
Marriage gift

Han-na is asleep when Aera enters his room cautiously. She went near him, was astonished when he opened his eyes suddenly, "You startled me."

"Sorry, I assumed it was Bo-ra."

"Shin safely reached Seoul. He wants to pass the message to you to get well, soon."

Han-na said with a slight smile, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"I got Shin's love thanks to you." Han-na remembered Shin's words of, 'Every time Aera looks into your eyes, she will be able to read your internal thoughts without needing a word from you,' which had suddenly entered her mind.

"I don't think so, Shin had been mischaracterizing you for years. When you open your heart to him, he simply understands it."

He replied, looking in the other direction, "Yes."

"Have you eaten? Should I get you something else instead?

"No… Bo-ra gave the food."

"Yes… Do you have neck pain? Should I call Ji-ho?"


"Why are you turning your neck away from me instead?"

Strangely rolling his eyes, he said, "Nothing much… Just thinking about something."

"Ohh… Then I will come later."

Anderson receives the letter from Rang. He opens the cover, "Resignation," in silence.

"As a friend, I would like to offer you some advice."

"Go on."

"Many lives have already been lost. Probably just leave everything behind and begin a peaceful new life with Aera."

He cuts Anderson off when he starts to respond, saying, "I understand it's hard to leave everything behind. Before, you had nothing to worry about; now, you do. Consider it once more."

Anderson seems perplexed of his words, "Then what are you going to do next." He left with a smile.

Rang showed the ring to Jenny. She wondered, "Ring…!"

"Will you marry me?"

Jenny said with an uneasy smile, "You gotta be kidding me. Leave…." she continued arranging her wardrobe.

"I want to start my life over in a serene and purposeful manner. In order to do that, I need you by my side. I know it happened so quickly, but we already wasted a lot of time being alone, looking for someone to make us smile, needing a shoulder to cry on and wanting to share our joy. I think it's time for us to start over in life. I don't want to squander any more time."

Jenny teared up on one eye, "You are making me weep… Would you then sweep the tables and prepare the meals in my restaurant?"

"I will wash the dishes too."

Jenny gave him a teary, delighted hug.

Lucas entered the silent, dark room where Jeson was kept captive. "Dad… how are you doing here?"

Jeson turned his gaze in some other way.

"I am sorry father." He ordered the guards, "Open the gate."

"Come out dad. What would you, because of your daughter's mistake? I was mistaken, believed that Anderson would come and free you if I imprisoned you here. But he merely spared your daughter alone. Now you and I are on the same page, abandoned by them."

He entered and pulled Jeson out by the hand. "Clean yourself up, dad. I'm starving; it would be good if we shared a meal like we used to."

Jeson silently enter the room and takes off his cloth. He took the gun out of the shirt's back pocket.

Anderson in the office room, recalled when he sought Aera's father, going inside the shadowy area where Jeson was being held captive. When Jeson saw him, "Anderson…!"

"Stay away." He opens the door after firing the lock, "Come."

But Aera's father declined, "No Anderson. I am not coming."

"Why? Aera has already left and she is waiting for you."

"She will be fine without me. It is my responsibility to protect my daughter from Lucas. I raised him, and I will put an end to his life. You leave."

"If Lucas is your problem, then I will kill him."

"I don't want Lucas to be killed by my son's hand to get more sins."

With a frustrated sigh, Anderson handed him his gun and said, "Take this. If he tries to do anything to you, just pull the trigger."

"Yes. "Anderson recalled what had happened.

Bo-ra helped Han-na from to get out of bed. "Are you feeling better?" she asked as she assisted him in settling down on the sofa in the hall.


Ji-ho examines his wounds, "You are getting better."

When Rang entered the room, he said, "Therefore would you join me for a drink soon?"


Ji-ho said, "Don't drink within that. Lucy and I are planning to wed soon. Soon enough, I will throw a bachelor's party."

Ji-ho called out to Lee, "Uncle come here," as he walked along the corridors.

"What is it? Why is everyone gathered here?"

Ji-ho remarks, "About my wedding. Of all of us, you are the oldest. Give me some advice on how to arrange my wedding."

"Ahh…Wedding. I almost forgot what I did at my wedding." Four of them were chatting as Jenny and Bo-ra approached them.

Bo-ra wonders, "Wedding…? Who is going to get married?"

Awestruck, Jenny blurted, "Rang… you've already told them?" Rang makes a 'no' sign.

