

TW: DARK ROMANCE FANTASY ================ He was Chaos, the shattering soul that was deemed to wreak havoc and the cause of thousands of deaths. Fear was a cloak that engulfed his existence. He didn’t want anything except to find every piece of his damn soul, until the little white wolf entered his life. He wanted her. Chaos didn’t care if he had to spill blood more than necessary, still he wanted her. “You will put yourself in a battle against them,” He said begrudgingly. “Give up the girl.” Yet, he stared into his eyes and he knew he wouldn’t be able to change his decision, as if it was already written on the stone. “The girl stays. Touch her and I will show them what Chaos is.”

jikanyotomare · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
575 Chs


River looked at Gael closely. The man looked handsome and very emotional when he introduced himself to her earlier. He kept staring at her and this made her a little bit nervous. "You are really my father?"

"Yes," Gael replied immediately, and looked at her gently. How old was she right now? She must be fourteen now.

Fourteen years had passed, fourteen years of continuous failures because he couldn't get his daughter back sooner. He had missed her first step, her first words, her first everything.

Gael felt he had failed as a father to his daughter.

On the other hand, River didn't seem too pleased when she heard that. Her nose scrunched up. "If you really are my father, why didn't you come to save me? They hurt me…" She remembered all the things that those people had done to her, to the smallest detail, from the moment they separated her from her mother. "They hurt me, but you did not come."