
Everyone makes mistake

"No… I've got a lot on my plate," said Rang.

Aera persuading him, "Just one day. Please…"

"No… Anderson sir also forbade you from travelling to Seoul."

Aera chuckles, "What if he said yes? Mmm… Without any reluctance, you ought to accompany us."

Rang gave some thought, "Deal."

Aera hesitantly walks into Anderson's office room with Rang. Without seeing them, Anderson inquired, "What's the matter?"

"I am going to see Shin in Seoul. You know, he has been alone… Bo-ra, Han-na and Jenny too—"

Anderson nonchalantly responds, "Yes," while looking at the files.

In shock, Rang said, "Sir… It's not safe outside."

"Lucas might believe that everyone is staying with us because they are terrified of him. He won't anticipate them travelling to Seoul. Take it easy, you are travelling with Aera."


"In whatsoever case, you should always be with her. I want them all to return safely, that's my order."

Aera remarked, "They won't come back."

"What?" Rang was taken aback.

"They don't belong here. They lead separate lives, and Jenny must manage her restaurant. Bo-ra has a job, and Han-na is in responsibility to look out for his brother. Hence, they won't come back."

Anderson walked out of the room, outside of the room Jenny, Bo-ra and Han-na were standing.

He said, "I have no rights to hold anyone. At the same time, I am not ready to let you go, though. I mean, Aera will be content if you stay for a little while. If you want to stay at my place, you may return back with Aera, my doors are always open. If you don't want to, that's also fine. It's good to know you all."

Bo-ra and Jenny were gazing at him, quietly.

Jenny said, "It's nice to smell the polluted air again. Stop here."

Rang stopped the car. Aera enquired, "Why?"

"My restaurant has arrived."

"Ahh… Restaurant."

Jenny stepped out of the vehicle, "Take care Aera."

"Yes." Aera waves her hand in a sad goodbye gesture.

"Rang, stop at the intersection." Bo-ra followed Han-na out of the car.

Han-na remarked, "Aera, I will meet you at the university at 5.00"

"Yes. Bo-ra, take care."

"You too." Both of them left.

Aera turned up and focused on the vacant backseats of the car. She let out a sorrowful sigh. Rang inquired, "Are you okay?"

"I am not okay…"

While Aera handed Rang the coffee, he took a glance around the Car Showroom. He asked, "What are we actually doing here?"

"Buy a car."


Rang took a peek at her distressing-looking face. "Will your friends really not come back to our place?"


"Don't hate my friends."

"No… I don't hate them…"

"They also like us. No…" Aera grinned, "No… they aren't like me anymore. I have parents, who protect me always. But their story was different. Bo-ra appears to be robust on the surface but fragile inside. She never expresses her innermost feelings to anyone. Then Jenny…"

"Jenny has no parents, right?"

"No… she has… Jenny's mother got pregnant in High schooling. When her father heard that her mother was pregnant, they got into a fight. Eventually they split up, then her mother made the decision to place her in an orphanage. She was raised by herself. As we left the orphanage one day, the principal gave Jenny a piece of paper."

"That was the address of Jenny's parent's. Her parents informed him that if Jenny wants to meet her parents, she may visit this address."

"Did she pay her parents a visit?"

"She hasn't even open the paper, yet. But she hold the paper along with her."


"I also asked her the same question. She claimed that if I went to see them, I would be a burden. They have their own family…, husband, children… So, I won't be bothering them. If I tore the paper, I'd feel lonely. Whenever I'm depressed, I look at the paper to find solace because it reminds me that I am not alone. I too, have parents. Such a dumb…"

Rang said with a smile, "Yes… dumb."

"Her restaurant is her entire world. She is competent at cleaning, cooking, and doing the dishes. She does the same tasks repeatedly. That's why, she prepared meals for you, cleaned, and organized things at your place, too. So don't hate my friend." As she said, Rang felt bad.

Anderson got into his vehicle and made an attempt to start it. A sound from the backseat, "Where are you rushing?"

"Ahh… you startled me. What are you doing here?"

"Watching you…"

"Just get out of the car. I've got some errands to run."

"Are you planning to visit Lucas, by yourself?"

"That's none of your business."

"Show some gratitude towards me. Remember that I saved your life."

"I didn't request that."

"Yes… you win. Just let me accompany you."

"No. I couldn't concentrate on my work, if you were with me."

"Whatever you're looking for… You can't get the answers from Bella."

"How do you know what I'm looking for exactly?

"Lucas…? Right?"

Jenny enters into her restaurant, affectionately looking at the place. "Ma'am," "Ma'am," "Ma'am," "Ma'am,"

All of the employees walked up to the restaurant. "How are you doing, ma'am?" Everyone asks as they hug Jenny.

"We all missed you."

