

TW: DARK ROMANCE FANTASY ================ He was Chaos, the shattering soul that was deemed to wreak havoc and the cause of thousands of deaths. Fear was a cloak that engulfed his existence. He didn’t want anything except to find every piece of his damn soul, until the little white wolf entered his life. He wanted her. Chaos didn’t care if he had to spill blood more than necessary, still he wanted her. “You will put yourself in a battle against them,” He said begrudgingly. “Give up the girl.” Yet, he stared into his eyes and he knew he wouldn’t be able to change his decision, as if it was already written on the stone. “The girl stays. Touch her and I will show them what Chaos is.”

jikanyotomare · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
575 Chs


It was July's last movie before she decided to call it a break.

She didn't attend any events nor did she post anything on her social media. She disappeared like a ghost which left people wondering about her.

Yet, the news about her disappearance would never last longer than the news about people who died in the attack of the supernatural creatures.

And during that time, July secluded herself in her own apartment, not even bothering to pick up any phone call or replying to any messages from her friends, who were worried about her condition, since they didn't know what happened to her.

The rumor about her dating Knox McKeltar had long been forgotten, since there was not much evidence of it.

And now, after more than five months, July was completely alone in her own world, waiting without any certainty…

Until one night, she felt his presence. Someone was watching her from the dark.