
Until You See Me, My Wife

While about to give a birthday surprise for her boyfriend, Flora Hadley was surprised by the fact that Tristan was having an affair behind with her bestfriend. Flora was disappointed, their relationship ends and when she was sad, she got an accident. Flora was unable to see the world after the accident. She had lost a lover, her father was disappointed on her and always blamed her bad luck. However, Flora's bad luck did not stop there. She was framed by her scheming bestfriend so that she had to spend one night's stand with a man. After knowing that both of them were framed, the misterious man finally decided to take responsibility and marry Flora even if by force. With his perfect disguised, the man was able to get Flora. Would Flora forgive her husband? Or did she start to open her heart when he turns soft and sweet?

Rizuki_Umi · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


The door was wide open. Flora walked out from her hiding place. The girl looked at the two lovebirds who were making out. Flora was so shocked that the girl did not make a sound.

Tristan was making out intimately with Valerie, one of Flora's close friends. Flora could not believe that one of her best friends could betray her. They were not even aware of the presence of Flora who was trying to hold back the tears.

"You are very sexy today, Val," Tristan said affectionately.

Flora's day was hit again by the fact that her fiancé was having an affair with her best friend. She even saw how the man crushed Valerie's lips. While walking, Flora accidentally nudged a book that was on a nearby table. The book fell and made a sound then made the two people who were making out to turn their heads.

"Flora?" Tristan mumbled in surprise. The man stared in disbelief that his lover was already standing with a hurt look at him.

Valerie turned around too. She also saw the face of his friend. Flora took a breath. She should not cry in front of those two traitors. She had to hold back her precious tears for a while.

"Flora. What are you doing here?" Tristan asked while pushing Valerie away who was fixing her clothes.

Flora now was freezed in front of Tristan's room. The man turned out to be lying with the business trip he said. Tristan just wanted to play with fire behind Flora who was always faithfully waiting for him.

"I should be the one asking that," Flora said, trying to remain calm.

Tristan walked over to Flora. The man could not t believe he had been caught red-handed by his lover.

"I can explain," he said.

"No. This is clear. You have betrayed behind my back. Thank you, Val. You are really a very good friend. You want to take good care of Tristan," Flora sneered.

Flora then turned to look at Tristan, her treacherous lover. The girl smiled sarcastically. "What are you going to say, Tristan? I've heard everything."

The long-haired beautiful girl tried to look strong. Then Tristan was silent for a while with his head down. The man's body trembled.

"Ha ha ha ha!" A sudden laugh came from Tristan's mouth. This man laughed in front of his injured lover.

"That's good. It's good that you know. I'm already tired of you, Flo!" Tristan pointed at Flora's face as he spoke. The man was now showing his true self.

"You're boring. For five years we've only kissed and never made love! What kind of man do you think I am? Or maybe you're not a virgin as you said by yourself? So you asked me to do it after we got married. And then I couldn't divorce you easily because of our marriage ties?" The man sneered with a mocking look.

Flora rolled her eyes. She cannot believe that Tristan was accusing her. Even though she really took care of herself for Tristan alone. Tristan was her first love.

"Mind your word!" Flora replied, did not accept what he said.


"Now I ask you. Do you wanna choose between us? Choose me or Valerie?" Flora asked then with a flushed face holding back disappointment.

Tristan folded his arms across his chest. The man gave him another mocking look. Then his right hand stretched back, letting Valerie to grab it.

"Of course I choose Valerie who can give everything to me. Just so you know, I actually don't like girls like you from the start. You are too naive," he scolded.

Valerie smiled, satisfied by hearing Tristan's words. Valerie hugged Tristan affectionately. While Flora had to see the bitterness of reality in front of her.

"Yes. And one more thing. Tristan was dating you just to take advantage of your intelligence. At least you can be useful in getting my Tristan for his graduation from the college." Valerie added with a painful mocking tone.

Flora held back her tears with all her might.

"Now we break up, Flo! This boring relationship was enough," Tristan said cruelly.

Flora rolled her eyes again. Her heart was too hurt. The birthday surprise that was supposed to be the glue of their relationship turned out to be the end of a five-year romance story'.

"Okay. I hope you guys were happy. Thank you for your betrayal! And happy twenty five, Tristan!" Flora was trying to be strong.

"And for you, Valerie. Congratulations on being a Tristan's Satisfying Girl!" She said in a condescending tone.

Unexpectedly, a slap landed on Flora's cheek. Tristan slapped Flora so hard that the girl's cheeks turned red. Flora grimaced in disbelief. The lover who had always been gentle, now slapped her.

"Enough, Flo! Now, get out of my place! You are disturbing us," Tristan said cruelly. The man chased the girl who had just become his ex-girlfriend.

"I will indeed leave this place!" Flora replied with a sharp gaze.

Flora gripped the straps of her bag tightly and turned around. A triumphant smile appeared on Valerie's face who was now clinging to Tristan. However, unexpectedly, Flora walked into Tristan's kitchen instead of the exit. The girl then threw her homemade birthday cake at the new couple.

"Good-bye, Traitors!" She exclaimed with an annoyed look.

"Damn you, Flora!" Valerie screamed but was ignored by Flora who walked briskly out of Tristan's luxury apartment.

Flora hurried away from the suffocating place. In the middle of the hallway, the girl stepped quickly and stopped at a fairly dark corner. Flora grabbed her cell phone again and dialed someone.

"Hello, Flo." A girl's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Darcy ...." Flora could not hold back her tears.

"Flora, what's wrong? what happened? why are you crying?" Darcy asked, sounding worried.

Flora drew her snot before replying with a sob. "Tristan ... Tristan has an affair with Valerie ...." At the end of the sentence, Flora burst into tears. The girl could not hold back her deep disappointment.

Her love for Tristan was so deep enough. Then, when the man betrayed him, of course her heart was very hurt. What's more, Flora had always sacrificed for that man. However, the pay back was truly cruel.

"What? What an asshole! That's it. Where are you now?"

"I'm in Tristan's apartment building," Flora replied in a sobbing voice.

"Alright. Wait there! I'll pick you up," Darcy commanded.

Flora immediately closed the call after agreeing to an offer from Darcy, her another best friend. The girl wiped her tears violently. Flora then walked out of the building to await Darcy's arrival. Flora walked in haste to arrive near a fairly deserted highway.

This girl crossed without looking left and right. Until from the other direction a car appeared unexpectedly. That was speeding towards her with no direction. Looked like the driver was under the alcohol or something.

Flora was surprised by the sudden turn up of the Porsche. The girl quickly tried to dodge, but unfortunately, she had to fall so that her head hit the pavement. The car owner stoped his car and was shocked by what happened.
