
Until the last petal drops

What happens when Petals bumps into Torns? "What is wrong with you?!" he said in a voice that was loud enough to make everyone nearby, turn to look. "You've completely ruined my suit!" Kalina looked Dominique straight in the eye and said, "You know, you're not exactly winning any point in the manners department, Mr." Would the torn compliment the petal by completing its form as a beautiful rose, or would it rip the petal apart completely. Two souls from different worlds, faced with the same pain. They seek a comfort that seems like a foreign concept to them. When both worlds collide in a fury of harsh words rude remarks and arranged marriage, would they be the peace and happiness to the other like they both crave? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Don't look at me, even I don't know... but you can read to find out.

Mabel_Jay · Urban
Not enough ratings
165 Chs


"This place is so surreal" Kalina muttered under her breath in fascination.

Dominique couldn't suppress the chuckle that escaped his lips as he observed the mixture of fascination and surprise on Kalina's face. The mansion, with its dark allure, might have appeared daunting, but Dominique knew that beneath the intimidating exterior lay a masterpiece crafted by the best of the best, imported from Italy to bring his vision to life.

Yet, Kalina had only witnessed the facade of his grand residence. As they approached the back, a whole new realm unfolded before her eyes. A sprawling swimming pool captured the essence of elegance, seamlessly attached to an artificial waterfall that added a touch of tranquility to the surroundings. The pool house, standing gracefully beside the water feature, held an air of sophistication in its design.

The color palette remained faithful to the brooding theme, dominated by shades of black and grey. Despite the dark tones, the magnificence of the pool area was undeniable. The water, reflecting the ambient light, glistened with a subtle allure, inviting anyone daring enough to take a plunge into its depths.

Beyond the pool, the property extended into a vast expanse of tall trees, creating a natural border that stretched for miles. The woods, a testament to the expansive nature of Dominique's estate, provided a sense of seclusion and privacy. Every detail, from the carefully selected tree species to the meticulous landscaping, spoke of a commitment to both aesthetics and security.

The atmosphere was one of controlled grandeur, an intricate balance between the opulence of the pool area and the untamed beauty of the surrounding woods. As they approached the heart of the property, Dominique couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the seamless fusion of nature and man-made marvels on his estate.

Liam skillfully navigated the car to the garage, where the door, equipped with a sensor, smoothly opened upon scanning the vehicle. The interior of the garage resembled a high-end car showroom, a spectacle that left Kalina wide-eyed.

While not an avid car enthusiast, even Kalina couldn't deny the extravagance of the collection before her. Approximately thirty cars, each exuding opulence and precision, were neatly arranged within the expansive space. The air carried the scent of luxury, a mix of polished leather and the faint aroma of high-performance engines.

What struck her most was the uniformity in color – all the cars were adorned in varying shades of black. The subtle differences in the hues added a layer of sophistication to the collection, creating a visually striking scene that reflected Dominique's penchant for both elegance and cohesion. The meticulous arrangement of these high-end vehicles showcased a curated selection that hinted at Dominique's discerning taste.

As the garage door glided shut behind them, enclosing the impressive display of automotive excellence, Kalina couldn't help but marvel at the sleek machines surrounding her – a testament to the wealth and power encapsulated in Dominique's enigmatic world.

As Kalina stepped into the mansion, still lost in the opulence of the garage, she was led through a discreet door by Liam. Unbeknownst to her, he opened the car door and assisted her without breaking her trance.

"Thank you," she managed to utter, her eyes still reflecting the awe inspired by Dominique's car collection.

Inside the mansion, Dominique was engrossed in a phone call, his voice laced with a sharp edge that made Kalina flinch. "I don't care; just get it done!" he snapped at the unfortunate recipient on the other end, leaving her to ponder why he seemed perpetually angry.

"I do not pay you to give me excuses, I need that contract signed and on my table before Monday. I do not bloody care if you have to walk all the way to China, get it done!"

However, any fleeting thoughts were swiftly set aside as she entered the heart of the mansion. The interior was a symphony of luxury and brooding elegance, a manifestation of Dominique's taste for both opulence and seclusion.

The entrance hall greeted her with marble floors that led to a grand staircase, adorned with intricate wrought-iron railings. The walls were draped in rich, dark hues, creating an atmosphere of depth and mystery. Soft, ambient lighting highlighted carefully chosen pieces of contemporary art and sculptures, each contributing to the enigmatic aura of the space.

