
Untouched by the Outbreak

Ryo Tanaka, a struggling college student, works tirelessly at multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet. In a bid to earn some extra cash, he volunteers for a paid drug research study, unaware that it will alter the course of his life forever. The experiment takes a disastrous turn, leaving Ryo bedridden with a high fever for several days. But when he finally awakens, he finds himself in a world plunged into chaos. A deadly virus has ravaged the city, turning its inhabitants into ravenous, flesh-eating zombies. Streets once bustling with life now lay desolate, the remnants of civilization crumbling under the weight of the apocalypse.

Jacksen_Bent · Horror
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197 Chs

Chapter 131: The Shadow That Follows

Chapter 131: The Shadow That Follows

After enjoying the evening under the dimming sky, Ryo and Sachiko made their way back inside the house, Sayako silently trailing behind them. The night was calm, but Sachiko couldn't shake the unease from her heart. She glanced back at the female zombie, now named Sayako, and asked nervously, "Ryo, are you sure this is a good idea? Letting her inside the house?"

Ryo smirked at her concern but didn't slow down. "And what if she starts banging on the door in the middle of the night? You wouldn't be able to sleep, right?" he said, his tone casual, though there was an edge of humor in his words.

Sachiko frowned, still feeling uneasy. "I guess you're right... but what if she does something else? Can we really trust her?"