Jenny said with a smile, "Yes. I am fine. I too missed you all."

A worker-girl questioned her as Jenny touched the dining table, "Ma'am, so we all resume our work starting tomorrow…"


As soon as Han-na entered the organization, Lim gave him a big hug while Ree and Jin also joined. Loudly crying, "Where have you been? You know how much we all missed you."

Han-na was struggling to breathe, "Hey leave me. You three are crushing my bones."

He was then set free. Lim said, "You dropped too much weight."

"You gained so much weight."

"Hey… without you, we bored. Nobody in this organization treats us with respect. We moved so terribly every day, without you."

"No worries. Now, I am back. I will take care of it," said Han-na with a cheery.

Lee snaps his fingers, pointing at everyone in the office, "Thunder Boys, we're back on track."

"Hey, shut your mouth. This is the office," while they were chatting, Bo-ra called him, "Han-na, Head Kim is calling you."

"Yes… I am coming."

Aera walks inside the Principal's room. The principal greeted her, "Aera…! How have you been doing? How is your father's health…? I think your leave hasn't ended yet."

"Yes, principal. I know."

"Why are you here, then?"

"Does your daughter seem like a pushover to you?"


"Stop what you're doing, please. I am aware of your business dealings with my father." She went near him, whispered, "Mafia."

The principal was taken aback. She continues, "That's why you are pushing Eugene away. Stop it, your foolish deeds."

"Aera… What are your knowledge of Eugene?" Eugene tried to open the principal chamber when they were talking, but she was prevented after overhearing their conversation.

"I agree with you… she is arrogant, short-tempered and bad too… However, she is ok with that. She shows her image as it is. Unlike you, she never tries to hide her flaws. You are such a fake. Pretending to be a good father, successful righteous business man and have the ideal family. But nothing is perfect around you… Let Eugene live her life as she sees fit. Don't take over her life."

Principal's confusion increased as Aera continued to speak. "I believe that you understand my words, principal sir." Aera left the room, where Eugene was waiting.

"Hii… Eugene…!"

Eugene crossed over her without regard for anything she had to say. Aera smirked, "She won't ever change… Whatever…"

Lee questioned, "Are you sure you want to go alone?"

"I am not a kid… needing someone to defend me."

"Yeah… you are not a kid. Why are we here? We know Lucas location, meeting with Bella… May I know the reason?"

"Need to deal with old family issues. You should stay here."

"As you wish." Anderson enters the hotel.

"Whoa…!" exclaimed Shin. "Unbelievable."

"No choice, you have to believe it."

"Aera, had my brother really saved you?"

"Yes… 1, 2, 3.., no counts."

Shin is eyeing Han-na, who is standing some distance away from them. Aera looks at Shin, "You're brother, came here, because of you."

"I don't believe you. You are siding with him."

Aera sighed, "Take whatever you want. It's all up to you. You know what… In this world, everyone makes mistakes, your father did as well. Most of them make the same mistake again and again, and very few of them learn from it. Unfortunately, none of them made an effort to fix the mistake. But, your brother fixing your father's mistake. Don't ignore him; we never know the other side of a story."

Aera got up, moving, "Take care, Shin."

"When will you come back?"

"Not too soon. Once the mess cleaned up."

Aera takes a few step away from Shin. He says, "Then I will stay with you."


"If I stay with you, my brother will also stay with you, and he will protect you."

"No… I'm never going to agree with you. Focus on your academics."

"Thank you for your help," she said as she drew near Han-na. "Take care of Shin… and yourself too."

"Yes." Jenny moved toward them as they were having a conversation.

Aera wonders, "Jenny, what are you doing here?"

Jenny recalled when her worker-girl questioned, "Ma'am, then we all start our work tomorrow onward…"

"Yes… No… My friend is in danger. It's my responsibility to protect her at all means. Because she is my family."


"Until then close."

Aera and Han-na smiled at Jenny. "Then, shall we head back, Aera?"

"Of course."

Rang started to smile as he watched Jenny, but stopped and slapped his own mouth.

Shin was mumbling to himself incoherently. When a man suddenly got closer to him, Aera yelled, "Shin…!"

Before touching Shin, Han-na whirled around and sprinted for him, beating the man. Han-na beckoned, grabbing his hand, "Come, we should leave this place."

Jenny views the surroundings and remarks, "I think more thugs are arriving. Aera, get back to the car."

Rang starts the car, and they swiftly drive off.

Aera, who was seated next to Rang, said, "Don't handle the car, harshly. It is brand-new."

Jenny inquired, "Mercedes-Benz car…!" from the backseat. "You finally bought it."


Shin asked, "Is that your antagonist team? The chasing one… behind our cars."

Aera shouted with astonishment, "What? They are chasing us…?" she looked out the window, noticed a couple of cars chasing them, "Aish… Rang hurry up. No, no… Drive swiftly but slowly."