The furniture, predominantly in dark tones, boasted plush fabrics and sleek designs, offering a seamless blend of comfort and sophistication. A grand chandelier hung from the high ceiling, casting a warm glow that danced upon the carefully selected decor.

As she ventured further into the mansion, Kalina discovered private rooms adorned with deep mahogany furniture and large, ornate mirrors. The expansive windows framed picturesque views of the surrounding woods, further emphasizing the sense of isolation and exclusivity that dominated Dominique's home.

Every detail, from the choice of materials to the layout of the rooms, seemed meticulously curated to reflect the brooding billionaire's personality. The interior of the mansion whispered of wealth, power, and a deliberate inclination for seclusion – a cocoon of luxury that left Kalina in silent admiration, momentarily forgetting the sharpness of Dominique's exterior.

Dominique's voice, unexpected behind her, interrupted Kalina's exploration. "I see you have decided to make yourself at home," he remarked, and she jumped, turning to glare at him.

"You scared the crap out of me!" she exclaimed, a mix of surprise and irritation in her eyes.

"You should be more cautious of your surroundings," he cautioned, a hint of annoyance in his tone. She hadn't noticed him standing there for a couple of minutes.

"Well, you shouldn't sneak up on people," Kalina retorted, her eyes flashing with defiance as she shot Dominique a pointed glare. Her chin was held high, and her posture was tense, clearly indicating her displeasure.

Dominique felt a surge of anger, his jaw tightening as he gritted his teeth. Despite finding her free-spirited nature somewhat entertaining at times, he had little tolerance for disobedience or backtalk. He took a deep breath, forcing himself to maintain a composed expression, and reminded himself to focus on getting her settled in.

His eyes met hers briefly, a silent exchange of challenge and determination passing between them. Both were unwilling to back down, yet aware that now was not the time or place to engage in a heated argument.

"Anyways, follow me. Let me show you to your room so you can freshen up and rest for the day." With a curt nod, Dominique turned away, leading the way towards their destination, his mind already racing with plans and preparations.

They strolled down another corridor, this time leading to the west wing of the mansion. Dominique opened a door, revealing a room that matched the beauty of the rest of the house, showcasing how exquisite the color black could be.

The room boasted a balcony that offered a breathtaking view of the pool below and the endless stretch of woods. The furniture, predominantly in shades of black and grey, exuded a sophisticated elegance. Soft lighting accentuated the plush fabrics and sleek designs, creating an atmosphere of both comfort and luxury.

"This is where you'll be staying," Dominique informed her, his voice calm and measured. He added softly under his breath, "For now," but Kalina was too busy gawking at her surroundings to hear him.

He gestured towards a door on one side of the room. "The bathroom is that way," he said, his finger pointing in the direction of the door. Then he turned and pointed to another door on the opposite side. "And the walk-in closet is behind that door."

Dominique paused for a moment, his eyes meeting hers as he continued, "There isn't anything to wear there, but someone will bring in something for you to wear before you're done with your shower." His expression was neutral, masking any hint of annoyance or frustration he might be feeling. "We can sort out your wardrobe crisis tomorrow" he added.

"Okay, thanks," Kalina responded absentmindedly, her eyes still roaming around the room, taking in every detail. Her voice was distant, preoccupied with her surroundings rather than the information Dominique had just provided.

"Are you even listening to me?" Dominique questioned, his voice tinged with annoyance. His brows furrowed, and his eyes narrowed as he looked at her, clearly frustrated by her lack of attention.

"Yeah, sure," she responded absentmindedly, her eyes focused on something else entirely, completely unaware of the glare he was directing her way. Her tone was nonchalant, but her lack of engagement only served to further irritate him.

"Your dinner will be brought up to you. Have a good rest because tomorrow is going to be a long day," he stated before briskly walking out in annoyance.

The last statement seem to have gotten her attention because she finally snapped her head towards his retreating figure.

"What do you mean, a long day?" she called after him, but he ignored her and disappeared leaving her with unanswered questions. Frustrated, she muttered, "Ughhh, rude, arrogant, annoying, controlling jerk!" She stuck out her tongue at the closed door before going back to marveling at the beauty of the room that had become her temporary sanctuary.

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