

The test result came after 2 days. Mostly the test results took time cause of academic tests. Paper checking takes time. In comparison, the practical part was way easier to grade. 

All the students from 1 A passed the test. In fact, no one actually failed if passing both of academic and Practical tests is not counted. 

None failed in academic tests while only a few students failed in the practical hero test. With that said, everyone was happy, even those who failed the practical test, though not as much as others as they had to test recovery classes during the vacation.

'Suck to be them but who cares. I passed with flying colors.' Yuta had a bright smile on his face as he saw his report card. 


Meaning his score is the best among all the students in classes 1 A and 1 B combined. Isn't that awesome?

'I knew those hard hours of studying when others were either playing hero or working on their quirk would come in handy.' Yuta closed his eyes as he remembered those torturous times and then back to his report card to taste the fruit of his hard work. 

Completely forgetting that the majority of the reason why he got such a good mark was...

One is because he cheats with Sharingan. Though not actual cheating in the test itself but rather to memorise things. 

And Two becuase he fought against All Might and actually won. 

Well, that last one was actually something impressive. And that was the only reason UA overlooked the obviously wrong decision of fighting All Might instead of running away. 

After all, how many people can stay that they beat All Might in their life, let alone a fight? 

Even after the man was clearly holding back and was restrained due to those weights he attacked his limbs, the victory was an impressive one. And Yuta got full benefit of that. 




After the result came the one thing which Yuta expected so dearly. The long-anticipated date.

Though only now he realise that he has zero experience with girls, let alone a date. 

'What kind of clothes I should wear?

Should I buy a gift for her? Am I supposed to ?

Where to take her ?' 

Yuta's eyes widen when he starts pondering this thing. Now he was in a strange situation. He has no experience of what to do. 

So he quickly ran to the store and bought a few books on relationships and even open Jtube and look for relationship tips and tricks. 

Once again Sharingan came in handy and he was able to complete most of them in a day so that he implemented that advice. 

'I gotta say that most of the things in those books and on Jtube are pure bullshit. But few things could work.' Yuta pondered as he was in his room. 

In front of them was an entire map of the city which he stuck to his wall on the soft board with all the possible dating places marked with red pins. 

In his hands was the list of shops and destinations he could take the girl. And on his computer was compiling a code to find the best route they should take for their date. 

If anyone else had come to this dark room with this kind of setup, they would have thought that Yuta was planning a heist of some sort. 

He was brought out of his musing when he finally heard the printer making noise as the date plan came out of it. Casting a golden glow in the room making Yuta's eyes widen as the light was too much for his mortal eyes to bare. 

He looked at the paper and slowly took it, looking at it like he finally got the secret sauce.




The next day Yuta was standing in front of a cafe waiting for his date, he chose the location after meticulously finding where most of his friends lived and their travelling habits. He didn't want to run into any of those right here. He rather not have others know what going on between him and Toru if possible. 

Not only that a huge teasing material but in this hero's life, it's better that others don't know about a Hero's private life. Though Toru herself is a hero, but Yuta knew what kind of enemies he would be making in the future at the rate he was going. 

Soon he spotted clothes outlining a girl's porpotion body hovering in the air, coming towards him. 

"Yuta." Came the sweet voice as Yuta smiled back and activated his Sharingan to see the girl. He was wearing contacts again so no problem using Sharingan here out in the open. 

Toru was wearing a black sleeve t-shirt which hugged her figure perfectly, making all those curves the girl hiding usually, well not like she had a choice on the matter.

She was also wearing a darkish blue denim to go with that. And even a little rippon on her head. 

Yuta smiled seeing this, he by now has noticed that the girl actually likes to cover her skin entirely with clothes if possible. Making that a complete contrast with her Hero Costume if anyone understands my drift there. 

Yuta believes that this was a side reaction to her quirk. She does that so others can know that she is there.

Maybe this is both practically helpful for her but also emotionally as the girl surely would want to let others know that she also exists. 