They were all looking at Jenny with vacuous eyes. Bo-ra asked, "What?"

"I want to celebrate because we've all safely returned from the island. So, I suggested Jenny prepare a large cake similar to those made for weddings. I requested her to keep it a secret. We were talking about marriage at the time, and she misunderstood. Jenny, Ji-ho, and Lucy will soon get married," he said, maneuvering the situation with his lies.


Jenny let out her breath peacefully.

While Jeson enters, Lucas and Bella are seated at the table eating. Bella asked, "What are you doing here? Lucas, why did you let him roam around so freely?"

"Bella, despite the fact that he helped Anderson. But he never betrayed me; he carried out my requests without question. I then forgive him."

Jeson touched the pocket where he keeps the gun while seated in the chair.

"Why are you so clingy in Jeson's family?"

"Just sit and eat Bella, don't make a scene."

"Yes… I am making a scene." She suddenly pulled out a gun, pointing it at Jeson's forehead, "Today I am going to end his chapter." Jeson extending his hand to withdraw the weapon.

Lucas shouts, "Stop it." Walked over her, "I told you to stop it. Why haven't you heard anything about what I'm saying?"

"Lucas…? You are incredibly foolish. His family deceived us. How would I be able to tolerate them without doing nothing?"

"Remember Bella, He was the one who brought us up, provided for our needs, and kept us safe. Have some gratitude towards him."

"Gratitude…! Lucas, don't you have any conscience? In a Dutch club, you attempted to murder him; did you forget about it? Now you are blabbering about gratitude? What the…?"

"We are capable of seeing bad things, only Bella, even the good in there… We see the bad stuffs, because we are bloody humans... right? I did too…" As he spoke, he left the eating area.

Jeson perceives a lack of clarity in Lucas's discourse.

While Aera is watching him, Anderson is changing his clothes. He enquired, "What are you looking for?"

"Are you working on anything important?"


"If not, why don't you stay in the house today?"

Promptly he takes off his shirt before grabbing her hip, "I too, thought about it."

Aera giggled, "Stop it. I didn't mention this, stay at home and make me something yummy."

"Ohh… Are you hungry?"

While Aera looks fondly at him, Anderson is preparing food in the kitchen. Bo-ra assisted Han-na in sitting down on the dining chair, both were conversing.

On the dining table, Cho said, "Ji-ho sir, I am experiencing diarrhea since last night."

"What did you eat the day before?"

"Fried chicken, four glasses of whiskey, instant noodles with rice cakes, spicy squid and…."

"You ate all of this in one night?"

Cho naively replied, "Yes. I ate a small amount because I am on a diet."

"Okay… I'll prescribe some medications."

Jenny and Rang were walking into the dining area. Both were murmuring, "You tell."

"You tell."

Rang mustered up his courage, "Guys…"

Everyone paused at their works to take a closer look at them. Aera asked, "What? Why two of you came along?"

"Just… No… That is… what I am saying is."

Anderson said, "Why are you tripping? Spit it out."

Jenny spoke to herself, "It doesn't work." She declares loudly, while keeping her eyes closed, "We two are in love."

Bo-ra asked, "Love…! Your frequent client, that gym coach... I anticipated one day you would fall in love with him?"

Cho enquired, "Rang sir… Who has captured your heart? You've mentioned it before… the school crush or is it a maid woman in our house?"

Rang groaned, "No… we aren't in love separately. We love each other."

Everyone took a brief pause. They resume their works, Anderson cooking the soup, "Aera taste this soup."

Cho said, "Ji-ho sir, I need to use the restroom." He walked away, with the stomach upset.

Han-na carried on speaking with her.

Rang is holding Jenny's hand as they both raise and flaunt their hands. Han-na exclaimed, "Ring…!"

Rang remarked, "We are planning to get married."

Aera doesn't even blink her eyes, "Hey, Jenny, really? Up until yesterday, you two were in disagreements. You're now talking about getting married?"

Jenny replies, "It somehow happened… We are leaving, before that we wish to marry here in front of you all. Because you are the family we have."

Happily, they are embracing her, Aera and Bo-ra said, "Congratulations." The three of them were jumping with joy.

Anderson patted Rang's shoulder, "I was scared that you would leave alone. I feel so relieved now that I have heard your words."

"Thank you."

Han-na asked, "Then where are you two getting married?"

Rang looking at him with blank.

