
Chapter l: The day i met you

In what seems like a quiet lakeside view, there sat a lonely poet who writes and sings in hue.

Aprilynne Elizabeth Lee, a 19 year-old girl who has her life all in the hands of her writing. A poet who writes the beauty of the world, and a college student who studies hard for the sake of her future.

Whispers of the wind brought life to her souless fatigue, she wanted more instead of this boring cycle of a day.

Not a moment longer, and without a single thought about her steps, she followed the voices to wherever it was leading her.

What she didn't expect was... a boy. A young boy, one that had the looks of a lover she once had. A tall gentleman with brunette hair, soft features, and gold skin.

"How can this be? Why must he resemble every good aspect of Clark's charm?"

She thought to herself, remembering what her past lover once looked like, also leaving the mysterious man in confusion as to why she was deeply staring.

"Hello? Are you alright miss? do you seem to be lost?" The gentleman mumbled, clearly confused as to why his plenty has captured her gaze.

"Oh hi, and yes. Yes i am, I'm sorry for worrying you" She said under her breath right after swiftly running back to where she came from.

The gentleman thought to himself, if he was quite lucky to meet an ethereal and unique woman, or was it just fate. "I don't know what i feel, but it seems at first glance she either stole my heart or ordered it to be hers. I don't believe in love at first sight, but she has caught my attention."

The swift lady then finally arrived to where she stayed at moments before, puzzled and embarrassed as to how things quickly took a turn.

"I didn't know it could be possible, that not only did he have his looks, but also his stares and with much better grace." She thought to herself.

"Oh why am i thinking like this!? I thought i had moved on already, and it would be cruel to like a person just because they resemble the man you once loved!" She expressed deeply, wanting for this madness of a day to end.