"You are looking beautiful," Yuta said the tone was very honest. 

"Huff, at least say lies which are not so obvious." Toru huffed immediately as she heard him. 

In any other case calling a girl beautiful would be a good start but not with her.

"Hmm, but I am not lying. You are really looking beautiful." Yuta reply. 

"Oh, then what you found so beautiful about me." She asked with a dotting tone. Trying to tease him back, knowing that he won't have an answer.

"Well, I guess the very first thing is your huge blush which you are not even trying to hide." Yuta grins and replies. Immediately making Toru covers her face, feeling like he can see her. 

"What!... How how you know I was...

"I can tell. Though I can't see but I can feel you are happy. Wearing so many clothes to cover yourself also gives me a certain understanding of your body posture. 

And lastly and most importantly your voice. I can tell that you are really happy today unlike the fake cheer Toru of 3 days ago." Yuta bullshited but he did get a reaction out of the girl. 

She was wide-eyed, her shock was much apparent on her face.

"What nothing to say, let me guess, you are shocked and wide eyes. Hahaha.

I might not be able to see her but that doesn't mean that I can't know what are you feeling. Come on. 

It's just the start of the date. There is much we have to do today." Yuta smiles with confidence. That little trick surely impressed the girl. The plan starts well. Now just have to follow the plan. 



The date started with a good plan as Yuta planned the route so there wasn't much traffic, and thanks to his contact he even got tickets to a new hero movie.

The first place where the pair went was the theatre though the movie itself wasn't that great. It's okay at best.

But honestly looking at his surroundings, Yuta can hardly believe that others were there to watch the movie in the first place. The entire hall was filled with couples. Yuta knew that this gonna be awkward so he decided to act cool and only focus on the movie. Toru acted the same. 

Though with this Sharingan he noticed that Toru hardly was looking at the movie, rather she found the couple kissing on the side more interesting. 

Maybe she felt like no one would notice her glaring at them, which to her credit is right for the most part. If only she knew that her date could actually see her. 

After the movie, they went to the game parlour. Pretty fun to be honest. However he found that Toru was glancing at people who were taking selfies and photos.

Now Yuta could understand why the girl might feel bad. So Yuta tried his best to cheer her up. And seeing that by now she was so used to her condition that he developed a positive outlook on life. 

After that comes a little walk in which Yuta wants to hold the girl's hand, only for the girl to take action first. 

Toru too was blushing and nervous but slowly while they were walking to their next destination, she pulled up her courage to hold Yuta's hand. 

" Hmm, so Toru. I never asked you but why you wanted to be a Hero." Yuta started the small talk. 

" Huh ? ... Hmm, well I always wanted to be a Hero. I don't have a reason for that. 

I remember when I was small, I used to try a lot of cause when my quirk awakened, I could no longer even see myself. Let alone my parents or my friends. 

I almost went into depression. It went like that until I one day found how useful these powers are. 

It's when one of my friends was getting bullied. I saw it but couldn't do anything. It went on like that until one day I just couldn't take it anymore and recorded the kids who bullied her using my quirk.

Later when the recording was sent to their parents, they were seriously punished. That was when my friend told me that I could be a hero. 

That was the first time I saw my quirk actually being useful for once." Toru remembers her past. Seeing that Yuta was listening intently, she too went ahead and told her entire back story with that quirk of hers. 

"Hmm, I see." Yuta hmm, trying to find anything more to continue the talk, he also felt that the tense way she was holding his hand was now more relaxed. 

"What about you? Why you wanted to be a Hero ?" Toru was the one ask this, this time.

"Me ...Hmmm,

I actually never wanted to be a Hero." Yuta said as he could see the shopping mall at sight. 

"You didn't ?" Toru suddenly perks up, like hearing something interesting. 

"No, it's strange that now people ask me but I still to this date never planned to be a Hero. Or a proper hero for that matter. You see I don't have any problem doing this normal hero job. I infact would choose this over the mundane office work. I in fact fully intend to get my Hero license and become a Pro Hero.

