
Until The Last Agony

missqueeniiee · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

Yexel's POV

"YEXEL?!" she screamed and her face was still in shock. 

She remembered me. The girl I saved from falling on the ground three months ago. 

How can I forget her adorable face? Her long-wavy hair, her cute red cheeks, pinky lips, her soft light brown skin and her above my shoulder height. Lovely isn't? 

I thought there would never be a chance to meet her again. For the last three months, my friends and I were finding her in the campus and in all social media platforms

I still remember how epic we are on what we are doing. 


I could not still erase her adorable face in my mind. It feels like billions of hearts are dancing in my mind. 


I laughed, "Sorry, Bro!" 

Then we ended the game already because they were annoyed at me. 

"Tell us! What happened to you? Have you not been scolded by your Dad today?" then they both laughed and Niko continued to say, "You looked weird today,"

Niko and Jim are my best friends since I've entered college. Niko was studying Psychology and Jim was taking up Nursing. They both know how much my Dad pushed me in Electrical Engineering. They both know how much I sacrifice my dream for my Dad.

I sighed and said, "Well, I never imagined that I'm going to admire someone unexpectedly,"

"WHAT?!" they both asked with confusion. 

I shook my head and formed a smile, "I saved a girl yesterday," 

They made a small detailed eye look and started to tease me. 

"Did you get the name?!" Niko asked.

"Unluckily, not!" 

They both made a face-palm. 

"How can you find her if you do not know her name?!"

Then I showed them the sketch of her that I made on the phone. Hoping that they recognized her.

"She's familiar!" Jim assumed.

"Who is she?!" I gladly asked.

"I think she's my classmate's friend?!" 

Next day, we decided to follow the classmate of Jim. She's a chubby girl.

"Jim! Are you sure about this?" I asked.

"Yes! Yexel always remember that when you want to get something, there is always a way to get it,"

"Wow! Are you an expert?" 

Then he just formed a smile and shook his head. We followed the girl in the canteen, in the garden, and outside the school. 

I also remembered when we almost got punished by the discipline office because we stepped up on the fence of the school but unfortunately we never saw her friend. Until the school year ended, there was no sign of her. 

But then,

I think this last school year is my lucky year because I found her on my own. Thanks to the librarian! She asked me a favor to wake up this adorable woman in front me. 

"Are you Yexel, right?" she's blinking her eyes to assure who I am.

"Yeah. How do you know?" I pretended.

"You saved me three months ago!"

"I see. I never thought you would remember it," 

"Of course! How can I forget the person who saved my life," she stated while she was putting her things inside her bag. 

I shut my mouth and looked away to prevent my face from blushing. 

Few minutes later, she made a footsteps going downstairs of the library and I just followed her. After that, she turned her back on me.

She place her right hand in front of me and said, "By the way, I am Anna Ramirez,"

I slowly put my hand on her hand, "Yexel San Diego," then a shake hands was made with the both of us. 

Silence begins when we are both walking out of the school. The sound of cars and motorcycles are the only things that we can hear. 

I clear my throat and go near her. 

"So, are you already going home?" 

She lifted up her head and said, "Yhup. My mom is waiting for me,"

"Ohh. Hmm, since I s-saved you, can we have a d-drink for a moment?" I bravely offered. 

"Now? As in right now?!" she asked then I nodded. 

"Alright! Besides I need someone to talk," she deeply sighed.

I invited her to the nearest seven-eleven store and I offered her a soft drink and a cheese-burger. 

We found a seat outside so she placed her bag and food on the table. 

When I am about to eat my cheese-burger, I cannot take off my eyes on her. She's now making a ponytail on her hair. Why is she sparkling like the stars in my eyes? 

I looked away and pretended that I did not see what she's doing. 

"Yexel! Thanks for this," she mentioned as she sat beside me. 

"No problem! By the way, why are you sleeping in the library?" 

"Hmm. Honestly, I was devastated that time then I just fell asleep," she answered. 


Bitter-sweet smile showed on her face, "The manuscript of my story was rejected by a publishing company,"

"Are you a writer?" I asked in curiosity. 

"Yeah. I waited for three months then I was rejected. That hurts! You know,"

I chuckled, "You know what? Sometimes what we want is not always for us,"

She took a sip of her drink and said, "What do you mean?" 

"For example, I, myself, want to be a game developer but I think it is not for me because I don't have a chance to make it," 

"So you want to be a game developer?" she asked.

"Yeah. But my Dad doesn't want me to pursue it because he wants me to be an Engineer,"

"We're the same. We're both doing something that we don't want just for the sake of others but you're wrong. If you want to pursue something, there's always a way to do it and make it," she seriously said.

"That's why you're pursuing your dream?"

"Yhup. The rejection I've experienced right now is just part of the process," then a smile showed on her face. 

"Then why are you so sad earlier?" I asked. 

"Because that's what I feel. Sometimes we can never hide what we feel,"

I looked at her in the eyes, "You look like my mom," 

She pointed out herself, "Me?" Then she laughed. 

"Are you kidding?"

"No. I am not," I answered. 

"Alright. Can I see her picture?"

The smile on my face vanished because of what she asked for. 

"I don't have one. I'm sorry," 

"Why? Is there something wrong?" she asked again worriedly.

"I deleted her pictures. She died when I was kid from a car accident," 

"I'm sorry," she said sincerely.

"No. It's okay. I just mentioned it because I remembered her to you,"

"That's the first time that someone told me that I look like someone," she explained.

I simply laughed at what she said.

"So, what field of Engineering that you are studying?" She asked while we were still sitting on the bench. 

"Electrical Engineering," I answered.

"Does your mom also want it for you?"

"No. Mom told me to do what I want but when she passed away, my dad always blames me for her death. So to prove to him that I am a good son, I followed all his wants for me," I shared. 

"If I were you, I would follow myself. The best thing to do is to start doing what you want and make your father happy at the same time," then she stared at me and her dimples showed as she smiled.

We talked about a lot of things after we went to seven-eleven. I've learned that we are both in 4th year college and she's also studying in our school. Aside from that, I can tell that she's like a book. A book that has a lot of stories. A book that can inspire someone like me. 

I've known her more than anyone. My admiration for her is slowly blooming like a flower. 

"Yexel! Thank you!" she said when we stopped in front of a simple yet elegant house. 

"Is this your house?" 

"Yhup! Don't worry, I will make time to give back all your kindness,"

"You don't need to do that," I responded.

"No. Person like you needs someone who can talk and share your thoughts. I owe a lot to you," she seriously said.

"If that's what you want," then her sweet smile flashed on her face again.

"Alright!" then she unconsciously yawned in front of me. 

I chuckled and commanded, "Go! Get inside,"

"Bye! Take care! See you soon," and she waved her hand on me. 

Then the door of their house slowly swallows her and she eventually loses in my sight. 

"See you again, Anna!" I whispered to myself.
