

TW: DARK ROMANCE FANTASY ================ He was Chaos, the shattering soul that was deemed to wreak havoc and the cause of thousands of deaths. Fear was a cloak that engulfed his existence. He didn’t want anything except to find every piece of his damn soul, until the little white wolf entered his life. He wanted her. Chaos didn’t care if he had to spill blood more than necessary, still he wanted her. “You will put yourself in a battle against them,” He said begrudgingly. “Give up the girl.” Yet, he stared into his eyes and he knew he wouldn’t be able to change his decision, as if it was already written on the stone. “The girl stays. Touch her and I will show them what Chaos is.”

jikanyotomare · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
575 Chs


Zuri was sure that a moment ago she was still staring at the alpha of the black wolf pack, a man with long red hair and a scar on his left cheek, probably a result of a battle or a fight.


It was rare to see a shifter with a scar, since their healing ability was top notch.


However, a second later, Zuri was no longer there. She was in a completely different place. She was staring at a river, while opposite of this calm river someone was holding a ceremony. 


Zuri looked around her, but she couldn't find Knox nor Gael, not even Chaos. Where did they go? She looked confused.


They were surrounded by dozens of warriors and beasts from the black wolf pack only a second ago, but right now she was alone on the other side of the river, while she was staring at a strange, but familiar ceremony before her eyes.