
Untamed the heavenly war

The guanyin temple was destroyed and Jin guang yao was also killed .All his truth came out about what he had done together with xue yang and Suh she. All the allegations against Wei Ying(courtesy name wuxian) proved to be wrong. lan wangji was very happy, finally his and Wei Ying life was going to pass peacefully and happily. ( happened in the last episode in the untamed series) They and the little apple were traveling together but Suddenly wei wuxian stopped at the place and looking at wangji and said lan Zhan gusu is on the other side and I have to go to this side will you walk with me forever. Wangji Says you want me to travel with you.wei Ying says even before wangji words are finished, it's okay if you don't want to go lan Zhan it's Looks like our paths really parted now. Anyway, lan Zhan now you have a lots of of responsibilities, they both play their song there for the last time, the wangji had tears in his eyes.And wei Ying does not even look at him and turns to the other side and says now you should go towards the cloud recesses and starts moving in the other direction. and he leaves from there and reaches a high hill and starts playing a wuji on his flute with a sad smile today thinks if i looked back now i could never leave you maybe you don't feel for me the way i do for you lan Zhan.Maybe you don't see me the way I see you.Never mind, my life's journey will continue with your memories lan Zhan. he Was unable to control his feelings and just playing the flute without stopping, he too had tears in his eyes. wangji was not in a condition to say anything when he heard the sound of flute which was very painful. he understood what wei ying wanted to say to him wangji Wangji suddenly starts running.There were tears in his eyes, he calls out loudly wei ying's name He was just looking for her while running. He was looking for her like crazy. He understood what the wei ying wanted to say to him, he just wanted to confirm it. On the other side the wei ying was playing his flute on the top of the mountain. He was so sad that he was just playing the flute without stopping. Then he heard a voice that called his name. wei ying...... He turns back and smiles. This is where my story starts If you want to know more then please read the story. auther( pov) This story of mine begins from where the untamed series ends. Do you remember the last episode of the untamed series? When the wei ying and the wangji had gone in different directions. wei ying was playing the flute standing on the top of a mountain. And then he heard a voice when someone called his name. and he turns back and smiles. (the last scene of the last episode This story starts right from that moment (This story is the next part of the untamed series. where it is told what happened in the untamed after the last episode.This story is my FanFiction, it has nothing to do with the original story and drama. So please don't take it to heart and forgive me if there is any mistake.) Further in the story people will pray to heaven to kill the yilling patriach. and the immortal gods will call him to heaven to judge the yilling patriach. Where many secrets will be revealed, the secret of 13 years ago . What happened when the yilling patriach died after falling from the hill on the night of never night where was he for years after that. The secret of the attack on heaven 13 years ago The secret of heaven's old tales will be revealed. wangji will have to lose the wei ying once again.he will die before his eyes, He discovers a way by which he could have brought wei ying back to life. He has to become an immortal god in order to bring the wei ying back to life. He would be willing to do anything to get wei ying back. Meanwhile, many secrets will be revealed. And then one last war, a heavenly war. after which everything will be over. To know what happens to their love next, read the story as it is a long story. full of secrets. (I hope you will enjoy it)

any_yn · Fantasy
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13 Chs

his soul is disappearing

some time ago

When wei Ying fell into the water,He suddenly opened his eyes and saw that he was drowning in water.

he tried to save himself But at the same time some voices started coming to him.to that sound of crying to screaming And the sound of asking for help.He began to see his past.and he just started drowning I was slowly going into the depths of the water.And suddenly he closed his eyes and stopped trying to save himself.His head was filled with the echo of many voices.

in the present time

The immortal wenshen and lan wangji reach the xue yinghua palace(blood cherry blossom Palace) with the wei Ying where they find the goddess Yue lao (goddess of love) Wangji greets her. and ask permission to enter The palace. goddess Yuelao allows them to come inside. The immortal wenshen and the goddess Yuelao take the wangji and the wei Ying to a room and ask them to stay there.

Then the eyes of the immortal wenshen fall on the wei Ying, he suddenly gets shocked but does not express it.he looked very confused It is now understood what the divine physician had pointed to him.and they quickly move towards the western palace

Here in the Northern huang lianhua palace all the guests are sent to the room.But lan xichen looks very upset, he wants to know what is happening.He quickly reaches the divine physician, he asks him what is happening to the young master wei , I saw you at that time, you looked very upset after seeing him.And you gave some hints to the immortal wenshen, would you please tell me what's going on?

Just then the immortal wenshen comes there and asks the divine physician huatao, is what I am thinking is true.Is what I saw true?

Define physician huatao says yes

Just then lan xichen says I am sorry for interrupting but will you tell me also what is happening please.

The immortal wenshen says that even we do not understand what is happening. Divine physician huatao says yes I have also seen this for the first time

The wei wuxian's spirit is slowly disappearing from his body And we don't know where that soul is going as if someone is pulling it out of that body We saw his soul slowly disappearing from the body And the answer is we don't know what's going to happen now But we know this much if that soul has been outside its body for a long time..

After saying that. the immortal wenshend and the divine physician become silent.

Lan xichen understands what he wants to say, lan xichen says that it's cannot happen, just now they started their life together.you have to find a way lan xichen starts seeking for help from the immortal wenshen and the divine physician huatao.

The divine physician says we can't see where his soul is disappearing We don't know where he is disappearing. it is just slowly disappearing If we know where his soul is going, then we can send him back to his body.

Wei Ying opens his eyes he was still drowned in the same pond He sees why the water around him is passing through his body He understands that he is not in his body.

He also thinks what he should do when suddenly he feels that someone is dragging him into the water.He slowly starts moving towards the water and keeps on drowning.

Here in the northern palace, lan xichen asks the divine physician and the immortal wenshen to not tell this to anyone, especially the wangji.