

TW: DARK ROMANCE FANTASY ================ He was Chaos, the shattering soul that was deemed to wreak havoc and the cause of thousands of deaths. Fear was a cloak that engulfed his existence. He didn’t want anything except to find every piece of his damn soul, until the little white wolf entered his life. He wanted her. Chaos didn’t care if he had to spill blood more than necessary, still he wanted her. “You will put yourself in a battle against them,” He said begrudgingly. “Give up the girl.” Yet, he stared into his eyes and he knew he wouldn’t be able to change his decision, as if it was already written on the stone. “The girl stays. Touch her and I will show them what Chaos is.”

jikanyotomare · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
575 Chs


"Say it again and I will claim your soul." Chaos was dead serious when he said that. He was not someone to throw empty threats at his opponent, but he would do exactly what he said.

Therefore, one sentence from him was enough to make Knox stop talking, but he glared at Chaos for saying such a thing.

Claiming his soul, it meant he would cease to exist, he wouldn't be in this realm anymore nor would there be anyone that remembers him.

All the memories about him would be wiped out from all the people that knew him, completely. This was one of the reasons why there was not much uproar when people suddenly disappeared, as no one would remember them, because those shattered souls were not meant to exist in the first place.

Though there were some rare cases, there were one or two people that still remembered the shattered soul.