
Who are you?

A Girl's POV

I spent almost half of my day again lying here near the river. A few rays of sunlight touching me, it feels nice. I love this kind of peace. Birds flying around and singing, the fishes swimming in the clear waters, and the trees dancing with the winds.

My peace was suddenly interrupted by the unnatural rustling of the bushes near me. I walked towards it then a small creature jumped out and laid down. It was a small dog with a weird fur and nine tails but what was more eye catching was its red body. He looks weak.

Is he injured? I touched the little creature and I was right. There was a big wound on its back. It howled in pain before it lost his consciousness.

Out of panic, I carried it in my arms and rushed home to tend to its wounds. My home is not that far from the riverside.

What happened to him? This poor thing.

After cleaning him and his wound, I started wrapping a bandages around him. After a few minutes the nine tailed creature is still sleeping so I decided to make us some snacks. I bet he's hungry too.

When I got back from the kitchen, it was gone. I was looking for it around my room and heard its cries under my kitchen table.

How did he get here? He looks scared. I'm trying to reach him from the corner but he tried to bite me.

What should I do? I looked around and found the snack I made earlier. Maybe this will lure him out of there.

"Come here liitle one. " I said as I wave the snack in front of him, he started to come out and eat.

He looks calmed now.

Now, how will he go back?

Maybe he could stay here for a couple of days until he feels better.


So the day has come. I should take him back to where I found him but first, where is he?

"Little one?" I started calling him little one, it sounds cute, "Where are you? Its time to go home"

I found him outside running around the field, chasing a butterfly.

"Come here Little One, I'll take you back"

He run towards me and let me carry him.

While we were walking towards the river side in the woods where I usually spend my time, I heard a horse, or maybe I'm just imagining things? Ever since I started going there I've never ever seen a horse before.

Out of curiosity I walked towards where the sound was coming from and saw the horse.

Where's the rider?

I approached it but it panicked and in a blink of an eye a majestic sword was pointed on my neck.

A Man's POV

It's been days since I was tasked to find the King's nine tailed pet. I'm a Knight, I'm supposed to be saving the kingdom and chasing bad guys but instead I was assigned to find the King's pet.

I was going through the bushes when Barbiel, my horse, started making noises so I checked it out.

There I saw a someone holding a nine tailed creature.

The King's pet?

It is.

I pointed my sword towards...

...a girl?

A girl with purple eyes.

"Who are you? "


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please support my story. Thank you! Please comment down your thoughts and opinion about it!

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