
Mirage— Resolved Karma


The long screech of the cruel truck entered the boy's ears with his hands filled with a lot of books, his face covered by the stack of carry bags.

The soft features of the boy's face pointed out his shock and horror. He didn't wish to die, nobody does. Deep down, he wished that some hero came to save him, stop the truck or push him away, for the boy's legs were frozen in terror.

The boy wouldn't be scared when forced to come to face to face with the ugliest person in the entire world, but when faced with death, a sudden one at that, the boy faltered in fear.

Alas, as he felt his impending doom, the boy wished for his parents' happiness. He wouldn't be there for them anymore, and it saddened him more than the imminent death could terrify him.

His memories with his parents, Entei— his pet dog, and finally, his small group of friends— 2, flashed in front of his eyes.

"Ah... I hope the driver feels the same—"

His whispers were cut short when the truck finally slammed into his body, breaking his tiny physique into multiple chunks of gory flesh that flew across the street accompanied with screams of civilians.

Rin, Age 17, died on 20 August due to a horrible road accident.

The driver of the vehicle was found under the heavy influence of drugs and was sent to jail for life imprisonment.

Rin's family was given a compensation under the— Single Child Programme— but no matter how much the transportation company compensated, the family's grief couldn't be satiated.

They lost their only son, after all.


"You have one wish remaining."

A calm voice entered Rin's 'ears'. He couldn't see, neither could he feel anything. A peculiar sensation that he immediately found uncomfortable. But the voice that surrounded him was cold and emotionless.

"One wish?"

Rin wished to speak up, yet he failed, but somehow, his thoughts were easily conveyed to the mysterious entity that Rin couldn't see.

"Our Karma requires me to grant you equal pain and equal compensation. You had three wishes. As per your request:

Your family, though grieving, would live a healthy life unaffected by any monetary situation.

The driver that settled our previous Karma would feel the same pain in the form of isolation from his family for the rest of his life until he passes away.

Now, I ask you, my last Karmic knot, what do you wish for?"

'Karmic Knot? Giving Pain and Benefits? You! You killed me?'

Hearing that his family would live a healthy life, much of his indignation was relieved. But the frustration of getting killed due to some Karma bullshit—

"Karma is not nonsensical, Shen."

"I am Rin, asshole!"

"When you killed me, not before forcing me to witness forcing yourself onto my beloved, you were called Gao of the Shen lineage."

For a moment, Rin didn't know what to say anymore. Me? Forcing a Woman?


"Your soul has lived through many forms, and so have mine. It is time we complete the cycle of Karma and let go of each other Rin of the Kinou Family."

"Was that true?... did I really?"

"For one hour straight. Before you... your 233451 incarnate thought that I have lived through enough misery and ended my life."

If Rin could shudder in disgust, he would.

"My last wish? Even after what I may have done... you are still willing?"

"Relationship falls short in front of dao. I have realised it too late, but I am fortunate enough to be one of the few to realise it."

The voice remained calm, not even a hint of sadness betrayed his voice.

"Rin. I do not hate you. My past incarnate hated your past incarnate. It is simple so let us not make it complicated.

Please make a wish and let me fulfill it."

Rin finally grew silent... or at least, his thoughts did.

"If..." he spoke up, "If I really did that... then, I wish to have my memories and upbringing of this world intact. I may not know what this Shen thought when he actually did what he did...

But I simply wish to not become such a person, if I have another chance at life.


Rin thought's trailed while the voice spoke, his tone as impassive as ever.

"Call me Mirage."

"Mr Mirage. If you can fulfill my wish, no matter how atrocious all of this sounds, let me keep my this life's memories. The memories of my parents and friends."

"Consider it done."

Mirage's voice appeared and Rin felt his conscious self losing its 'weight'.


Time gradually passed as Rin rested, still unable to feel anything after his last encounter with Mirage while the sense of weightlessness was quite disturbing.

But to his fortune, a tugging sensation finally woke Rin from his state of discomfort as he 'felt' his body... or whatever he actually was, descending at a quick pace.

Before he could feel anything else, he found his vision returning while his fists in motion stopped right before they could hit his target as Rin looked around in curiosity before feeling a rush of memory that seemed somewhat strange, yet, oddly familiar then he finally fell on his knees.

His vision turning dark once again while his body fell on the cold hard ground.

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