
A Bully's Recipe

If I would like to wish for something, it would be a guidebook. A trusty hands-on regarding reincarnation. You know? How to act like a child while trying to hide the incredulous expression as your entire worldview about reincarnation and fantasy is crushed into bits and pieces?

Who said that beast girls only wear bikini armour and men are burly enough to snap any human like a twig? That's incredibly stereotypical, I admit.

After all, as the mayor's only son, I am entitled to enjoy luxury. Not in the form of a lavish caravan pulled by mythical beasts, gods, no! That is slavery, you know... but yeah, I do regret a little that is wasn't some winged Lion pulling our Limo.

Limo? Oh, come on, it isn't some fantasy term?



A luxury vehicle sported by rich people. You know, that long-ass car in black that intimidates others by saying— Hey, I'm rich, so be careful, sweetheart.

My little body enjoyed the soft seat a little too much, even if it was a little awkward. After all, I would have much preferred to sit on the luxurious leather seats instead of something even more lavish— My mother's laps.

Yes, people, one hour into the new world and my little body somehow scooched its way over to mama's laps. Hey, nothing to be ashamed about right?

"Your shenanigans worry me deeply, son..."

Feeling Maa's hands ruffling my short black hair, at least, that was what he could make out from his slowly stabilising memories, my body unconscious loosens up.

Damnit! No matter from which angle I look at the situation, there is something wrong about Leticia. Something very wrong... I mean, something that borders to the level of moral relationship between parents.

Oh, wait.

A piece of information pops into my mind, making me cringe internally.

... Well, although, I didn't think much of it before, but with all the differences in specifies, heritage and well... planet, there are also bound to be differences in culture, too, right?

Not that I am feeling extremely jubilant to become a young fiancé of the most influential women of the Shade City, as she happens to be my biological mother, in short, mama—

"And~ If something happened to you, who would have taken care of me in the future?"

Maa had a beautiful voice that made the surroundings pleasant and when she blew into my ear... oh boy, it almost knocked my socks off of me. Not to mention the fact that my ears are already sensitive with them being furry and all. Man, I never actually thought that ears could really be a sensitive spot, I guess, all the research committed by the men in Association of Culture really predicted correctly when publishing the thesis on the ears being the sensitive spot for the beastmen— if my species is categorised as beastmen or some another supernatural genre.

"Maa, it's," Play if off coolly. The previous Lamork never understood the forbidden culture this minx— I mean, Maa, used to suggest in their family dinner, "only natural. I will grow big and strong for you."

Wishing to stab myself internally, I pick the most frequent phrase this poor bastard always proclaimed. I mean, previous Lamork was a poor bastard. Induced by Leticia's indulgences, he started to bully. Well, kids love to bully, so there is nothing wrong with that, but this boy... damn...

If there was a word to praise Lamork and scold him simultaneously, I would've snapped at that word.

I mean... a four-year-old boy actually wanting to study more in the rest of his time... get a life, boy. Well, there is nothing wrong with studying. A hero's tale here and a fantasy journey there alongside some rhymes, but nooo!

The little sacrifice had to 'dabble' in many advance subjects... and I don't mean trigonometry. That's basic for the previous Lamork, ehm, me. I mean, Mechanical Engineering, Software Development, codes and shit that I didn't even dare gaze at during the previous seventeen years of my life.

Oh, and of course, like any rich brat my previous life was graced with, in my current life, I 'was' a boy trained in etiquettes, a training so strict that may have contributed to his bullying others to release his own stress...

"Of course, you will. I always await the day, my little man."

Leticia cooed softly, her ash-grey palms finally coming into my field of gaze and gently covering my eyes while continuing softly, "You'll grow... bigger... and stronger..."

Trying my level best to remain oblivious to Maa's words, I then instantly focus my remaining unflustered attention outside the black tinted window of my oh so lavish limousine. Kek, I just can't get enough of it! Limo, Limo, Limo!

But aside from my deep craving to pee in one, I remain unimpressed by what I see in the city. Modern roads, flyovers and of course, multiple skyscrapers. Honestly, I don't think I could have lived in a fantasy village without any functioning toilet... but seeing buildings with glasses all over again made me a bit upset.

Just a tiny bit, I swear.

As Maa showered me in her own erotic concerns that seemed to be slowly pushing the limits of the capacity of my own wet dreams, the Limousine finally turns and drives past the metal gates which, from my memories, should be my, well, Maa's home. A modern infrastructure that almost matched a bachelor's pad from its smooth construction if not for the exotic garden that surrounded the structure.

With the old butler in a formal black suit walking out of the driver's seat and pulling the door, Maa finally decided to stop her showers of concern and allowed me to walk up before she followed out of the car.

"Lamork, it's still bright outside, so why don't you go and play with Nikole?"

With her black one-piece dress that flowed down her body naturally, Maa smiled as her plump, dark grey lips closed in on me and planting on my forehead. Well, there you have it, never would I have thought that any pair of lips aside from human version can ever rile me up.

I am wrong, extremely so.

Oh, besides the tangent on exquisite lips, Nicole is the friend that I made for him being my neighbor, and he also dealt with me venting my frustrations of training aka the target of my bullying actions.

Like I said, not proud of it, but will have to accept it that I now have the hands-on guide on what changes someone into a bully.

Well, the ingredients are— Highly nutritious food, Extreme Intelligence, Harsh Training and erotically charged mother anticipating your pee pee.

Yep, that'll do it.

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