

Note:I know BTS till 2OI6 lived in one room together and slept on bunk beds but for my story I had to make it like they had a home where they slept in pairs and also have a guest room where the main character would sleep,also the main rooms like kitchen,bathroom,living room but don't imagine anything big as room.If it looks weird the room are 2 to the left 2 to the right and in the middle the living room(the kitchen and guest room is behind.)


   Kitchen|Guest room

Room(Jin,suga)                 Room(RM,Tae)

living room


Room(chim,hobi)          Room(Jungkook)


I woke up and felt someone holding my hand,I looked to my left and was jimin sleeping on the floor like a baby.

I guess he wanted company...if only that jerk photographer wasn't so rude towards him.

"Jimin...wake up."I softly whispered in  his ear and saw him slowly open his eyes.

"Goodmorning..."He said sleepily and got up from the floor."What time is it...?"He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"It's 8am."I answered and he nodded."Okay thanks sunny,I will go to my room now so the boys don't get the wrong idea."

Wrong idea?

"Sure,no problem."I waved him off and watched him leave the room.

I stood up from the bed and stretched a bit."It seems like I fell asleep last night,I wonder why they didn't wake me up."I asked myself and headed downstairs.

I walked to the kitchen and started making breakfast from the leftovers they had in the fridge.I thought it would be a good idea since they for let me sleep over.

"What is this smell?"Hoseok said as he walked in the kitched and waved his hand in front of the pan to smell.

"I am making pancakes."I answered as I placed the last stack of pancakes on the plate.

"Daebak!Did you really made all of this?"He looked at the plate suprised to see how many pancakes I made.

For your information it's 2I pancakes.

"Yes I made all of them so now go wake the others and come here to eat breakfast!"I pushed him outside the kitched and waved my spatoula around.

"Okay!"Hoseok said excitely and left to get the others.

I was smiling like an idiot until my vision became blurry.

Shit...it's happening again!

My head started throbbing and I closed my eyes as a reflex.When I opened them again I was laying om the bed with my hand held by jimin who was sleeping on the floor.

Huh?If I am here that means something happened while everyone was sleeping.

I stood up from the bed and picked jimin who was on the floor and placed him on the bed I was sleeping at,he flinched a bit in his Sleep but he didn't wake up.

Okay jimin was fine when I woke up and hoseok came in the kitchen so I need to check yoongi,jin,jungkook,namjoon and taehyung.

Jake had already told me about their rooms arrangement incase of an emergency so I started with yoongi/jin's room I walked in and saw them sleeping with a drawer in the middle of their beds to respect their privacy.I tried my best to not wake them up and stayed there,if something happened to them tonight I would be able to see it but if it's not them I will just time leap again.

A couple of minutes Passed and my vision became blurry making me leap back to the bed.

Okay they were not the ones who got hurt,now I need to check jungkook since he is the youngest out of all the members so he might be the one.

I placed jimin on the bed and went to jungkook's room.I walked in and saw him playing games.

Shit he is awake...

"H-hey jungkook."I said as cool as possible to hide my anxiety and thankfully he didn't notice cause he smiled to me."Hi sunny can't sleep?"

"Yes can I stay here with you?"I asked him and he agreed."Sure wanna watch me play?"

"Sure."I said and sat down next to him.

Okay let's wait and see.

I watched jungkook play his game and waited to see.After awhile my head started throbbing and in the blink of the eye I was back on the bed.

Fuck that means...

I placed jimin on the bed and went to the last room I had to check,taehyung's and namjoon room.I walked in and saw namjoon on the floor bleeding while taehyung fought with a masked man.

"Shit..."I sweared under my breath and run to Namjoon's side."Are you okay?!"

Namjoon looked at me and said in desbelief"Sunny?W-what are you doing here?"

"Shh..I am here to save you."I said and watched taehyung with the masked man.

"Who send you here?!" Taehyung yelled at the masked man while he tried his best not to let him free.

The masked man smirked and pointed at me."Why don't you ask her?"

