

This is a story of a never talked about pokemon trainer whose feats and accomplishments were never recognized. This book unveils his character and portray his strength which made him the Greatest Of All Time.

harsh_sinha · Fantasy
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14 Chs

11. Blast from the past (Part 2)

Cross:- "I can't believe it!! Damn you!!" Cross gritted his teeth, his Tyranitar was a beginner master level pokemon and not just that, he had a clear type advantage against Andrew's Alakazam but, yet he was beaten.

Andrew:- "You operate on the basis of brute strength but, pokemon battle is way more than that. Though this is just the kind the of crap I would expect from a scumbag like you who doesn't even understand pokemons."

Cross:- "Save your little speech. You may have won the battle but, you won't be able to win the war. You see, our little diversion worked perfectly, we kept you and your friend Professsor Oak engaged and meanwhile our men have already commenced the mission we are here for". While this battle ended, there was another battle raging.

Dirk:- "Aggron use metal sound" and Aggron started emitting a sharp sound which was hurting Venusaur a lot, making it impatient.

Professor Oak:- "Venusaur block your ears using you vines and use leaf storm". Venusaur used its vines for blocking its ears, it wasn't completely effective but it cut down the noise and then a huge storm raged towards Aggron.

Dirk:- "You have no idea how long I have waited for this day. So, that I get the chance to crush you myself. Aggron show them what a real storm looks like use sand storm".

Both the attcks collided and it turned into a typhoon but, both the pokemons Aggron and Venusaur were holding their ground as if trying to analyse each other's strength.

Once the typhoon subsided the warmup was over, and they were ready for the real fight. "Aggron use flash cannon". "Venusaur counter it with energy ball" and again the attacks were equal. Professor's Venusaur was an Elite level pokemon and Dirk's Aggron was a Master level but, the intensity of the battle helped him in breaking its limit. Yes he was on the verge of reaching Elite level.

Dirk:- "His Venusaur is too powerful for a close combat but, it has many moves which are efficient enough in blocking Aggron's long range attack. I will have to charge straight in. Aggron use metal sound one more time".

Professor Oak:- "Same tactics won't work twice, Venusaur use frenzy plant and grab a hold on Aggron". As Venusaur smashed its legs on the ground many wild plants came tearing through the surface towards Aggron.

Dirk:- "Now is our chance, Aggron use the power of focus energy and then go for double-edge combined with cut!!" While Venusaur was activating frenzy plants, Aggron was gathering strength using focus energy. Dirk instructed that to him telepathically. Dirk was a veteran pokemon trainer and captain of Team Stygian, people who were behind the operation of Meteor Falls. Aggron made his way towards Venusaur cutting and thrashing everything which tried to block him, and soon he was in front of Venusaur. Focus energy is an attack which not only raises attack but, also speed of the pokemon using it. Aggron landed a hard blow on Venusaur, for Venusaur it was as if it had hit a tank,

and he got pushed back and crashed into the tree behind him.

Cross:- "You heard that. That was the fall of mighty Professor Oak!!" and then his heliograph beeped. "Sir, the mission is successful we have got the meteors".

Cross:- "Alright, we are good to go" and Cross forwarded the message to Dirk.

Dirk:- "Looks like we will have to continue this some other day. What a shame, I was starting to enjoying the battle". "Alright team we are evacuating!!"

Professor Oak:- "You wont' be able to escape so easily, Venusaur use energy ball!!" and as Venusaur launched its attack it was countered by Aggron's flash cannon, and suddenly several smoke bombs blasted in front of Andrew and Professor Oak. When the smoke cleared Cross and Dirk were gone.

John:- "Damn it!! they escaped. Celebi you should not have stopped me, I could have helped my dad and Professor Oak. What is the point of bringing me here if I couldn't help them ?"

Celebi:- "I have already told you intervening with flow of time can lead to really serious consequences. Moreover, what you just saw was the beginning of destruction which you have to stop in your time".

John:- "What do you mean ? and who is Team Stygian and why were they after the meteors ?"

Celebi:- "I will show you", and Celebi teleported along with John and Pikachu.

What destruction is Celebi talking about whose consequences are linked with John's timeline ? and what is the truth behind Team Stygian. Find out in the next chapter.

The adventure continues...