But that doesn't mean that I join to be a Hero. I join UA to get stronger. I wanted to get stronger. That was the only goal, a problem which I was facing was that its illegal to use one quirk if we are not Pro Hero." Yuta said with a serious note there. 

"You just needed to get stronger. But why ?" Toru got curious. Yuta's answer was not what she was expecting at all. Yuta is much like those top students in the class. All dream to be a Pro Hero. So its especially surprising to hear him saying he never planned to become a Hero in the first place. 

"Well I developed my quirk very late, though now that is not clear considering how Nezu later told me that I most likely had the quirk but it needed a trigger to activate my power which I got way later in my life. 

Would you believe it if I say that I learned about my quirk only 10 months before UA?" Yuta say and to this, her eyes widen. 

"My entire school life I was bullied, even beaten. From a very early age when I realized that I didn't have any quirk, I devoted my time in getting stronger. But for those who have no powers in our society, its hard to survive. 

I work really hard to get stronger even without a quirk. Gym, self-defence, firearm practice with a water pistol, you name it. 

I give everything a try. 

What I want to say is that this was my ideology to survive and it's saved me. Well, most of the time at least. 

But then I came across that sludge monster before 10 months of joining UA. That was when I once again was remembered how weak I am. That if I don't get stronger than I most likely won't be able to survive. 

Thanks to that day, not only I activate my long-slumbering power but I also realised that getting stronger is the only way to survive. 

No matter whether it is a Hero or a normal Civilian, everyone must have the power to protect one self. 

That was why I joined UA." Yuta said as both of them arrived at the entrance of the Shopping Mall. 

"Wow, I never knew. 

So that's why you are so strong. Because you have been working hard since then." Toru looked fascinated. 

"Pretty much." Yuta just shrugged his shoulders.

That was not the history he was proud of much but it sure was the source of his motivation.

"Alright, let get in and get what we gonna need for the vacation." Yuta change the topic. 

But just then he felt a nudge from the side as Toru pulled her to the side.

"What.. what happened ?" 

"Shush, look there." Toru said as she pointed her finger at the direction of the shopping mall. 

Yuta follow her finger only to widen his eyes while internally there was alarms going on his head.

'Why they are here,' Yuta almost wanted to shout and ans but he restrained himself. 

He saw the entirety of class 1 A there.

'Why god. I did my homework like a good boy didn't I. Why you have to insert a plot twist. 

Why you can't see me happy for even a day. What possible wrong I ever did to you ?' Yuta wanted to thrash around like a kid, demanading answers but right wasn't the time. He can do that after he is at the safety of his room, away from the range of society for anyone to judge him. 


Not wanting their friends to know they were dating, Yuta and Toru quickly ducked into a nearby store. "We need to be careful, I told them that I'll be training in my free time" Yuta whispered, glancing around nervously.

Toru nodded, her invisible hand squeezing his, unlike the last time how she was holding it gently.

"Me too, I didn't tell anymore that I am going on a date. I told Momo that I got relatives coming over," Toru too said with a blush on her face. 

"Guess both of us don't want others knowing that we are going out, do we ?" Yuta chuckle. 

"No no no. It's not like that. I don't mind telling others that we are going out or anything like that. It's just I really don't want to say others that I am dating. It's honestly a little overwhelming..." Toru said but mid-sentence stopped, she thought that she was hurting Yuta's feelings.

"Relax, I understand. I too prefer keeping things secret for as long as possible. I don't like unneeded attention either." Yuta gave her a reassuring smile.

"Ah, that's a relief. So what do we do now ?" She asked. 

"Well we can go back, but we really need to get some shopping done. We dont have much time before the vacation starts and we will be leaving the city for a while as I remember. 

Not to mention there is no other shopping mall here either." Yuta states and to this even Toru frowns. 

She knew that he was right. They need the shopping done as soon as possible. They don't have much time. 