"What do you mean ask HER?" Taehyung asked and looked over my side."Sunny?"

"Taehyung..."I trailed my words and see the masked man stab him."NOO!"

My vision started to get blurry as I saw him fall on the ground with Blood all over his shirt.The now called killer came towards me and namjoon's side,I tried my best to keep my eyes open and see as far as I could.

"Your turn." The killer said and stabbed namjoon and before I could do anything I blinked.

I was in the bed but this time I placed jimin on the bed as fast as I could and run to taehyung's and namjoon's room.I forcefully opened the door and walked in  caughting their attention.

"Sunny are you okay?" Namjoon asked but I pushed him aside.

"Ehm...sunny what are you doing here?" Taehyung tried to walk towards my side but I signaled him to Stop."sunny?"

"Namjoon,taehyung hide under your beds and whatever you do don't come out got it!?"I yelled at the guys and looked at the window.

"Okay..."Both of them said not understanding a thing and got under the bed.

Alright it's around time....come!

The exact next second the killer broke the window and flew inside the room.He saw me in front of him and smirked when he realised what I did.

"So you are the one I was told about...already hid them away to protect them right?"The killer said and laughed.

"Why are you here?"I asked and tried my best not to let my guard down.

"I think you already know..."He pointed at me."My mission is to kill you."The killer said and pulled a knife out of his pocket.

"Like I will let you do that!"I screamed and pushed him to the wall,he struggled a lot but I managed to grab his knife and throw it on my feet"WHO SEND YOU?"I asked but he didn't answer.

"TELL ME!"I pushed my hands harder on him and finally made him speak.

"I can't tell you who sended me but I can tell you I was send here to kill you."

"Yeah okay I got that part!But why KILL me?"I yelled and he looked at the boys under the bed,both of them widened their eyes when they saw him and felt scared."You are in the way thats why,we both know you don't belong here!I am just here to make sure you won't make it back!"

"...is that it?Let me ask you a question then before I kill you."

"Kill him?" Namjoon asked and looked terrorized by what I've said.

"Sure ask me but I don't promise I will answer."He said and I smirked." We will see about that."

I grabbed the knife with my free hand and before he could move I placed it to his neck."Was my and sunny's car accident not truly an accident but intentional?Was the person who sen$ you here to kill me also the one involved behind it?"

"Namjoon what does she mean by that?" Taehyung whispered to namjoon but namjoon signaled him to stay quiet."I don't know we will ask her later."

"He may or may not be the one who was involved on both accidents." He ironically answered and continued"You will never know..."


"Okay play time is over now."The killer said and kicked me in the stomach.I went to fall down on the floor but namjoon and taehyung caught me.

"We will see each other soon...Y/N!"He laughed and jumped out the window.

I stood there shocked and tried to calm myself,it took me a while but I managed to catch my breath up and be calm.

I got up and left the house leaving the guys without saying anything on the floor.They looked at each other really confused by the whole situation when I left and I'm sure they need an explanation but right now all I need is to be by myself.


I went to the nearest park and sat down in a swing.

sigh...what a night.

Thank god I saved taehyung and namjoon from dying but...I am really confused.

Why would anyone send someone to kill me?What have I done?Not only that he is also the one behind sunny's accident which make things more confusing,was this all planned to get me killed if that so why?Did they try to kill sunny thinking it was me...oh gosh if that's the case I feel really sorry for involving sunny into my mess.What am I going to do?

I was too deep into my thoughts I didn't realise the sun was already up.


"Oh hey...Jin?!"I almost yelled his name." What are you doing here?"

Jin sat in the swing next to me and spoke up."I woke up from your yells but the time I arrived in namjoon's and taehyung's room you were already gone."

"Yeah sorry about that..."I looked down and sighed."It's just some things that's been going on that I-"

"Sunny you don't need to tell me if you don't feel like it."He stood up and came in front of me,I saw his shadow to my feet and looked up."When you feel the time is right you can tell me okay?I will wait."Jin said and held me cheeks."You can cry now if you want I won't tell the others..."