Anderson declares, "I will take care of the place. You two concentrate on your wedding dress."

Aera remarked, "Then we all should go shopping. Let's go, time is running out."

Along with Bo-ra and Aera, Jenny was selecting her wedding dress in the mall.

"Should I try this?" asks Jenny while clutching a gown.


Aera exclaims once she emerges wearing the white gown, "You are indeed very beautiful."

Jenny asked as flushing, "Really?"

"Come, look in the mirror at yourself."

They are all three gazing in the mirror. Bo-ra asked, "Are you okay with him?"


"He used to work for the Mafia. He suddenly wants to move in with you. Don't you have any doubts or feel uneasy about him?"

Jenny smiled, "When we fall in love with someone and aspire to change them in our own likeness. After he changed, and I don't think he is still the same person when we first fell in love. I don't want the changed person, I prefer him the way he is."

"Yes… now I totally understand."

Rang's dress suit was being chosen by Ji-ho and Anderson. Anderson urged, "Change this suit."

Ji-ho cuts him off, "No. That hue doesn't go well with you. Try this outfit."

"No… Try my outfit first." Rang was irately watching them as they were arguing.

Han-na emerged from the clothing, took out the cigarette. He struggled to find a lighter while looking with one hand and experiencing chest pain, but was not found. He removes his cigarette from his mouth with annoyance. Han-na is looking at Lee as he ignites his cigarette and says, "Thank you."

"Mmm… you still hate me?"

He chuckled, "I forgot everything. You lied to me about Anderson. And I lied about Aera's father, so we are even now."

"Yes. We are even, I never thought we would end up like this."

Han-na handed him his cigarette, "Do you still work as a cop or…?"

"I made a solemn oath to my brother that I would defend Anderson to the very end. Therefore, I keep up my police work."

"What if one day everyone finds out about you? Both your job and your reputation will be lost."

"Who cares? Family comes first, then everything.""


Jeson enters Lucas's room, "What made you come here, dad?"

"What game are you probably playing this time, Lucas?"


"You repented for trying to kill me… Really?"

"Dad…, don't look at me like this… as if I am the real villain. I tried to kill you because I feared you might step in between me and Aera, but I was mistaken. I initially told you how I felt about Aera. You know how much hardship I went through in the aftermath of my father's passing. Everyone looks at me as a traitor."

Lucas adds, "Because of my father's stupidity, everyone threw animosity at me. Bella and I would both be dead now if you hadn't sheltered us that day. I apologize for attempting to kill you."

"You forgive Anderson too…? I'll arrange for the two of you to meet each other."

"Dad, I said I forgive only you, not that jerk."

"Because of what his father did, why do you punish him?"

"He has the same privilege of suffering that I experienced at the hands of his father. You are saying I am the bad guy. You're implying that I'm the bad person. He wrecked our family and stole Aera away from me. He brainwashed Bella that I tried to kill her. Now say dad, who is the real bad guy?"

"You are viewing everything from the wrong side. After you began your vengeance, he started to despise you. It was started by you."

"Don't effort to influence me. Get ready tomorrow."

"For what?"

"We are going to congratulate a couple. Only you and I. If Bella comes with us, she will make a fuss."

"Whose marriage?"

Without answering, Lucas started to walk away.

Rang was intrigued, "Where are we going to get married?"

Everyone was watching Anderson with curiosity. He showed the pictures of his mother and father's marriage photos.

Lee said, "Ahh… This is where I got married. Now only I remember."

Cho asked, "You even forget where you got married?"

"It's been ages."

"Although it's been ages, your marriage still exists. Everybody marries once in their lifetime."

"I was constantly preoccupied with my work."

Lee adds, "Rang, this is where all our family members got married."


Anderson remarked, "I made all the arrangements, and this is my wedding present for you two."

Aera and Bo-ra pondered, "Marriage gift…!"

Rang and Jenny share pleasant looks.

Aera noticed that Han-na was averting his eyes from her. "Are you still wishing to do this?"


"Turning your gaze away from me."

Han-na turned his gaze on her hesitantly and slowly, "Sorry."

"I never misunderstand your eyes. I spotted Shin's eyes in those."


"Your eyes resemble Shin's eyes."

"No one ever said this to me. I thought we two didn't share a common thing."

"You two are similar in many ways," as she mentioned, Han-na smiled. There was a palpable sense of joy and contentment all around.