumeng's legs.

Tsk tsk, they really were short.

"You're the one with short legs, your whole family is."

Jiang Yumeng became instantly angered.

It was too noisy.

Annoyed, Lu Qingyi stuffed the her book into the drawer and walked out of the classroom.

"Hey, class is starting."

Jiang Yumeng watched in confusion as Lu Qingyi left, reminding her absentmindedly.

As soon as Lu Qingyi had left the classroom, the bell rang for class.

She frowned slightly but hesitated not and left.

So annoying.

It seemed like coming to this school was a wrong choice. The students were just too noisy.

"Kid, we meet again."

Under the old camphor tree next to the snack shop, a man stood leaning. He was holding an unlit cigarette in his hand.

The man from the back seat of the Maybach.

"Have you considered the medical college I mentioned?"

Xu Boyan hooked up the corner of his mouth, casually flipping the cigarette to behind his ear.

The nonchalant words slipped from his thin lips.

His profound dark eyes rested quietly on Lu Qingyi.

"Not that tempting." Lu Qingyi raised an eyebrow, tilting her head to speak.

She wanted to know, if she went to the medical school, would those professors teach her, or would she have to teach those professors?

Coming to this school was arranged by Lu Yao, she was just fulfilling her grandmother's last wish.

To get along well with her parents.

Otherwise, she wouldn't come to this school. The extra time would be better spent resting at home, planting flowers and weeding.

"Aren't you going to class?" The bell had rung and stopped, but the girl in front of him didn't seem anxious at all.

The playground was empty, except for the teachers holding textbooks walking to class. There was no student in sight.

Obviously, there were no physical education classes this period.

"Don't feel like it." Lu Qingyi went to the snack shop to buy a piece of candy, tore open the wrapper, and tossed it into her mouth.

She was completely indifferent.

Ah, classes are boring.

"Kid, what's your name?"

Xu Boyan laughed gently.

This kid was quite interesting, but he still didn't know her name.

"Lu Qingyi."

"Taken from 'Wei Feng. Cutting Tan' 'The river water is clear and the ripples'?"

Qingyi Qingyi, a pretty nice name.

"Hmm, my grandmother named me."

Thinking of her grandmother, Lu Qingyi's eyes filled with warmth.

Her grandmother was the only gentle person in her world.

"Xu Boyan, nice to meet you, kid."

Xu Boyan smiled, extending his right hand towards Lu Qingyi.

Lu Qingyi bowed her head to look at the slender hand with distinct knuckles, she raised her hand and lightly touched his.

It was a beautiful hand, Lu Qingyi thought.

The warmth from his fingertips hadn't faded yet, Lu Qingyi's heart trembled slightly.

"Are you here looking for Doctor L?"

She raised her eyes to look up at Xu Boyan.

He was very tall, probably over 1.8 meters?

In front of him, she who was 1.7 meters tall seemed particularly petite.

"Do you think Doctor L is like your dean, easy to find if you want to?"

Xu Boyan laughed softly.

Doctor L emerged three years ago, all factions wanted to win her over, but no one could find her.

Despite this being their second meeting, Lu Qingyi didn't find it repulsive to be with this man.

"What do you want with Doctor L?"

Lu Qingyi's eyes sparkled, she feigned curiosity and asked.

Of course, she knew that no one had found Doctor L till this day.

And, no one knew better than her.

"She holds medical research that controls destiny. D Country is getting restless. If that falls into the hands of the people from D Country, the world as we know it will change."

Xu Boyan patiently explained it to her.

Medical research that controls destiny?

Lu Qingyi slightly hooked the corner of her mouth, this is truly interesting.

"Kid, you are still young, it's okay if you don't understand."

Xu Boyan reached out and ruffled Lu Qingyi's hair.

Her hair was soft, it felt good to the touch.

On Lu Qingyi's face, she seemed younger, her apparent age was smaller than her actual age.

Some people mistook the 19-year-old her for 16.

All of a sudden there was heat on her head, Lu Qingyi was taken aback: "Are you very old?"

He kept calling her kid, as if that made her very small.


The thin lips parted.

The kid looked to be around sixteen, so in her age group, he should be considered old at twenty-three.

The difference between minors and adults.

"I'm already nineteen."

Four years older, a slightly wider generation gap.

"So the kid has already grown up."

Xu Boyan chuckled softly, his gaze swept over Lu Qingyi.

Grown up, he really hadn't noticed that.

The kid looked quite small.

"Brother Four, Brother Four."

The voice arrived before the person, this was exactly the case for Lin Yuanhang.

Chatty and noisy.