
Terrified of A Close Family Member

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The day finally came. Chu Yu's heart sank as she secretly sighed. 

Princess Shanyin's younger brother was the current emperor. In the version of history that Chu Yu knew, the emperor was young and lustful. Although they were siblings by blood, they seemed to have a vague love relationship with each other. 

The reason why Chu Yu kept dragging and did not take the initiative to see Liu Ziye was because of the love relationship. She was the one who held the most power in the Princess's Imperial Residence, and as long as she was unwilling to do so, nobody would dare to force her. However, she would be in a passive position as soon as she entered the palace. If she declined Liu Ziye's request of any sort, would she be killed for her insolence?

No matter how unwilling she was, she had no choice but to face it head-on. She would die if she were to reject it just because of her fear. She decided that she would play by ear.

After making up her mind, Chu Yu said decisively, "Let's go."

He Ji looked at Chu Yu with shock and disbelief in his eyes. "Princess, are you going to the palace like that?"

Chu Yu was stunned at first. Subsequently, she recalled that she had just trimmed her hair yesterday. As it hung loose, it reached her shoulders. Nobody dared to say anything at her residence, but since she was going to the palace, it was unforgivable to look like a mess.

She returned to her room and got You Lan to tidy her hair. It was just a simple and neat hair bun, yet it was also her first time having light make-up on her face. An hour passed by after she put on rather formal clothing before she left her chambers.

As she was getting prepared, Chu Yu heard the sound of weapons colliding outside. Afterward, she heard Yue Jiefei shout, "Hua Cuo, what are you doing invading the Princess's residence?"

Hua Cuo scoffed and said, "If I were killing someone, I wouldn't do it out in the open. It was Rong Zhi who asked me to see the Princess. There's something that I must give her."

Yue Jiefei responded immediately, "What's that? Show me."

There was the clamorous noise of fighting coming from outside again. The two seemed to be fighting again. Chu Yu only heard Hua Cuo teasing after a while, "Since when are you the one who questions what Rong Zhi brings the Princess? Do you want to look at it even if it's something private?" 

Chu Yu had the feeling that he might say something mean if she let him proceed, so she got up and interrupted them after opening the door, "Stop." She nodded at Yue Jiefei first and said, "It's alright." She then asked Hua Cuo, "What's that?"

Hua Cuo turned and extended his wrist, showing a silk sachet the size of a fist on top of his palm. It was full although she had no idea what it contained. Hua Cuo told her, "Rong Zhi asked me to give you this."

Chu Yu smiled at him upon receiving it.

Huo Cuo withdrew his hand and looked at her with an absent mind as he lifted his head. He could not help but be stunned.

He hardly saw the Princess, and even if he did, he hardly looked at her closely. The young lady looked sophisticated although he remembered her appearing terribly messy for the past two days. However, looking at her dressed so elegantly today at a close distance, her eyes were clear and determined while her expression was tough but not intimidating. Her delicate make-up was like the flowing spring water in the mountains and the soft breeze in the forest.

Hua Cuo could not help but frown at the surprise. He turned and left with a scoff.

Chu Yu untied the tight knot curiously and pull the silk sachet open. She then realized that there were spices in the silk sachet. The mix of chopped spices had a soothing fragrance wafting out of it.

She had no idea what Rong Zhi was trying to say with the silk sachet. However, figuring that he was not a prankster, he must have done this for her own good. After giving it some thought, Chu Yu tied the silk sachet again and placed it on her waist carefully.

Since her outing this time involved going into the palace, there was already a luxurious carriage waiting for her at the entrance of the Princess's Imperial Residence. As soon as the both of them settled in, the carriage began to move.

Chu Yu rode in the same carriage with He Ji as they sat approximately a meter away from each other. Despite the distance, Chu Yu still felt uneasy and her expression became a little stiff. He Ji looked at her with deep concern. "Princess, if you aren't feeling well, we can head back to the residence now."

Chu Yu said calmly while wearing a smile, "His Majesty might blame you if I don't visit him." Was it not a little too late for him to say that? Why did he not say that earlier?

He Ji said sincerely, "Even if I'll have to bear the blame from His Majesty, I can't let you do this to your body, Princess."

Chu Yu sighed and shook her head. She lay on the soft cushion behind her after closing her eyes, pretending to rest and ignoring He Ji. When it came to acting skills, she was far incomparable with He Ji. Moreover, there was no benefit to her even if she won. The harmony on the surface would not be able to change what they felt about each other, and both of them knew that very well.

Since the Princess's Imperial Residence was close to the palace, they arrived there in a short while. After sending Chu Yu off to the entrance of the palace, He Ji parted ways with her while the eunuch led her to the emperor. 

Chu Yu had countless terrifying imaginations about Liu Ziye before meeting him. Although she was not exactly knowledgeable about history, she roughly knew that Liu Ziye was a promiscuous and abusive young man. Had he been an ordinary person, all he could do was harm some people around him. However, he was the emperor.

She even had serious consideration. If Liu Ziye were to request to do something appropriate with her, should she lie that she was on her period as an excuse to get out of it?

Due to the extremely horrible impression she had of Liu Ziye, Chu Yu imagined this young man who was related to Princess Shanyin by blood to be a ferocious monster with petrifying sharp teeth. Because of that, it was such a major contrast when she finally saw him in person.

He was in a vacant hall in the imperial harem. The young man wearing a black robe rested his arm on the table in the vast hall. He had the same almond eyes as Mo Xiang, but there was restless brutality dazzling in his eyes, lending him a ruthless look. There was grave impatience written on his pale face, but still, he was surprisingly…handsome.

Looking past his irritable expression, this young man's face was considered greatly elegant.

His eyes lit up when he saw Chu Yu, and his impatience was wiped away as he threw himself at her. He hugged her tightly. "Sister, it's been so many days since you visited me!"

The young man was the emperor of the current Southern Dynasty, Liu Ziye.