Rang gives her a scathing look.

Rang was cruising at breakneck speed. Ha-na peered through the glass, "They don't look like the thugs from Lucas. They are so bizarre…, almost barbaric."

Rang answered, "They are Robin's thugs."

Jenny asks, "Who is that new character?"

"He is the oldest character of all. This whole story started with him."

Anderson knocks on the room door, Bella answers with an agitated expression. "Why are you here again? I have already informed you that I don't know my brother—"

"Orchard Island. That's where your brother is hiding."


"Didn't you notice your brother's suspicious activities?"


"Why would a brother hide his whereabouts, from his own sister? Why did he keep her own sister hidden all these years? At any point, didn't you have any suspicious?"

"Don't use me, Anderson. I won't fall for you sly words."

"Yes. I too, don't want that. How about we play a game?"


Anderson putting his pistol down on the desk, "If you didn't fire me within 10 seconds. I will shoot you down. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6…"

Bella grabbed the gun off the desk, suddenly Anderson pulled a gun from his socks and shot the man lurking behind the curtains.

Bella gets shocked, "Who the hell he is?"

"Your brother's thug… Check his phone. He made the last call to your brother."

Bella examined his phone, "Lucas…!"

Anderson laughed, "You are his own sister, and however, you didn't understand your brother's move, yet"

"What move? Explain it."

"Your brother thought that if he have a family like you, still, we would abduct you and threaten him. He therefore wants to get rid of you before us. A week prior to our first encounter, I witnessed those Lucas thugs in action."

Anderson get near to Bella, "I never had the intention to kill you. I felt bad for you because I know how we got through this hell without our father. Just leave…" He exited the hotel.

Lee starts the car, "The meeting went well?"


"Why are you taking this route?" Aera asked.

"Why?" asked Rang.

"There is no way out here."

"Ohh… I had never been to Seoul before." He reverses the vehicle.

Jenny remarked, "They are behind us. Take right."

Aera interrupts, "No… take left."

Rang lost his bearings and put the car in reverse again, vehicle bumper hit the walls. Aera screamed in fury, "My car… Hey… I told you to be careful."

"It was you two who confused me."

They left the streets and headed towards the roadways. The Robert's thug's car pulled up next to them. Aera shouts, "No… don't get closer to my car."

Robert's thug's car hit her car. Aera's car door was severely damaged badly. "Aish… you scumbag, trash…"

Rang sped up the car, Aera's car apparently getting in the middle of the two cars. Her car was severely crushed between the two cars. Han-na faced Shin, shielded him.

Han-na said, "They won't stop, get off the roads. Take the forest area."

Rang said, "That's a bad idea."

"How far can we get away from them? I am tired…"

Rang turns back at Han-na, "Yes, me too."

They entered the woodland, and then, suddenly, a pistol shot pierced the front windshield of the car. Aera and Rang's faces were injured by shards of glass. Rang stopped the car.

Han-na enquired, "Aera… are you okay? Blood."

Shin noticed his affection towards Aera. Aera said, "I am not okay."

Shin asked, "Why Aera? Does it ache severely?"

"They busted my car's windshield."

Rang said, "For god's sake, that didn't shoot your head."

Everyone exits the vehicle and prepares for a fight. As Aera somberly rubbed her car.

With Bo-ra, Robert's thugs also exit the vehicle.

Jenny exclaimed, "Bo-ra…! They kidnapped Bo-ra…?"

Bo-ra said to the thugs, "Thank you for your lift, young men."

Bo-ra joined Han-na and Jenny. "What were you doing with them?"

"You left before I arrived." Bo-ra recalled that Rang and Aera had driven off in the car when she arrived at the university. She hurried over to the Robert's thug's car and asked, "Could you drop me off?"

Jenny smiled, "Bo-ra, you are amazing…"

"Shall we start fighting now?" As Rang said, everyone keeps fighting. Jenny struck them with her fist after punching the guy.

Standing and observing the conflict are Shin and Aera. Shin said, "They're all amazing. Where did Jenny learn to fight? Her moves are meticulous."

"At yoga class."

"Yoga class..! I would want to attend a yoga class."

Han-na violently struck the man. "Not bad, Han-na's fighting. Aera, shall I join the battle?"

"What? Do you wish to die in these thugs hands?"

More thug's cars are approaching fast towards them. Rang, Han-na stopped fighting and got back to defend Aera. Jenny asks, "What are we supposed to do?"

Suddenly four more cars are now rushing. Tons of men exit the vehicle. Rang wonders, "Cho…!"

"Rang sir… don't worry, we'll handle it from here."

Jenny asked, "Anderson sent you…?"

"Yes…" Cho replied.

After that, they left the forest.