
Escaping the kingdom and meeting father but where!

What language is this? What does it say? What does "בַּעַל אוֹב" mean?

As Zhan-yu was thinking about the tattoo, he heard his father. It was as if his voice was coming from inside of him. "Zhan-yu, run away from the human kingdom. Make sure no one sees you. There's a hidden door that leads to a tunnel underneath your bedroom that can only be opened with your blood. It will guide you outside." His father's voice sounded impatient and had a sense of urgency in it. Zhan-yu replied, "Father, is that really you? How are you talking to me, and why are you asking me to run?" Zhan-yu was confused about what he should do, and also in shock of hearing his father's voice.

There was no reply from his father. Zhan-yu became perplexed. "Father, father, are you there? Why don't you answer me?" After trying to get a reply, he decided to do what his father had asked him to.

In a rush, Zhan-yu went to his bed and moved it, but he couldn't find a hidden door anywhere. The only thing that he could see was his name written on the floor. Just to make sure, he touched it, and suddenly, something hit his hand. He pulled his hand away, afraid, and saw the letters on the floor turning red. All of a sudden he heard a sound — clank, clank, clank, thud — and an open door appeared where his name had been. He heard some people running toward his room, so he hurriedly went inside the hidden room and down to the tunnel.

The tunnel was dark, but not to the point where Zhan-yu couldn't see. The walls were sticky, and the place had a distinct and gross smell. As the tunnel was quite long, Zhan-yu kept on walking and thinking about how he had been able to hear his father's voice and wondering if he had really made the right decision.

After walking for a couple of hours, he finally saw a light. Because of being in the dark for a while, he couldn't open his eyes and couldn't see anything. Slowly, his eyes adjusted, and what he saw in front of him astonished him. The view was beautiful, with water coming down from the mountain, and there was even a small house.

He ran and went toward the house, thinking maybe he would be able to find out clues about his father and how he was able to hear him. As he went inside, he noticed that it was just a simple, old wooden house. Zhan-yu looked around, but he couldn't find anything. He decided that he was going to rest a bit first instead of worrying about what he was going to do. He was tired after walking for so long, so he decided to run toward the waterfall and jump inside the water and swim for a while. Suddenly, while he was swimming, he felt something strange. All of his tiredness was gone.

"What is up with today? How is it that all the strange things keep on happening to me?"

He got out of the waterfall, put his clothes on, and went inside the room.

"I want to look around this house some more, but there's no food in here, and it will be night soon. I should go out and hunt for something to eat." As Zhan-yu had run away from the kingdom in a hurry, he hadn't brought any weapons with him. Not even a knife.

Zhan-yu went outside, jumped on top of a tree, and with his bare hands, he slashed — swoosh — the branch off. The branch broke and fell to the ground. He started looking for a rock to make a spear. He found two rocks, but they were spherical in shape, so he hit them against each other — clang, clang — until one of the rocks turned sharp. Next, he remembered seeing a string in the house, so he ran back inside and found it. He attached the sharp rock to the branch with the string and made a spear so he could hunt something.

He ran toward the forest to find something to eat, as he was hungry and afraid that it would get dark soon. He hid among the long grass and waited patiently. A couple of minutes later, a rabbit came and started eating. Zhan-yu figured this was his chance and jumped toward the rabbit. "You are mine!" But the rabbit was faster than Zhan-yu had imagined. The rabbit dodged Zhan-yu and ran away. Swish, swish. Zhan-yu ran behind the rabbit. If the rabbit went right, Zhan-yu went right. If the rabbit went to the left, Zhan-yu went to the left. "I will catch you." But the rabbit was too clever. This time, the rabbit feinted to the right, toward the tree, but went left at the last second. Poor Zhan-yu went to the right and hit his head in the tree. By the time Zhan-yu stood up again, the rabbit was gone.

Zhan-yu thought to himself, "What will I be able to do, how will I avenge my dead father if I am not even capable of catching a mere rabbit." He tried again, again, and again, but he wasn't able to succeed. "How pathetic of me. It has been three hours already, and I haven't been able to catch a rabbit."

As he was thinking this, he saw another rabbit. Instead of going after it, this time he picked up a rock and threw it stealthily in front of the rabbit. It, being scared, ran to the opposite side, which was where Zhan-yu was, so Zhan-yu jumped and caught it. "At last, I succeeded."

He took the rabbit home and got ready to cook it. He found some dry wood and leaves he could use as kindle near his house. He arranged the leaves and dry wood together and started hitting a couple of rocks he had found together. Clang, clang. Sparks started to come out of the rocks, falling on the dry wood and leaves and creating a fire. "I'm lucky I remembered that, when I was making the rocks sharp for my spear, I saw sparks coming out of them and decided I would be able to make fire with this method." He started to cook the rabbit. Unfortunately, he didn't have any spices or herbs, so it wasn't that tasty, but it was enough so he could survive.

He went inside his house after eating and started thinking about his father. "Father, why did you ask me to run? How did you talk to me? Did you know what was going to happen to you?" As Zhan-yu was tired after chasing rabbits for so long, he fell asleep while thinking.

[Suddenly, a bright light started coming out of Zhan-yu's tattoo. It was brighter than the sunlight. If someone had seen it with their bare eyes, they would have gone blind. It was like looking directly at the bright light of the sun.]

Zhan-yu suddenly found himself in a different place. It was nothing like the place he once was, where it was all dark. On the contrary, this place was bright and beautiful. He looked behind him and received a surprise. It was his father standing there.

He became flabbergasted and couldn't even speak well




