
Until the last petal drops

What happens when Petals bumps into Torns? "What is wrong with you?!" he said in a voice that was loud enough to make everyone nearby, turn to look. "You've completely ruined my suit!" Kalina looked Dominique straight in the eye and said, "You know, you're not exactly winning any point in the manners department, Mr." Would the torn compliment the petal by completing its form as a beautiful rose, or would it rip the petal apart completely. Two souls from different worlds, faced with the same pain. They seek a comfort that seems like a foreign concept to them. When both worlds collide in a fury of harsh words rude remarks and arranged marriage, would they be the peace and happiness to the other like they both crave? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Don't look at me, even I don't know... but you can read to find out.

Mabel_Jay · Urban
Not enough ratings
165 Chs


Dominique's words lingered in the air, heavy with tension, as Kalina's sanctuary seemed to shrink around her. She braced herself, her heart pounding with apprehension, as she awaited Kalina's response.

"What do you want? How can I help you?" Kalina's voice trembled with a mixture of defiance and unease, her eyes locking onto Dominique's with a steely determination.

A sly grin danced across Dominique's lips, his gaze flickering around the flower shop with an air of casual arrogance. "You can't help me. I am the one that is going to help you," he declared, his tone laced with a hint of mystery.

With a sense of growing irritation, Kalina watched as Dominique sauntered around her sanctuary, his presence an unwelcome intrusion upon her solitude. She clenched her fists, the tension radiating from her as she struggled to maintain her composure.

Her breath caught in her throat as Dominique's eyes fell upon the eviction notice resting innocuously on her counter. A rush of panic surged through her veins, her sanctuary suddenly threatened by forces beyond her control.

A wicked smile tugged at the corners of Dominique's lips as he regarded Kalina with a predatory gleam in his eyes. "I have a proposition for you. Something that would benefit you and me," he murmured, his voice low and enticing.

Kalina recoiled, her resolve hardening as she faced Dominique's insidious offer. "I don't want to hear it," she spat, her voice quivering with indignation. "And I don't want to have anything to do with somebody like you. Get out."

With a final glare of defiance, Kalina stood her ground, her sanctuary a fortress against Dominique's calculated advances.

Dominique's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he roamed the flower shop, his fingers trailing lightly over the delicate petals of the blooms. Ignoring Kalina's demand for him to leave, he continued his leisurely exploration, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Trust me, you need this," he declared, his tone dripping with smug superiority. "Your business is crumbling, obviously."

Leaning casually against the counter, Dominique watched Kalina with a mixture of pride and amusement dancing in his eyes. "I can help you. I can give you money for your business," he offered smoothly, his voice oozing with false sincerity.

"But," he paused for dramatic effect, relishing in the power he held over her, "you just have to do one little thing for me in return."

His words hung in the air, pregnant with hidden implications, as Dominique concealed the true nature of his proposition behind a facade of generosity. And as Kalina hesitated, her sanctuary hanging in the balance, Dominique knew that he held all the cards in this dangerous game of manipulation.

Dominique's gaze lingered on Kalina, his smirk widening as he detected the flicker of intrigue in her eyes. With calculated precision, he continued to weave his web of deception, painting a tantalizing picture of opportunity and success.

"You see, my dear Kalina," he began, his voice smooth as silk, "I have the means to make your business not just popular in the city, but renowned across the entire world."

As he spoke, Dominique's hands moved with fluid grace, his gestures emphasizing the magnitude of his offer. He leaned in closer, his eyes locking onto Kalina's with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

"You could be the talk of the town, the envy of every other florist," he murmured, his words laced with the promise of fame and fortune. "And all it would take is a small favor from you."

Kalina's mind raced with conflicting emotions, her curiosity warring with her instinctive distrust of Dominique's motives. She fought to maintain her composure, her body tensing as she struggled to resist the allure of his tempting proposition.

But deep down, beneath the layers of skepticism and suspicion, a small seed of doubt began to take root in Kalina's mind. What if Dominique's offer could truly transform her business, catapulting her into a world of success beyond her wildest dreams?

As she grappled with her inner turmoil, Kalina couldn't help but wonder what exactly Dominique had in mind. Though she vowed to herself that she would never succumb to his manipulative schemes, the allure of his offer continued to beckon, a tantalizing glimpse of a brighter future just within her reach.

Kalina's suspicion radiated from every pore as she regarded Dominique with a calculating gaze, her eyes narrowed with mistrust. She knew all too well that with men like him, nothing came without strings attached.

With a sense of trepidation weighing heavily on her heart, she finally spoke, her voice tinged with skepticism. "Let's assume I accept, which I won't. What's the catch?"

A devilish smile danced across Dominique's lips, his eyes alight with a predatory gleam that sent a shiver down Kalina's spine. Despite herself, she couldn't deny the undeniable allure of his rugged features, the hardness of his exterior softened by an undeniable magnetism.

As she watched him, torn between repulsion and fascination.

Dominique stepped forward, closing the distance between himself and Kalina until they were mere inches apart. His eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that sent a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins. In that moment, he couldn't help but acknowledge the undeniable beauty of the woman standing before him – her fiery red hair framing her face, her piercing blue eyes holding a depth of determination that both intrigued and unnerved him.

As he gazed into her eyes, Dominique 's mind whirled with conflicting thoughts. Despite his outwardly domineering demeanor, he couldn't deny the appeal of having Kalina by his side – a formidable partner who would command respect in the eyes of the press and society alike.

With a mixture of determination and a hint of reluctance, Dominique's voice cut through the silence like a knife. "Marry me."

Lol…The nerve of Dominique am i right??

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