
Untouched by the Outbreak

Ryo Tanaka, a struggling college student, works tirelessly at multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet. In a bid to earn some extra cash, he volunteers for a paid drug research study, unaware that it will alter the course of his life forever. The experiment takes a disastrous turn, leaving Ryo bedridden with a high fever for several days. But when he finally awakens, he finds himself in a world plunged into chaos. A deadly virus has ravaged the city, turning its inhabitants into ravenous, flesh-eating zombies. Streets once bustling with life now lay desolate, the remnants of civilization crumbling under the weight of the apocalypse.

Jacksen_Bent · Horror
Not enough ratings
142 Chs

Chapter 4: A Moment of Respite

The sun was setting as Ryo finally arrived at his apartment, perched on the rooftop of an old, weathered building. The small room barely had enough space for a bed, a kitchenette, and a tiny bathroom, but it was the cheapest place he could find. Despite the constant creaks and groans from the aging structure, the view of the city skyline was a priceless perk, one that never failed to soothe his restless mind.

With a tired but satisfied sigh, Ryo unlocked the door and stepped inside. The familiar scent of home welcomed him like a comforting embrace. He flicked on the light, casting a warm glow over the room, and immediately began unpacking the groceries. His movements were quick and efficient, a sign of how much he valued the simple ritual of restocking his kitchen. Each item he placed on the shelves represented security, a buffer between him and the uncertainty that had once loomed over his life.

The refrigerator, once barren and echoing with emptiness, now brimmed with fresh produce, meat, and dairy products. Ryo couldn't help but smile as he arranged the food with precision, taking pride in seeing his shelves fully stocked. It was more than just groceries—this was a symbol of how far he'd come, a reminder of the struggle to make ends meet that was now, hopefully, behind him.

Next, he turned his attention to the dry and canned goods, organizing them in the small pantry above the stove. The sight of a well-stocked kitchen filled him with a deep sense of satisfaction and comfort. It felt like a victory over the long months of scraping by, making do with instant noodles and canned soup. Now, with the money from the study, he could afford to enjoy small luxuries that had once seemed out of reach.

Once everything was put away, Ryo grabbed a can of beer from the fridge and popped it open with a satisfying hiss. He took a long, refreshing sip, savoring the cool liquid as it eased the tension in his muscles. Leaning against the counter, he allowed himself to fully enjoy the moment—a rare pause in the chaotic rush of life. The weight of the last few days started to fade away as he took in the quiet serenity of his apartment.

On the table, the envelope with his payment lay like a quiet promise, a reminder of the grueling ordeal he'd endured at the research facility. Ryo picked it up again, counting the bills for the third time, as if to make sure the sum was real. The amount still made him grin in disbelief—it was enough to cover rent, buy the textbooks he needed, and even splurge on some things he'd been denying himself for months.

Feeling celebratory, Ryo decided to treat himself to a small feast. He pulled out fresh vegetables and cuts of meat, reveling in the ability to cook something more than just basic sustenance. The mouthwatering aroma of sautéed vegetables and sizzling grilled meat soon filled the apartment, replacing the sterile, clinical air of the research facility with the warm and inviting smells of home-cooked food.

As he sat down to eat, the city lights twinkling just outside his window, Ryo felt a wave of contentment wash over him. It wasn't just the satisfaction of a good meal, but the knowledge that the trials of the last few days were behind him. For now, he could breathe easy, relish in the sense of normalcy, and let his guard down.

He ate slowly, savoring every bite as if each one represented a victory over his past hardships. The world outside his window, once full of uncertainty and struggle, now seemed like a place brimming with possibilities. As he finished his meal, Ryo leaned back in his chair and took another swig of beer, feeling the last remnants of tension melt away from his body. For the first time in a long while, he allowed himself to fully relax, to bask in the simple joy of a well-earned break.

His thoughts drifted to the future, where new opportunities awaited. The money he had earned didn't just represent financial security—it was a symbol of hope, a chance to rebuild and refocus. He could catch up on rent, buy the textbooks he needed, and maybe even replace some of his worn-out clothes. But beyond those material gains, it was the idea of starting fresh that truly excited him. This could be the beginning of something better, something brighter.

Finishing his beer, Ryo rose from the table and wandered over to the window. The city lights below flickered like distant stars, each one a reminder that, out there, a world of opportunity still existed. For the first time in what felt like forever, Ryo felt genuinely optimistic. The challenges he had faced didn't seem insurmountable anymore. He had made it through, and now the future stretched out before him, full of potential.

With a contented sigh, he cleaned up his dinner and headed to the bathroom for a shower. The hot water was soothing, washing away not just the grime of the day but also the lingering anxiety that had haunted him. As the steam filled the small bathroom, Ryo closed his eyes, letting the water cleanse both his body and his mind. By the time he stepped out, he felt renewed—physically and mentally refreshed, ready to take on whatever came next.

As he settled into bed, his thoughts still buzzing with plans and dreams, Ryo knew he was on the verge of something new. The world felt different tonight, as if it had opened up, offering him new paths to explore. Whatever the future held, he was ready to face it head-on, with a sense of determination and hope that he hadn't felt in a long time.

And as sleep finally claimed him, the city lights casting a soft glow over his room, Ryo knew deep down that, for the first time in years, he had something worth looking forward to.

I did some rework for the story

Jacksen_Bentcreators' thoughts