I don't know why his words made me so sad,the moment he told me I can cry my tears started falling,maybe I was scared of showing me my weak side and waited for him to tell me it's okay to cry.

I held his shirt around his chest and leaned forewards leaving all my emotions that were bottled up inside my heart to the outside.I didn't talk I just cried and jin hugged me tightly while he patted my head."It's okay...I know it must have been hard..."He said reassuring me.

I am sorry for causing you trouble jin.


I finally manage to calm down and pulled away from jin."I am okay now Jin sorry for this."I stood up and bowed to him.

"You don't need to apologize we all have our hard times I totally understand." He waved his hand in front of his chest to show me it was okay."but the guys are really worried want to go back?"

"Yeah I left without explaining so they must be.Let's go!"I wiped my final tears and smiled,not a fake smile but a real one.

Jin took my hand and we went back to the dorm.Jin opened the door and everyone jumped from the couch who probably sat there anxious to see what will Happen and hugged me tightly.

"I thought you left us!"Jungkook said crying.

"I wouldn't do that...I just needed some air."I said and patted his head.

"Where was she?"Yoongi asked and even tho to the others he might looked like he didnt,I could see he was worries for me.

"She was at the Park sitting alone in the swings."Jin said and winked at me.

Thanks jin for not telling them.

"Guys I can't... Breath."I pretended like I couldn't breath and moved my hands around.

Everyone pulled away from the hug very scared but when they saw me laughing they also laughed.

"Good one sunny!"Hoseok chuckled.

"Thank you."

"Sorry guys to ruin the mood but we have to go to the studio and practice our dance.I will tell you everything when we come back."I showed them the time and told them.

"Yeah you are right,let's go."Namjoon said and all of us left the house.

Taehyung stayed a bit behind and watched me.I could feel his stare but i ignored it.

"Who are you?"Taehyung whispered to himself and followed us.


The rest of the day passe really smoothly,we went to the studio and the boys practiced their choreo while I stood in the corner.

There were a few glares here and there of worry but I always showed them I was fine,at some point of the choreo the guys Stopped.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

"We havent figured out the rest of the choreo."Hoseok wiped his sweat off his face.

"What do we do now...?"Jimin asked and everyone looked at each other

"I don't know..."Namjoon answered.

The song was on yoongi's phone so I went to him"Can I borrow your phone?"

Yoongi hesitated a bit but he gave it"Sure by why?"

"Okay guys..."I went to my purse and took my card out.Well mine in the mean time...jake gave me his card so I could live comfortable."Take this and go treat yourselfs."I gave namjoon the card.

"Huh?"Yoongi looked at me a bit weirded out"But why?"

"Just do as I say okay?"I ordered them and everyone nodded.

"We will be back in I hour."Jin said and left the studio.

I played the music over and over till it was stuck in my mind and moved around trying to think of a choreo.After awhile I managed to arrange the rest of the choreo so it would fit the lyrics but also easy to follow so the guys won't get so tired while perfoming.I practiced the final result till I heard the guys return.

"We are back..."Jungkook said as he walked in"OMG what Happened to you?Why are you so red?"

I chuckled at his comment and said"Nothing much...I just finished your choreo."

"Wait our choreo?You don't mean that..." Hoseok eyes widened and looked at me.

"Did you send us away so you could focus?"Yoongi asked and I nodded.

"Wow...sunny you are the best!" Jimin showed me a thumbs up and winked at me."that's our girl!"

"Okay now let's practice the choreo so we can go home." I pressed the music and showed them the dance.

They followed my lead and managed to learn it pretty quickly.They were a few mistake here and there but whenever that happened I would go to them and show them in a way to understand.

After practicing the final result for 2hours and polishing the moves everyone fell on the floor and breathed heavily.

"Damn..."Yoongi wiped his sweat of his head.

"Its harder than it looks."Hoseok said and smiled."Good job!"

"Thank you for teaching us the choreo and finishing it!"Namjoon smiled and helped me get up.

