
Until Next September

They say mimicry is the greatest form of flattery. But, her mimicry gave will. It gave life. As she let the mana flow from the palms of her hands, it created worlds. I could see vivid images of animals roaming, humans living, plants flourishing, creatures going through their own distinct lives. The images danced in front of my eyes in a menagerie of colors, indescribable to the human eye, like they were a clique of unique and bizarre animals caged in a zoo. I felt the hum of magic prickle my skin as if there was an electric current flowing through the air. I felt as if I were connected to each image and I could feel their very essence. I could feel what it was like to step foot in her world, a world that no longer exists. They had felt it. A special and harmonious feeling they haven’t felt since the beginning. It brought back those peaceful memories. They knew that someone had finally discovered the encyclopedia for a world that no longer existed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-2 chapters a week due to school and work currently. I plan to upload more but for now I'll upload more whenever I feel that the chapters are up to par. I hope you enjoy the story :)

AMementoToMori · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A Knight and Seven Raindrops

There once was something, and that something lived in a world of nothing. That something has always lived in nothing, forever alone. So it created company, a person, unlike you or me, they were perfect. They would need no food, no water, no sustenance but, they would live forever, forever with something. The two had each other's company for countless millennia. It was perfect, with nothing to compare it to. A relationship with no quarrels, arguments, or anything negative. They were earnest with each other, with no strings attached. Though one day, that person unlike you or me felt alone. They've always hid this feeling. Stuffing it deep down inside. They were made to please something. Something other than itself. And only something else existed. They wanted to have someone like how something had them. So they created the world. They created the plants to flourish in the world. They created the animals to eat the plants of the world. And they created something to rule over them all. Something that had a little bit of them in everyone. They named them Gods.


I've never been one to be seasick. The sway of the old rowboat was almost soothing. A constant motion in the world I could always rely on. But, the depths of the water would always haunt me. We loathfully float onward with a ripple of water below, our destination right ahead of us. Memories swarm back to me. The city of Sheol, a darkened cesspit of hasbeens, murderers, or anyone, anything cast out by society. Ruled over by Mistress Veil, a beautiful, conniving, and sadistic woman. Our mission, to rob her. Murder, if needed.

Her name held true. Not much was known about her besides her tyrannical rule over the dead city and the veil she always wore over her face. Only those who've had close encounters with her were those who willingly walk through her doors or those who were dragged, regardless they were never heard from again. Maybe she wore it to mourn the loss of those missing, maybe it was to hide from the birds who could sometimes be heard singing outside her doors.

"We have about 5 minutes till we reach the docks" announced Joshua. One of the scullers used to man our boat.

"How many orphans do you think we'll pick up this time, eh Joshua? snickers Matthew. Our second sculler. Brothers, odd pair the two are. One despondent and one full of disdain. They looked nearly identical with their brown hair, blue eyes, and sharp jawline. One of the few differences between them was how they kept their hair. Joshua, long and unkept. He didn't care much for himself, less for appearance. Hair always in his face, seemingly to hide the world from his view or maybe him from the world. Matthew, long and groomed. Like a flowing mane you would see on a stallion. He took extra care of his appearance almost like he was a suit of armor always in need of waxing and cleaning. Conceited beyond belief.

The real difference was in their eyes. Those deep blue, ocean-like eyes. Joshua looked so hopeless. There was nothing but pain in the depths of those eyes. They reminded me of a still pool, devoid of all life drying in the sun. Matthews though, they were like a torrent. Crashing and breaking things in its way. Only anger propelled the water, but it was as if someone was drowning beneath the current. Never to be seen again.

"We're not here to adopt dirty children in even dirtier clothing. We're here to steal the ring of songbirds" proclaimed Arthur. My partner for this mission. A hulking man around the size of 2m with green eyes, golden hair and curly locks that fall short of his shoulders. Similar to a prince that you would see in fairytales.

He was anything but. I watched him choke the life out of a fully equipped warrior with his bare hands. He seemed to have some sort of sadistic fascination for it. The perverted smile he wore, watching the man struggle for his life.He was relishing every moment. Kicking, punching, yelling, anything that the warrior did was only met with that unchanging smile. It only took seconds for the warrior to accept that his last breath was fleeting. He was more of a demon. He was my partner.

After a long journey, we finally arrived at the docks. The gentle mist of the sea carried away by the unyielding soot in the air. Some sort of magical explosions in the depths of the coal mines of the city. A new plague to bear down upon this God forsaken city. A new way to add to the death counts of Sheol. So many people were dead on the streets. Men murdered each other to feed their children with what little money they gained. Women prostituting themselves trying to afford what little luxury they could only to be found dead on the streets a day later. But, the children had it worse. There were so many orphans that littered the streets. Easily outweighing the adult population 3:1. All alone and sickly with whatever disease had clung to them. It wasn't rare to turn a corner and see a child coughing their lungs out. It was only slightly rarer than to see that child stop breathing after they were done. No one truly cared for the children. They were only another mouth to feed in a place where people had to kill to find their next meal. Some had even started to resort to murder themselves. Ganging up on people who were alone in alleys or abandoned streets and stabbing them repeatedly with whatever sharp object they could find. Dozens, hundreds of stabs until their victim stopped breathing. But, the kids were no match for the real murderers of this place. They're what really turned this place into the city of the dead.

Joshua and Matthew gently guided the rowboat to one of the edges of the docks. Joshua stood and threw the anchor off the boat. He turned to us, depression seemingly weighing on his life and slurred, "We're here." There were rarely any ships. None wanted to associate with the lifeless streets of Sheol or the bums that inhabited it.

Arthur stood from the boat and stepped onto the docks. With one inhale of the compromised air, he looked back to me, "Speaking of dirty, Mori, we have a job. If you wanna dream so much about the water go drown in it."

I looked towards the darkened city and stood with a bit of reluctance. I grip my weapon a bit tighter in my hand. A long, blackened, metal spear. Almost like it was left in a fire to be destroyed and forgotten. It was freezing to the touch. Frostbite cursed it permanently. My gaze slowly shifts from the city that lays before me to my malicious natured partner, "Lets go. My hands are getting cold."

The birds had stopped singing around Veil's estate. She hadn't noticed while on another of her casual walks on her grounds.Sitting atop the hills looking over the city. Like how a king would look down upon his servants. The place was a lot bigger without her husband here, almost lonely. Though, while continuing her stroll, what she did notice was the uncomfortable chill in the air. It seemed to grow cooler by the minute. Then she noticed there were no sounds, no birds, no anything. As is if her whole estate was now devoid of anything by that spine-tickling cold. Something was wrong.

She rushed to her garden, crushing over her chrysanthemums with her large boots, which overlooked the city. Though, it looked the same, stained buildings, polluted air, devoid of anything which would bring joy, it looked… wintry. Like overlooking a valley covered in ice and snow. It felt wrong, unnatural. Like the cold embrace of death but, she was alive. She needed to get the ring. It felt as if something truly maleficent was approaching.

Like it ? Add to library!This is my first time posting a story so there are gonna be mistakes, I apologize in advance. Though I have a love for the things I write and I hope you'll have love for them too.

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