"Yeah," she nodded. 

Yuta suddenly noticed just how close both of them were, a blush started to creep up to his face.

"Alright, come on then. As long as we keep our distance from their group. There shouldn't be a problem." Yuta decided as grab her and move when he saw others already entered the place. 

"Are you sure ?" Toru was still a little hesitant. 

"Of course I am. If they even spot us then you can just quickly get out. Dont mind but it will be hard to notice you when you don't want others and I can always give the excuse that I too needed to get shopping done." Yuta grims and pulled her hand.

They moved from store to store, peeking out occasionally to make sure the coast was clear. At one point, they spotted Izuku and Ochaco heading their way. Panicking, they ducked behind a rack of clothes.

They held their breath as their friends passed by, chatting animatedly about their vacation plans. Once they were gone, Yuta and Toru hurried to another part of the mall.

The game of hide-and-seek continued, with Yuta and Toru skillfully dodging their classmates. They laughed quietly at their predicament, finding the situation both stressful and amusing. After a few close calls, they finally found a quiet café tucked away in a corner of the mall.

Breathing a sigh of relief, they sat down and ordered drinks, happy to have found a safe spot. "That was close," Yuta said, grinning.

Toru giggled. "Yeah, but it was kind of fun. Maybe next time, we should pick a quieter place for our date."

Yuta nodded in agreement, glad to have some peaceful time with Toru at last.

As Yuta sipped his coffee, he casually glanced around the café. His eyes widened when he noticed Izuku talking to a suspicious-looking man. Something about the man's posture and the way he seemed to be cornering Izuku set off alarm bells in Yuta's mind.

"Toru, I need to check something out," Yuta said, his tone suddenly serious. "Stay here, okay?"

Toru looked confused but nodded. "Okay..."

Yuta made his way quietly towards Izuku's direction outside the cafe, trying to blend in with the other people. As he got closer, he realized who the suspicious man was – the manchild himself, Tomura Shigaraki.

Shigaraki's presence here, in the middle of a busy mall, reminds Yuta about a small plot on the anime which he completely forgot. 


Yuta noticed that Shigaraki was holding Izuku captive by neck, using his body to block anyone from noticing what was happening. He could hear snippets of their conversation, with Shigaraki questioning Izuku about something.

Without drawing too much attention, he positioned himself just behind Shigaraki, so the man child wouldn't notice, Yuta got ready. The plan was simple, activate King Engine and for a few seconds make everyone stunned. That is when he saves Deku.



And surely it happened just like how he anticipated, releasing King Engine which was more powerful now by the way, stunned both Deku and Shigaraki (And pretty much everyone around them). That is when Yuta acted as he punched the man-child away in his daze.

"Yuta!" Izuku exclaimed, relief washing over his face as he saw his friend.

Yuta didn't reply, the punch Shigaraki got up pretty soon. Yuta didn't put much effort into that punch either. 

That was when the crowd around Yuta who fell in a dazed state due to King engine woke up and started making a commotion. 

Shigaraki stood up slowly, his eyes narrowing as he glared at Yuta. "It's you," he hissed, the anger he had shown looked kind of personal there. 

Before Shigaraki could make another move, Yuta stepped forward, ready to fight. But to his surprise, Shigaraki smirked and then turned to flee, realizing he was now exposed and outnumbered in a public place.

There was no stopping him either cause he wasn't the only one running. Other people were also causing chaos there.

Yuta and Izuku watched as Shigaraki disappeared into the chaos of the mall. The villain had managed to escape, but the immediate threat was over.

"Come on, get back to the others," Yuta said, guiding Izuku towards the exit of the café.

Toru who noticed the commotion immediately wanted to run towards Yuta but he said not to. 

Stopping her from exposing themselves. 

After that much happened just like the story as the police were called, Yuta secretly told Toru to go home for the day and that he would explain everything later on. 

While he himself has to talk with the Police and give reports on what happened.