"No problem, let's go home now okay?"

"Okay." Taehyung said and we went home.

When we walked in everyone went to the living room and sat down to rest.I walked to the front and took a small breath.

I need to tell them.

"Guys as you may have heard from either namjoon or taehyung,they were attacked last night."

"Yeah we heard,they told us they were chasing you."Hoseok said.

"At first I was confused because when I woke up you were not there but the guys explained everything."Jimin said and looked at me.

"Alright good...now let me tell you my whole story but Please don't call me crazy or anything...I know it will sound weird but it's the truth."

"We are listening."Namjoon said.

"First things first,I am not sunny."

"What do you mean you are not sunny?" Taehyung asked suprised.

"My name is Y/N,I am from the 2OI9 and I have an ability name 'survival'.The reason I am calling this like that is because I go back in time 2-3 minutes before an accident happens to prevent it from happening.Good so far?"

"Wait if you travel 2-3minutes why are you here and also why do you look exactly like sunny?"Jimin asked shocked.

"I don't know how I am here cause like I told you I usually travel back 2-3minutes,I was on my way back from home when I got hit by a car and when I woke up I was in the hospital in 2OI3.At first I thought my body traveled back but I learned that wasn't the case,sunny got also hit by a car at the same time and my soul went in her body here."

"So where is sunny noona?" Jungkook asked.

"Sunny noona is in a coma inside this body,I am temporarely borrowing her body here.Me and jake search for a way for me to go back but after the studio photoshoot I haven't seen him at all...assuming he is busy."

"Wait let me get this straight,you are not sunny but someone who is borrowing her body while she is in a coma?" Jimin asked and I nodded.

"Well yes but no at the same time,I don't know how are we related in this but sunny's accident probably Happened because the one behind it thought it was me."

"What the fuck sunny got into an accident because of you?" Yoongi angrily said.

"I am really sorry for that but like I said I also don't know why all of this Happened.I don't know why would someone would want to kill me,or why I ended up here,all I understand is the reason I was sent this back is to save you guys from them."

"Them?Who?"Jin wondered.

"They know my ability and try to use it against me.The killer is probably someone from this timeline who knows about me or someone who has the same ability as me,I need to find him and return to my time."

"Wait can I ask you something?"Taehyung interrupted me.

"What is it?"

"Yesterday when we were in our room and walked in did you know what was going to Happen?"

"Yes...I had traveled 4 times in total,Since the first time I woke up I saw jimin sleeping next to me and hoseok in the kitchen while I cooked I knew they were not the ones that got hurt so I decided to go to jin and suga's room first.I waited but nothing Happened to them which made me travel where I went to jungkook's room who was playing games and stayed with him all night.Then I traveled back again and went to namjoon's and taehyung's room." I took a small breath "When I walked in namjoon was on the floor and taehyung fought with the killer,the killer caight him off guard and killed him in the end and then he killed namjoon too,I traveled back and...."

"Told us to hide under the bed."Namjoon murmured.

"That's right."

"That's why you were so eager to hide us and stared at the window." Taehyung connected the puzzles in his mind and realised."You saved us..."

"It was the least I could do after causing all of this trouble."

"So what are you going to do now?" Yoongi asked.

"For now I need to focus on being your manager while I find more about the whole situation,so Please for now focus on doing your scedule and practice cause you have your debut in less then a month probably, at least from what bang pd told me."

"That's right...it's already the end of April."

"Damn time Passes so quickly do we have a date of our debut?"Jimin asked.

"We don't know yet exact date but if we keep this up by the end of june we will debut."Namjoon answered.

"Okay we can call you Y/N right,since That your name."Namjoon asked.

"Yes." I smiled.

"Good,we will help you find more about your situation and focus on our debut okay?"Jin suggested and everyone agreed.

"Thank you."

"No problem let's go sleep now cause it's getting late."Yoongi said and went to his room."Goodnight."


And with that everyone went in their rooms to sleep, including myself.

Next chapter