
UNTOLD( Rewrite The Star)

She was at the bottom of something she doesn't know at all. Lying on the floor perhaps, waiting to be saved. The deeper you are sinking the darker it is.

Haru_06 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A Bizarre Thing

In the year 2021, surprising stuff appears on the earth. It creates a sudden commotion all over the realm. " A mysterious light" and truth to be told the humanity have different speculation about this unexpected glow that shines bright in the darkest night. Some people are startled, still, they are amazed by the beauty made by this unknown thing.

However, there is a clan that prays— thou shall they believe that it was a blessing among the sky, and some folks said that it was the end of the world. Furthermore, there is a lineage that said this prevails because of an eagerness of someone who's been longing for something they do not understand at all. Yet, some mortals take it as an element that will grant their wish.

An alien! That was made by aliens they will attack us! Quick! We need to be quick! Alien will invade us. – fears are written all over the man's expression while saying those words.

That's the wrath of the "God" people are being inhumane. They did something terrible to nature and society so that's the punishment. The world will come to an end. " Someone said."

The goddess mourns and it shall happen because of grief, and despair. "She yearns for something and the deity will grant her wish". –It was in the prophecy the seer said.

" I'm a mortal, " But now I realized that I wanted to be a star. – The boy suddenly murmur.

I always deserted myself to everyone. "I love to be alone, " but now? I wish— I could find someone who will stay by my side. –A whisper out of nowhere.


While the earth glows, shines, glimmers, or sparkling in that night, and it creates disturbances among the human species. The world where the girl lives in a millennium is still, "quite peaceful. " Although you can see how marvelous and magnificent her world is— there is no life. You can only catch a glimpse of her surroundings. You can notice how wonderful the sky but, you can only live by yourself. Affirmatively, that's indeed fantastic. Yet, you do not know how the girl survives in that kind of life. She was craving something new. She has this lonely existence. Living in a tower, and in a world she owns. Surely the inhabit she has been residing in, is a "paradise. " However, being alone contradicts the paradise you have been a dream of. Because even though you have all your needs and prosperity, if you are lonely— you will yearn for something you don't have and the deity is just a blessing in disguise for someone like her.

Are you sure little one? –The deity raised her question again. She still has this distress on her face while saying those words. Yet, her voice is cold like snow in the winter season.

I am! "Absolutely yes! this is something I wish for. " There's no point and there's no reason that it can change. – I said while wearing my smile; ear to ear using a high-pitched voice. It's happiness, a wish that will come true.

Tik- Tak- Tik- Tak The clock is tickling